McCartney is no different

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The DNA and its “self-appointed” leader say they represent change. They proclaim to be the party that is concerned about the youth of the nation and national development. However, from my view and the more I observe their organisation, the more I realise that they are no different from the other political parties.

I truly had high hopes that Branville McCartney would have been different from other politicians and bring about change, but the more I observe his actions, the more I realise that he is no different than any other politician.

The main reason I conclude this is because right after a loss at the polls, Mr. McCartney closed his headquarters and abandoned the people of Bamboo Town.

In one of his most recent advertisements for a constituency meeting, it said he’s coming home. If this is the case, it obviously meant he left. In fact, his headquarters is now a takeaway restaurant on East Street.

If Mr McCartney can so quickly close up shop with his headquarters, and desert the people of Bamboo Town after a loss at the polls, what makes him so different from all the others that have come before him?

I daresay Mr McCartney is no different than the others and in fact only offers more of the same. He should have led by example and kept his office open after a loss. Then I would have been convinced that he offered real change.

I won’t be buying into the hype of the DNA or Mr McCartney any longer. He obviously says one thing and does another and I guess that is the only change he’s offering.



October 8, 2014.


proudloudandfnm says...

My favorite was that shadow cabinet he introduced. They disappeared the very next day.

If anyone gets swung by that sham of a party they deserve to be swung...

Posted 10 October 2014, 6:22 p.m. Suggest removal

pilgrimagerock says...

Well said

Posted 11 October 2014, 8:12 p.m. Suggest removal

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