No funds to repair broken traffic lights


MOTORISTS will have to put up with malfunctioning traffic lights at a busy Nassau intersection for the foreseeable future as a Ministry of Works official yesterday appealed for patience and said there were no funds to meet the $20,000 cost of repairs.

The lights, at the intersection of Shirley and Mackey Streets, have been out of action for over two weeks having suffered “critical damage to essential equipment” and the official said the ministry was requesting police assistance in determining who is responsible for causing the problem. 

On Saturday The Tribune reported that angry drivers were demanding urgent action after the failure of the lights, on the main thoroughfare into Nassau from the east, had sparked chaos. Some termed the busy intersection as a “battleground”, “an accident waiting to happen” and even a “result of bad government”.

Seth Apau, an engineer in the Projects Execution Unit at the Ministry of Works, said yesterday that the delay in the repairs are due to an array of issues that will take some time to resolve. He requested that motorists remain patient as his unit works to resolve the matter.

“The light at that intersection is one of many street lights that are down because of traffic accidents,” he said. “When these sort of things take place, it is not as simple as standing the container back up and re-attaching the wires. You have to fix a lot of delicate wires and fix a number of small details within that cabinet.”

He explained that the cabinet on the northern side of Mackey Street was struck and critically damaged some two weeks ago. The engineer added that cabinets on Beatrice Avenue and Collins Avenue have suffered similar damage in recent weeks, leaving the Ministry of Works scurrying to repair them all.

“We are working with police and road traffic officials trying to figure out when these incidents took place and who was responsible,” said Mr Apau. “These cabinets aren’t cheap, they normally cost around $20,000. Every time they are hit and destroyed we have to repair or replace them. That is not cheap.” If the culprit can be found then the cost, all or in part, could be met by the individual’s insurance claim.

The cabinets are normally placed near street lights and contain a wide variety of wiring and computer elements that work together to operate stop lights. These cabinets are designed to specifications unique to their individual placement.

Mr Apau explained that each cabinet has to be a certain size, placed in a certain area and is designed to work best in the area in which it is placed. “Yes some wires are the same, and yes some parts are the same,” he said. “However, all these cabinets are designed to work a certain way to fulfil a precise purpose.”


Sickened says...

What they need to do is take down and use some of the useless traffic CAUSING lights from other areas. Such as:
1) Intersection of Shirley and Parliament streets (just needs yield signs on both sides of Parliament street)
2) Shirley and Frederick streets (just needs a yield sign on Frederick street)
3) Blue Hill and that corner just south of Government house (its one side street merging onto a two lane one way street for gods sake. Just put a stop sign on the side street).

Think government, THINK!!!!!!

Posted 7 October 2014, 12:58 p.m. Suggest removal

UserOne says...

"an accident waiting to happen" - It has already happened; I saw an accident on that intersection today. Then traffic became even more hazardous as the cars in the accident were blocking the intersection.

Posted 7 October 2014, 1:28 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

I wonder what is more expensive government: (I) fixing the lights, (ii) paying police officer to sort out the traffic during rush hours until the Government wins the Powerball Jackpot, or (ii) paying claims and legal fees for being sued over this. Maybe SLS Hotels can pitch in with money rather than paying for useless Government trips to Vegas? Or one of the "Bread-for-Government-Brethren" Trusts set up by the Oil Drillers, Number Houses, Stolen Car Smugglers?

Posted 7 October 2014, 1:45 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Posted 7 October 2014, 2:40 p.m. Suggest removal

Clamshell says...

... yet the gov't has no trouble finding the money for the Prime Minister to travel on important "fact-finding" missions to Las Vegas and New York City!

Situation: Hopeless.

Posted 7 October 2014, 2:46 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Do you realize everything this government FAILS to do is related to having no money? But yet $10 million in drugs and medical supplies can go missing and unaccounted for. Why should taxpayers pay taxes if they are not getting services or things they are paying for are getting stolen? Now they claim to have outsourced the property tax collection to an accounting company because they don't have enough personnel to collect the taxes. Another scandal in the making? Another crony pocket getting lined, lavishly? You do the math: $500 million outstanding. A collection agency will charge 10% to collect outstanding accounts resulting of a bill that can total $50 million FIFTY MILLION. Government can hire TWENTY temporary workers at $20,000.00 a year for 3 years to do the collection. The BILL $1.2 million. go figure why the country is saddled with debt.:

Posted 7 October 2014, 2:58 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

Good point. We have a criminal government in place for sure. They are dumb, ignorant and crooks.
I for one keep turning my children's faces towards Europe. There is no future here, especially in Nassau. If you aren't in government, a gang or a drug cartel you won't be able to survive in Nassau for long.
How do we get this government in front of the International Criminal Court to account for their pillaging of the Bahamian people?

Posted 8 October 2014, 8:49 a.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

I say use some a dat money from the bamsi project!

Posted 7 October 2014, 4:11 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Ministry of Works **AGAIN**??? Wasn't the budget debate just yesterday? When is that money released? Something is seriously WRONG at that, contracts, appointments....something is WRONG. How can the government THINK to invest 100 MILLION in BAMSI and ignore something as basic as traffic signals. That's like buying a luxury car and not having enough money for a battery...I wonder what the ardent supporters are saying about this NEW mess

Posted 7 October 2014, 4:19 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades no media source wants report on the number of bodies piling up and going unclaimed at Bahamaland's hospital morgues. It's not that they go unloved by their family members. They simply do not have the money bury them. Comrades, If it is too disturbing for your reading tastes - too damn bad. Try picturing what it is doing to the hearts of families who have face this realty every single day?

Posted 7 October 2014, 4:37 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

$100 million for BAMSI, $16 million to be borrowed for COB, $9 million for Carnival, $10 million (that's only the lil bit reported so far) that was stolen from PHA, $1 million for an opinion poll and this flipping government can't put out the money to repair the traffic lights? 98% of us don't have the luxury of outriders or police escorts to get around this lil island. How many have to have serious injury or die before this IMPORTANT issue is address. We are so sick of this mess! Perry and Co., YOU ARE A DISGRACE. A FAILURE. Do the honorable thing and REMOVE YOURSELVES AS THE GOVERNMENT FOR THIS COUNTRY. All them years in politics and you people have no damn clue on how to govern. Mismanagement and misappropriation rule. For the love of God, country and the legal citizens and residents of our country, just go!!!

Posted 7 October 2014, 5:36 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

You forgot that there was an earlier report of some mismanagement of funds to the tune of 40 million at the PHA, (remember they ran out of what was more than enough money to complete the new wing at the hospital)... that makes it 50 million. And I do agree, this government is a disgrace, there isn't a bright spark among them. I like the idea if a Bahamisn style multiway festival but never in my dreams did I believe they would a lot "50" million (it's not going to be 9, each minister has to get something), to Carnival but not have enough money to print license plates or fix lights.

Posted 7 October 2014, 9:10 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

and folks voted for these tiefs, now deal with what you voted for. and for 2 more years boy yinna in trouble, im leaving for the U.S. and will only return for Junkanoo, im jumping ttyl and see you dec on bay street

Posted 7 October 2014, 6:08 p.m. Suggest removal

whybahamas says...

I'm having serious doubts that the Bahamas a a country can withstand 2+ more years of this worthless government.

Then, even if the one of the other two parties gets elected, I have little faith that they will be able to do anything of note to get the country headed back in the right direction.

Posted 7 October 2014, 6:56 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

ha ha they might sell that too

Posted 8 October 2014, 8:11 a.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

It is simple, The Government of The Bahamas is a FAILURE. What really is going to kill this country is that 80+% of Bahamians DO NOT CARE! The only hope I see on the horizon is trying to jump ship. Never thought I would say that but it is obvious this ship is sinking and the captain and crew are worse than the ones on the Korean ferry that sank, they are stealing from the passengers before they leave us to drown.

Posted 7 October 2014, 10:36 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Don't forget the $5M Vincent Vanderpool Wallace got away with!

Dumb ass government should make left turns on red lights legal ( U.S. allows right turns on red lights) and install 4-way stop signs instead of traffic lights.

4-way stop signs dictates the fist car that comes to a complete stop at a stop sign from either direction has the right of way.....SIMPLE.

PLP & FNM will now debate and hold a multi-million dollar referendum on 4-way stop signs for the remainder of the 21st Century.


Posted 8 October 2014, 8:34 p.m. Suggest removal

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