'Too early’ to act on hospital report completed in March


Tribune Staff Reporter


IT is “too early” to say if anyone will face consequences due to alarming findings in a forensic audit into the Public Hospitals Authority, Health Minister Dr Perry Gomez said yesterday.

However, he added that he is sure the government “will do the right thing”.

Yesterday marked the first time Dr Gomez spoke publicly about the report’s findings – which some observers see as a damning indictment on the public health care system – despite the fact that it was completed on March 31.

When asked why he had not tabled the document in the House of Assembly, Dr Gomez said the audit had to be reviewed by Cabinet first – something he said will be done “soon”.

He said the forensic report is still being investigated by the PHA’s board.

“The PHA report is under review and I will wait for that to be done

before I comment, it is also being investigated by the board. They met and reviewed it last Tuesday and when they are done it will be viewed by Cabinet,” Dr Gomez said.

“Cabinet needs to see and review the report and it would be premature of me to speak to consequences right now, but I am sure we will do the right thing. I will speak to everything once the report is reviewed.”

When asked why the report has not been tabled in the House of Assembly Dr Gomez said there is a “process that needs to be followed.”

He said: “With a very major issue like that, something like that piece of work, it goes before Cabinet first and so the report has not even gone to Cabinet yet because the PHA is still reviewing it and we will be happy to table it once the review is completed.”

Last week Dr Gomez was dismissive when questioned by reporters over the report, which had been leaked to the media.

The document, prepared by John Bain, found that at the end of 2013 there was a $10m deficit in pharmacy inventory between the physical count and what was reflected on the Princess Margaret Hospital’s information systems. It also found that PHA’s management “knowingly refused” to enforce best practices to its inventory process that expended approximately $30m a year.

The report suggested that there should be frequent reshuffling of the executive team in an effort to reduce the appearance of corruption.

On Thursday, Democratic National Alliance Leader Branville McCartney said the details in the report “suggest a level of dishonesty, collusion, and inattention which has unfortunately become synonymous with many government ministries and departments over the past many years”.

“In the face of such blatant fraud, one would think that the government would have immediately enlisted the Royal Bahamas Police Force and other relevant authorities to bring those responsible to justice,” Mr McCartney said. “Unfortunately in the days following the release of this damning information, government officials from both of the previous administrations have failed to give an account to the Bahamian people.”

Mr McCartney also criticised government ministers and opposition MPs for passing the buck over the damning revelations by playing the “blame game.”

In the House of Assembly last Tuesday, when the report was raised by Montagu MP Richard Lightbourn, government ministers Dr Bernard Nottage and Shane Gibson placed the blame for the $10m drug shortfall on the Ingraham administration.

Former Health Minister Dr Hubert Minnis has said he needs to review the report before he can speak on the matter.

The 92-page report was commissioned on July 13, 2013. It covers the period of July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2013, with some references to earlier periods.


realfreethinker says...

Seven months later and cabinet has not seen the report? I wonder why? Hmmmm

Posted 14 October 2014, 1:24 p.m. Suggest removal

dehavmoss says...

This is absolute hogwash. Absolute hogwash. Almost 20 days and the PHA is reviewing. What in the hell are they reviewing? So the PHA requests the audit and now they are reviewing the audit findings? Hogwash. After almost 200 days, what has been done Honorable Minister to ensure the protection of Bahamian funds? This is absolutely incredible.

Posted 14 October 2014, 2:13 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

Man yinna know that this government een about acting about anything except it is something to get one of they friends them off some problem.

Posted 14 October 2014, 3:14 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

Shades of NIB, we just have to wait to find out the cost of the audit and see who the scapegoat will be.

Posted 14 October 2014, 3:45 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Is it too early to act on the 40 million that went missing to complete the critical care block?

Posted 14 October 2014, 4:04 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Perry Gomez ain't no different than Nottage and Minnis......just another dam_n dishonest doc who can't make it in private practice and wanna try be a get rich fast politician!!!!

Posted 14 October 2014, 7:20 p.m. Suggest removal

Arrow says...

Really Perry Gomez! Really! Too early! Come on man I know it's not your money and so you have no vested interest but , really! This is utter nonsense to the highest degree .......please enjoy your last and only term in office cause come next election you gone!

Posted 15 October 2014, 10:06 a.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

seems he went to the same school as DPM and PGC, there are just certain words that are not in they vocabulary. "Now", "Action", "Take Charge", "Be in charge". I love how our public officials always refer to the "Government" even if they are in charge.

Posted 15 October 2014, 3:03 p.m. Suggest removal

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