'40 non-Bahamians a day' being picked up by immigration staff


Tribune Chief Reporter


IMMIGRATION officials yesterday estimated that an average of 40 undocumented non-Bahamians have been picked up daily in New Providence since new resident regulations were implemented on November 1.

Kirklyn Neely, officer in charge of enforcement, told The Tribune that the Department of Immigration conducts checks at least four times a week, and have apprehended as many as 60 people in one day.

“We go out every day,” Mr Neely said, “not in big numbers. If we go out in big numbers then we would carry the police or the defence force, but this is every day. We go out four times a week, and we apprehend anywhere between 40 to 50, sometimes 60 persons a day.”

Mr Neely spoke to The Tribune by telephone while at the Lynden Pindling International Airport, where he received 19 Chinese nationals, and one Jamaican, who were picked up in Freeport.

The Department of Immigration deported 228 Haitian nationals on two Bahamas Air flights yesterday.

According to Mr Neely, there are around 108 Haitians remaining at the Carmichael Road Detention Centre. He also confirmed reports that 23 Haitians were picked in Abaco after an illegal landing.

Yesterday’s deportation exercise follows reports that talks with two major international organisations over the government’s controversial new immigration restrictions were postponed.

Foreign Affairs Fred Mitchell said he may meet with the secretary general of the Organisation of American States (OAS) and the CARICOM caucus next week instead.

This comes after OAS Secretary General Jose Miguel Insulza expressed concern about the country’s “rounding up” of illegal immigrants in a Jamaican newspaper.

On Tuesday, Philip Miller, acting permanent secretary in the Department of Immigration, sent a letter to the editor of the Jamaica Observer refuting assertions outlined in the article published last week about the government’s new immigration policy.

Of the several new immigration policies implemented on November 1, however, the mandate that everyone living in the Bahamas must have a passport of their nationality has proved to be the most contentious.

The measures were announced in the House of Assembly on September 17 by Mr Mitchell.

While the Bahamas government has maintained that the new policy is non-discriminatory, human rights groups have severely criticised the move as it directly impacts the largely undocumented community of Haitian migrants – many of whom were born in the Bahamas.

Incensed by photos of children being led away by immigration officers, Daphne Campbell, a Democrat in the Florida House of Representatives, called for tourists and international businesses to boycott the country.

Human rights groups that have expressed concerns over the new policy include Amnesty International, Robert F Kennedy Centre for Justice and Human Rights, and the Grand Bahama Human Rights Association.

Mr Mitchell has maintained that controversy and international criticism has been fuelled by misinformation, adding that the backlash was a tactical effort sparked by sensationalist human rights activists.

Last week, the United Association of Haitians and Bahamians released recommendations to the government about revising the new policies that includes extending the time frame to six months for Haitians to acquire their passports and other documentation.


asiseeit says...

At last a government organization doing it's job. Well done! Keep it up.

Posted 27 November 2014, 2:58 p.m. Suggest removal

SouthB says...

These people are most likely on their way to America to try to get themselves some amnesty that the president here is passing out...but, that could not be the case because we were told that giving amnesty or free passes into and to stay in the United States does not begat more of the same (end sarc).

Posted 27 November 2014, 7:49 p.m. Suggest removal

MaLambee says...

Good job Immigration Department!! Now Police should be out there the same way to get rid of the criminals on the street and the people of the country stay on top of the criminals in parliament so that they too can pay their taxes, electricity bills and mortgages The future can be brighter. By the way am writing this in the dark even though BEC was paid in full.

Posted 27 November 2014, 8:44 p.m. Suggest removal

jusscoolin says...

Breaking News! Daphne Campbell, a Florida state representative of Haitian descent, who called for a boycott of the Bahamas has actually failed . Out of the 1364 comments posted on an article by Yahoo " Bahamas fends off critics over new migrant rules". The majority were for The Bahamas on immigration rules and actions ( http://news.yahoo.com/bahamas-fends-off… ) Bahamians are sick and tired of what's going on here and American's feel the same way. We have too check the comments it's very encouraging!

Posted 27 November 2014, 9:26 p.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

A Govt agency doing its job. Wow, who would have thunk it?

Posted 27 November 2014, 9:27 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Dam illegal Haitians sneak into the Bahamas on leaky boats in the dead of night with their children, enroll them in schools, get free medical & social services, take jobs from citizens, commit all manner of crimes then hide out in the bush and shanty towns.

These people are simply parasites that the Bahamas cannot afford.

It is more cost efficient for government to send ALL ILLEGAL HAITIANS BACK TO HAITI than to pay for their education, health care, social services etc, not to mention the heavy burden Haitians cause on foreign reserves by repatriating every dollar to help bring in even more parasites.

To add insult to injury, after decades of giving them all we could afford and because we WILL NOT give Haitians our country they are now doing all they can to destroy the Bahamas internationally..... What an ungrateful, untrustworthy people.


Posted 27 November 2014, 10:20 p.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

I think the Government should start a new tax to obtain money from the Bahamian people to help pay for all the goods and services needed to support the Haitian community. Only a new tax will provide enough money for this. Oh, wait, I'm too late. They already thought of a new tax for it. THE VAT !!!!!! LOL. Silly Bahamians, suckered again !!!!

Posted 28 November 2014, 9:21 a.m. Suggest removal

Veaney says...


We have 3 million illegals haitians-mañeses in the DR

Posted 28 November 2014, 7:37 a.m. Suggest removal

Arrow says...

Immigration department keep up the good work! Just one thing what about capturing and sending back the many undocumented illegal Jamaicans, working in the homes of many affluent Bahamians. I have never heard a Haitian bad mouth the Bahamas but Jamaicans do it all the time and if here illegally please leave!

Posted 28 November 2014, 12:49 p.m. Suggest removal

jamaicaproud says...

You sound like a Nazi. Your Hatian Grandmother must be so mad at you.

Posted 28 November 2014, 1:42 p.m. Suggest removal

MaLambee says...

Yes don't forget the Jamaicans. They are more ungrateful than the haitians and actually badmouth the country and its people every chance the get. For the most part, the are just nasty opportunist who think that they are so smart. Ship them out too.

Posted 28 November 2014, 3:10 p.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...

So true.We have to also blame some of our Bahamian people who get swing into marrying them.They use all kinds of manipulative ways,destroying homes and then kick the misguided,blinded spouse to the curb once they get status.You will hardly ever see Chinese or Phillipinos marrying outside their race.Now that most Bahamians have seen the disgusting,destructive,putrid remarks that most of them have toward us just because of this immigration reform I hope they will open their blinded eyes.

Posted 28 November 2014, 4:16 p.m. Suggest removal

jamaicaproud says...

Is that what you guys do? Wake up everyday thinking about "Foreigners"?

Posted 29 November 2014, 10:56 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Haven't you noticed there is NOTHING TO DO HERE?

Posted 29 November 2014, 3:07 p.m. Suggest removal

jamaicaproud says...

No never been there was thinking of a vacation, there to see somewhere different, but I don't want to be picked up in a sweep when i should be enjoying myself.

Posted 29 November 2014, 7:59 p.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...

Yeah because if we give you an inch you will take a mile.

Posted 1 December 2014, 9:33 a.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...

Jamaica proud ................... when your country was rich in the 1950s and 1960s, we were poor. Now the opposite is true ............. its not our fault that your country wasted its wealth. We must learn from your mistakes .............. thats the challenge.

Posted 29 November 2014, 11:25 a.m. Suggest removal

jamaicaproud says...

Jamaica was never rich. Only on paper, so I will correct that. The majority of the people have always been poor. On paper there were balanced budgets and what not but don't kid yourself, The Jamaican populace in general has never ever seen any sustained period of prosperity. So that being said no need getting into a you versus me. I have nothing against Bahamians. However since you have issued the challenge, its sad that you guys sit in "prosperity", and squander the opportunities available.

Posted 29 November 2014, 12:51 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

@Jamaicaproud-See you are back in the Bahamas. You must love it here :)

Posted 30 November 2014, 7:25 a.m. Suggest removal

jamaicaproud says...

EMAC Hello, Happy Sunday. I have been all over the world never been to the Bahamas yet. Andros island does pique my interest though. Casinos, and water slides are not my thing. However the open expanse of Andros does appeal. I do fear though, that I may be picked up in a sweep so I will pass.

Posted 30 November 2014, 4:26 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

Happy Sunday to you too jamaicaproud. Andros!!! Great choice. That is the place where I was born. And you are right. It is a beautiful place. The negative vibes you are referring is Nassau, the capital. Remember the capital city of a country never really reflects the true picture of that country.

Posted 30 November 2014, 4:57 p.m. Suggest removal

jamaicaproud says...

Is there any particular reason why Andros was never populated, or developed?

Posted 2 December 2014, 1:25 p.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...

Jamaica will soon be rich selling the Bob Marley special (marijuana) to the world

Posted 30 November 2014, 12:55 p.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...


Posted 1 December 2014, 9:34 a.m. Suggest removal

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