MP makes accusation in House


Tribune Staff Reporter

FORT Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins believes Bamboo Town MP Renward Wells is a victim of a leadership struggle between Prime Minister Perry Christie and at least one other member of the PLP.

He made his accusation in the House of Assembly last night.

While Dr Rollins did not specify who he meant, his comments suggested that there was a struggle between Mr Christie and Deputy Prime Minister Philip Davis.

Dr Rollins was referring to Mr Wells’ role in the controversy over the signing of a $650m contract with a waste-to-energy company.

Dr Rollins raised the matter while arguing that he – unlike some in the PLP – is up-front and honest with his feelings about Mr Christie.

Following his contribution fellow PLP backbenchers, South Beach MP Cleola Hamilton and Tall Pines MP Leslie Miller, distanced themselves from his statements. Mr Miller denounced what he said and called for an end to Dr Rollins’ fights with the party leadership.

Dr Rollins said: “While at times what I say and how I say it might not be appreciated, I will not apologise for speaking my convictions and saying what’s on my mind because I’d tell you, one of the most regrettable things you learn in politics is, don’t always worry about what people say to you to your face, worry about what they say about you behind your back. Anything I say about my leader…he knows, I don’t keep any secrets from him. I’m not trying to overthrow him.

“And I say this without fear of contradiction, while I said that I knew not of any corrupt motives associated with the entire Stella Waste to Energy matter, I say this now, I believe that my good friend that I came into politicians with (Mr Wells), I believe that he is being caught in the midst of a leadership struggle. He is being used as a pawn because there are those who do in fact want to take the leadership away from (Mr Christie). I say this to my right honourable member: I am not one who will say something to your face and turn around and say something entirely opposite about you behind your back.”

Tension flared during Dr Rollins’ contribution to a Bill to establish a Public Parks and Beaches Authority as he argued with Mr Christie, Mr Davis and other PLP MPs over various issues relating to the government’s effort to maintain the environment.

He was the only PLP member to strike a negative tone during the debate, effectively squashing party hopes that he would tone down his criticism of the Christie administration following last week’s PLP council meeting.

After he spoke, Mrs Hamilton rose and said she is “sick and tired” of parliamentarians referencing backbench members as though they are unified in their views.

Her comment was a pointed criticism of Dr Rollins who earlier had said: “When we, particularly as backbenchers, are not happy or comfortable with things we see happening it is our duty and responsibility to those very same people who elected us to speak to those issues even when the way we communicate our thought and concerns comes across as being harsh in nature.”  

When he rose in the House, Mr Miller said he was “hurt” by what has transpired in the lower chamber.

“I was hurt because two of the gentlemen that I have come to respect and love as brothers came into question today,” Mr Miller said. “You know some people take kindness for weakness. Some people believe that because you don’t come down with a heavy hand and ostracise and malign and get rid of people that you may not want to be associated with, some people take that for weakness. I’ve known those men, nothing could be further from the truth.

“There’s a word called respect and you must respect those who are in authority, your leaders. The fact that it was implied that the deputy leader of my party would attempt to undermine the leader, Mr Speaker, nothing could ever happen. Before I believe something someone who just reach said, I’ll put my life on the line, that’s how deep I feel about the integrity of the people of whom I speak. This foolishness of someone trying to undermine, Mr Speaker, it don’t happen in our party.”

The controversy over Mr Wells’ signing of a letter-of-intent with Stella Waste to Energy Management has raged for months.

Last week, amid criticism of his handling of the issue, Mr Christie said Mr Wells would address the nation over the controversy before the House breaks for the summer.

It was expected that Mr Wells would speak on the matter in the House yesterday, however he did not.

When asked about this outside the House yesterday, he told The Tribune: “I came here to pass bills”.


TalRussell says...

Comrades what a total mess there is in both the governing and official opposition parties at a time when internal leadership battles have all but replaced the escalating of victims inflicted crimes on front pages two daily newspapers. When members of the House from both sides isles are more highly charged to be using each other as punching bags than dealing with the pressing business of the people. Don't they understand thousands of the very people who elected them are facing hardships. That is has become more difficult to provide their families with the most basic food and living expenses. Comrades PM, DPM, Dr. Andre Renward, Minnis and Loretta - indivuadly allow me ask each one of you a simple question. Is playing your political games more important than getting down to business about why is it that a Bahamaland with less than 400,000 citizens - seems be incapable of enjoying middle class or better paychecks, for all her citizens willing to give an honest days work for honest days paychecks or to pursue their business or other enterprise opportunities? Pay attention whats going on in the streets of Hong Kong by "peaceful" protesters who have decided - when enough bad government is too damn much to continue to stomach. They are not on the streets of Hong Kong as members of any political party. Truth is the the vast majority of Bahamalanders have NEVER held membership in any political party. That is obvious in the way we are prepared to change from one political party to another in deciding who should be our government. Simply put, you politicians can only rent us on a 'up to' 5 years lease but never own none us as your political slaves.

Posted 2 October 2014, 12:23 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

Tal, you really think these jacklegs are in the game for the betterment of the country? Not a chance they are in it for self gain and the POWER. This country is going down the tubes and they do not care they have amassed a fortune and it will not affect them and theirs. It is you and I who will suffer along with every other "ordinary" Bahamian.

Posted 2 October 2014, 7:21 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

What a farce! Oh for a governing party that could come to office on a ticket that says: We will govern this country by listening to the people, being transparent in all our dealings, having a zero tolerance approach to corruption and we will populate our cabinet with bright, young, ethical leaders who will work tirelessly to solve the serious problems facing our Nation and serve this country in a selfless manner. Bahamas, consider the pitiful performance of those representing us in Parliament today. Surely we can do better. Surely we deserve better.

Posted 2 October 2014, 12:23 p.m. Suggest removal

NoNoNo says...

Very well said. <img src="…" style="display:none">

Posted 2 October 2014, 1:42 p.m. Suggest removal

mangogirl01 says...

You both are on point, TalRussell and Honestman! It's a crying shame the way these so call 'mature' people are conducting themselves!

Posted 2 October 2014, 2:03 p.m. Suggest removal

killemwitdakno says...

Davis fighting for leadership? HA. Davis has been the conniving leader. I almost feel sorry for Perry under his dealings and influence sometimes. If Christie was away, why wouldn't the DPM be the one to sign or give the order for Wells to do so? I wonder why Davis got consulting fees from BPC too? Didn't know he was also a consultant for those sort of things , which seemingly had to mean he and Perry was in the same company hired by BPC, or the two just recommended each other. Wonder if Davis cleared up his will fortune thievery that FL woman accused him of. Wasn't it Davis who first said Well's isn't going anywhere? Chances are Wells will be fired by the duo.

Posted 2 October 2014, 2:35 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

That party is in a mess. . .the next step! Desperate men do desperate things. . .NO TELLING WHAT ANY ONE OF THEM WILL DO TO SAVE THEY OWN TAIL. . .greed warp the minds of the best of us!! Bouy I having fun watching these crooks eat theyselves alive in public!! Talk about trowing rock in the crowd and see who will cry out!!! EVERY TIME ROLLINS TALKED ABOUT THE LEADERSHIP COUP IN THE PLP DAVIS SWEAR TO HE MAR HE EEN GOT NO KNIFE IN PERRY BACK!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Man dis getting so sweet. . .election coming soon soon!

Rollins made perry can't talk fer the first time in he political life. . .he sounded so hurt that someone dare called him "a no god" person! THE WHOLE DAMN PLP PARTY DONE GONE CRAZY AND PETTY WITH ROLLINS!!!

This morning the whole of road and parks was weeding the noo airport road! Well mudder sick. . .dat bouy Rollins powerful aye!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. . .I cant laugh!

Posted 2 October 2014, 6:29 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Stealth bomb them from every angle...BOOM, BOOM, BOOM....BOOOOOOMMM!

Next time you walk into the house....They will recognize a MAN when they see one.....BOOM!

Hit dey ass again Dr. Rollins.....

Posted 3 October 2014, 12:38 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

What plans, if any, does the government have to deal with the EBOLA virus. It is not a question of it it will get here in the Bahamas, but when. According to some reports the Ebola, like AIDS consistently mutates itself and while it was originally spread through the exchange of body fluids, even sweat, it can now spread just by being in close contact with someone who has the virus. Something as casual as a handshake or being on a aircraft or in a vehicle with someone who has the virus. Health officials now recommend that persons suspected of having the disease be isolated and not be treated at local health care facilities. What plans does this government have in place considering our large tourist population and the transient illegal immigrant population.

Posted 3 October 2014, 3:42 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

There are three confirmed cases in the US and several suspect cases

Posted 3 October 2014, 5:13 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Below are governments very clear and concise plans to deal with the eventual case of Ebola in the Bahamas:

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah........Etc.

I hope only DIEHARD PLP & FNM supporters are infected.......They deserve it!

Posted 3 October 2014, 8:41 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

The Liberian reality shows an Ebola outbreak in the Bahamas will destroy us overnight as tourism quickly grinds to a halt, investors run like hell and business's rapidly shut down as owners try to limit themselves from exposure by staff and customers.

Common sense dictates that ANYONE arriving from an infected country should be put under government monitored mandatory quarantine for 21 days at their own expense.

Anyone ever known the PLP or FNM to do ANYTHING remotely commonsensical?

Were doomed!

Posted 3 October 2014, 8:48 a.m. Suggest removal

reeves says...

Was it not Leslie Miller who said that two senior members of the PLP got Mr. Wells to sign that letter of intent and that they should have been ashamed of themselves. It seems that only Miller can say outrageous statements in the house. At least Mr. Rollins is speaking the truth about all of them who are afraid to open their mouths. Why did the hotels get away without paying their bills for so long? I tell you this they know they are dealing with the go slow crowd who only interested in photo ops instead of working.

Posted 3 October 2014, 2:07 p.m. Suggest removal

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