Sands aims to become FNM deputy leader


Tribune Staff Reporter

FREE National Movement Deputy Chairman Dr Duane Sands announced yesterday that he will run to become deputy leader of the FNM in next month’s highly anticipated party convention.

His announcement comes days after current FNM Deputy Leader Loretta Butler-Turner launched her campaign to become leader of the party.

During a press conference in the front of his office off Shirley Street, Dr Sands told the press he feels duty bound to improve the country for the sake of future generations – a task he said the Christie administration has neglected to perform.

Dr Sands had previously indicated he may run for the position of party leader. Yesterday, he said he decided to run for the deputy leader post because he does not currently have a seat in Parliament.

“Now, more than ever, our country stands in need of real, truly nationalistic leadership with integrity and focus,” he said. “I am steadfast in the belief that the Free National Movement is the best vehicle to provide that for the Bahamian people. The challenges that impact the lives of ordinary Bahamians are not currently being addressed by the PLP. As a man who lives in and loves this country, and who has young children who will one day grow up and have children of their own, I feel it’s my duty to ensure that the younger generation and future generations of Bahamians also have a country whose people cherish and strive to perpetuate good governance.”

Dr Sands said his conscience compels him to do more to build the country by listening to those who elect officials. He welcomed the possibilities of making sacrifices to create an environment for growth in the country.  He said: “I have always believed in – and will continue to work for a country where all Bahamians can flourish and realize the benefits that can only be legitimately achieved by a combination of God’s grace, good governance and social responsibility. In that vein, I have decided to play my role as a team player. I shall play an active part in a dynamic and focused FNM, to win and maintain the hearts and minds of the voting public in our renewed thrust to restore good governance. I intend to work aggressively to make the membership of the Free National Movement proud of our efforts on behalf of country and party.”

As a part of his campaign, Dr Sands has also launched a website and released a video on social media detailing the reasons for his deputy leadership bid.

FNM Chairman Darron Cash has also publicly announced his intent to run for deputy leader.


Arrow says...

He'll no! Trying winning your seat first then try having the common touch. Just some advice keep being a doctor and leave politics for someone with a real interest in making a difference.

Posted 16 October 2014, 3:54 p.m. Suggest removal

bismark says...

I don't think he has the common touch,but he will make a good politician.

Posted 16 October 2014, 5:08 p.m. Suggest removal

EasternGate says...

I believe that Dr. Sands is the best individual to lead the FNM at this time

Posted 16 October 2014, 8:07 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Ain't dis guy Sands da same fella who fail ta win MP seat for Elizabeth Estates cause he ain't get no common touch wit he nose stuck high in da air? Dis wannabe politician get beat two times in Elizabeth Estates by da white fella Pinder so now he tryin' ta find da back door way of gettin' a seat in da house o' assemblee! My oh my!! We done gat too many doctor MPs....all dese greedy doctors (Nottage, Gomez, Sands, Minnis, Rollins, etc.) mussey not like caring for patients!!

Posted 17 October 2014, 1:24 a.m. Suggest removal

dehavmoss says...

I think Dr. Sands is as balanced and level headed as anyone vying for leadership in the FNM. He seems to be pragmatic and this is a lost art in Bahamian politics.

Posted 17 October 2014, 1:02 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

Well said dehavmoss! Greedy doctors??? I got news for you they make probably three times as much money doctoring as they do playing politics and most of them continue to doctor at the same time. when you last hear about some doctor tiefin their patients money,not like most of the greedy and dishonest lawyers in politics, they tiefin from the treasury cause they can't make a living in law unless they tiefin from their clients, why you think they in politics to begin with.

Posted 17 October 2014, 3:04 p.m. Suggest removal

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