Minnis warned he is ‘playing a dangerous game’


Tribune Staff Reporter


FNM Deputy Leader Loretta Butler-Turner has told party Leader Dr Hubert Minnis he is playing a transparently “dangerous game” by calling a snap convention next month.

In a letter sent to Dr Minnis on Tuesday, after learning of an emergency executive committee meeting held that night to discuss holding a party convention on November 21, Mrs Butler-Turner said the new date was not advisable. She was out of town at the time of the meeting.

The letter was leaked to The Tribune.

Speaking to The Tribune, Mrs Butler-Turner said that because the convention has been moved up, she is unsure if she will run for the party’s top post.

“I was quite taken aback by your phone call informing me of an executive meeting this evening when you know I’m in Long Island,” the letter said.

“You also informed me that there will be a council meeting on Thursday of this week. My shock was compounded by your revelation that both meetings are to discuss a convention to be held on November 21.

“With the greatest respect, Mr Leader, I have to say that this a very dangerous game you are playing, and anybody can see clear through it. There are so many things wrong with this, but I will address these issues at the next opportunity, providing I am given a fair opportunity to do so. In the meantime, please be advised that I do not see the advisability for a national convention on such short notice.”

During an interview with The Tribune, the Long Island MP said she was “shocked” to learn that executives in the FNM chose a date for the party’s convention in the “rushed meeting” when she was off the island.

In fact, Mrs Butler-Turner said if Dr Minnis had “bothered to advise” her of the meeting, she would have informed him that it was not a good idea to hold a convention “on such short notice”.

The party’s convention was originally scheduled for the first quarter of 2015.

“Right now I have to try and deal with it internally and see what the party’s plans are, I have to hear what the party is saying,” she told The Tribune. “I advised my colleagues that I had a trip to Long Island on Tuesday for a constituency meeting. So everyone knew that I would not be here. No one spoke to me about a meeting, I was given no heads up but it is now internal party business and I am just one member of the party.”

According to reports, party executives were informed of the emergency meeting at noon on Tuesday.

Mrs Butler-Turner said because of the surprise announcement she is no longer sure if she will be running for FNM leader.

“At this point, I do not know what I am going to do. I have not made a decision either way. My thinking was that I would take about two to three months to canvass and hear what the concerns of the people were and I would then make a decision based on that,” she said.

“But now that plan has been aborted due to this surprise, so now I have nothing to make a determination.”

Last month, FNM insiders told The Tribune tension was brewing between Dr Minnis and his deputy over the likelihood that she will challenge him when the party holds its next convention. The sources said the apparent rift is not good for the party, which should focus on ousting the Christie administration, adding that this increases the need for an early convention.

The source maintained that a “war” is escalating between the two.

Other FNMs are expected to challenge Dr Minnis for his post as there are reported concerns over his ability to lead the party into the next election.


banker says...

Loretta, I am sorry, but you do not have the intelligence, the enlightenment nor the education and background to lead a party or lead a country. The first act of patriotism, is to rationally determine where you can add value, and you are not adding value to a unified opposition that needs to destroy the cancer of the current government. To quote the Bible, you have been weighed in the scale and found wanting (no euphemism intended on your weight). Please, if you are truly a Bahamian patriot, sit down, shut up, and get behind your party and your leader.

Posted 9 October 2014, 12:45 p.m. Suggest removal

pilgrimagerock says...

Very well said

Posted 9 October 2014, 12:59 p.m. Suggest removal

BDN says...


Posted 9 October 2014, 1:06 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Talkin fool is werry serious ting.....Proving to be fool and not realizing it, is suicide, pure and simple !

Posted 9 October 2014, 4:30 p.m. Suggest removal

NoNoNo says...

One big mess.<img src="http://s04.flagcounter.com/mini/kfoW/bg…" style="display:none">

Posted 9 October 2014, 1:12 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

Sounds like the party don't want Loretta involved!

Posted 9 October 2014, 1:15 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Posted 9 October 2014, 1:24 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Most Bahamians know full well that every Butler in this country with a smidgeon of Milo Butler blood coursing through their veins is a die hard PLP at heart. LBT would better serve her political ambitions by continuing her talks with Christie, Bradley Roberts, Minky Isaacs and others in the PLP apparatus. Rollins and the other young Turks currently sitting on the PLP side of the House of Assembly would all better serve themselves by going down the independent road in the next general election.......to do otherwise, invites being labelled forever in politics as an opportunistic two timing traitor....like Christie and Ingraham!

Posted 9 October 2014, 1:30 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

Like any of this is important or significant.
A distraction that we eat up as fast as they can create it!
Government by crisis is no way to run a country anywhere
but into the ground.
Tribalism is rule by personality.
We have no shortage of Mini Me personalities.

Posted 9 October 2014, 1:30 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade don't we get it? PLP deflects media attention away from dealing with Renward's LOI. Loretta and Minnis both former cabinet ministers in Hubert's regime - deflecting their distance from their red regime's shared \responsibility $10 million drugs gone unaccounted for over at PMH. Both PM's have made it clear, if one their parties can't win the government let the other one take over for few years.

Posted 9 October 2014, 1:42 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnDoe says...

What utter nonsense Mrs. Loretta Butler-Turner. General elections have been called with less lead time. Shut up and exercise some dignity and diplomacy.

Posted 9 October 2014, 1:43 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

She finished herself off with the following statement: Speaking to The Tribune, Mrs Butler-Turner said that because the convention has been moved up, she is unsure if she will run for the party’s top post.

Posted 9 October 2014, 2:35 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Please JESUS.....Make her STFU now.

Posted 9 October 2014, 4:32 p.m. Suggest removal

UserOne says...

I am disappointed that Mrs. Butler-Turner has decided to air party differences publicly. This does not inspire confidence in her party. Differences like this should be kept within the party.

Posted 9 October 2014, 2:45 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Posted 9 October 2014, 3:05 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

BOOOM, BOOOM, BOOOOOMM.....Dr. Minnis pulled a stealth drone bombshell move on the big mouth "want to be" first woman Prime Minister!

So Bahamians are useless drug and alcohol dependent people? You condone importing foreigners over Bahamians for jobs? Your good parents made sure you got the best education in the nation?

Vell, vell, vell, take a long look in the mirror!

Posted 9 October 2014, 3:34 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

Hubert Minnis is perfectly entitled to call an early convention. Isn't it overdue in any case? It is time for LBT to either put up or shut up. Frankly, I think she has lost a lot of supporters these last few months with her constant undermining of the Party leader. This is a smart move by Minnis and a sensible one.

Posted 9 October 2014, 3:50 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

You are way too hard on BLT....She only misspoke every time she opened her mouth.

Posted 9 October 2014, 4:23 p.m. Suggest removal

dehavmoss says...

A master move by Dr. Minnis. What we are missing is the fact that he has also given little time for Hubert Ingraham to sneak into the leadership race. As for Butler-Turner, it is obvious that she is still politically naive. She has hurt her chances of leadership because she hasn't learned to keep party matters inside the party.

Posted 9 October 2014, 4:45 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

She is no longer sure she will run for leader? We should all rejoice.

Posted 9 October 2014, 3:55 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Maybe she can run for pizza and donuts.

Posted 9 October 2014, 4:20 p.m. Suggest removal

pilgrimagerock says...

She is no longer sure if she wants to run for leader because Minnis called her bluff.

Posted 9 October 2014, 5:31 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Minnis called her bluff of fluff?

Posted 9 October 2014, 8:44 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

LBT is just too much full of herself. If I was voting she sure as hell would not get mine. I hope my people in Long Island tell her to carry her fat ass back where she came from.

Posted 9 October 2014, 6:35 p.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...

You are out of order. LBT is a fine MP and politician. Many insecure men (like you) cannot deal with a strong articulate modern woman like LBT.

Posted 9 October 2014, 7:42 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Strong articulate modern woman my ass!.....BLT is an overweight, angry martian unable to acclimatise to earths gravity!

Posted 9 October 2014, 8:24 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

My, My what an angry bunch. I am taken aback at all of the comments regarding LBT's weight, which I think has nothing to do with her ability or lack of ability to lead. On top of this, some of the commenters here are mostly the ones that usually make positive contributions to this forum. Ah well, we can't blame our youth when we see them being disrespectful to others-We lead, they follow.

Posted 10 October 2014, 2:09 a.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

My, My what an angry bunch. I am taken aback by all of the comments regarding LBT's weight, which I think has nothing to do with her ability or lack of ability to lead. On top of this, some of the commenters here are mostly the ones that usually make positive contributions to this forum. Ah well, we can't blame our youth when we see them being disrespectful to others-We lead, they follow.

Posted 10 October 2014, 2:10 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Yadda, yadda, yadda, wonder why such a diverse cross section of people find BLT beyond reprehensible?

Hmmmm, maybe because she is!

Posted 10 October 2014, 9:17 a.m. Suggest removal

stillwaters says...

Oh Lord! Both major political parties are devouring or knifing their own from within and the rest of us seem to be egging them on, instead of focusing on the fact that this country is in deep trouble on sooooooo many different levels!!!

Posted 10 October 2014, 11:17 a.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

All the fun and jokes aside. . .Minnis gone fer the neck!!! But don't rejoice too soon about his "trump" of LBT. . .it shows a level of "slime" in him too! But. . .she get swing. . .no big thing!

Posted 10 October 2014, 5:42 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

“At this point, I do not know what I am going to do. I have not made a decision either way. My thinking was that I would take about two to three months to canvass and hear what the concerns of the people were and I would then make a decision based on that,” she said.

BLT can avoid wasting 2 to 3 months and can hear the concerns of people and the result of any "canvass" right here!

Posted 11 October 2014, 7:28 a.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

Me think she done done!! She don't have the support of the people like she tot!! Whoever wins this big race, the next fella ger pick peas them outta you know what! If she wins. . .yea. . .no big deal! But iffin Minnis wins. . .HE WILL BE THE NEXT PM. . .he will show he gat what it takes to "out fox" PGC and his bunch of crooks!!

Posted 14 October 2014, 3:12 p.m. Suggest removal

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