‘Why has PM not explained sacking?’


Tribune Staff Reporter


FREE National Movement Chairman Darron Cash is demanding that Prime Minister Perry Christie explain the circumstances surrounding Bamboo Town MP Renward Wells’ unauthorised signing of a $650m letter of intent with a waste to energy company that led to his firing as an official in a government ministry.

Mr Cash yesterday further called for the findings of the probe, ordered by Mr Christie into the matter, be made public.

He said the removal of Mr Wells as Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Works and Urban Development was not “remotely enough” because too many questions continued to linger regarding the signing of the letter with Stellar Waste Management since July.

This comes following the prime minister’s decision to fire Mr Wells from the post on Tuesday evening. News of the termination came in a brief press statement that did not include any details that shed light on the situation.

“There are several appropriate ways to describe the Prime Minister’s statement and action: Too little too late. Not nearly good enough, and a bad joke,” Mr Cash said in a press release.

“However, the most appropriate description is arrogance and contempt for the Bahamian people.

“It must be arrogance and contempt because as out of touch with reality and his people as Prime Minister Christie is, even he must know that after dragging this Stellar Waste Management scandal out as long as he has, the act of terminating Mr Wells is not remotely enough.

“After allowing this matter to degenerate into the muck of name calling and innuendos by his own PLP side, there are far too many unanswered questions out there for this matter to be laid to rest with merely a firing.”

Mr Cash said Mr Christie must live up to his word and speak to the Bahamian people as he several times promised. He insisted that Bahamians are entitled to the full report and all of its details.

”It is arrogance for the PM to think for a moment that he can sneak away with merely a firing and not comment to the people,” said Mr Cash. “His action is pure arrogance and contempt and cannot stand.

“The last time this PM fired someone he went on TV and cried with the scandalised fallen minister. He had more to say when the MP for Fort Charlotte hurt his feelings in Parliament. He stood on the floor of the House and for an extended period of time engaged in a political tirade threatening the young PLP MPs. Why is it that he now feels that the Bahamian people are not entitled to some meaningful explanation from him?

“This is a Prime Minister with a larger than life complex and he feels no need to answer to anybody. His powers as Prime Minister have apparently gone to his head.”

On Tuesday evening a statement from the Office of the Prime Minister was released which read: “The Cabinet Office advises that the Governor General, acting in accordance with the advice of the Prime Minister, has directed that the office of parliamentary secretary in the Ministry of Works and Urban Development become vacant.”

Mr Wells could not be reached yesterday. However, in the moments leading up to his termination he did not seem bothered by reports that Mr Christie had made a decision.

He said he remained grateful to the Prime Minister for the chance to serve.

The controversy over the matter took flight in July because the multi-million dollar letter of intent bore Mr Wells’ signature. It was for Stellar Waste to build a plant at the New Providence landfill.


jlcandu says...

I guess when you have your hand in the cookie jar, it's difficult to explain to the people for fear of being exposed..... This whole matter stinks to high heaven, and I guess the PLP are hoping it will all go away.

Posted 16 October 2014, 1:16 p.m. Suggest removal

Greentea says...

It isn't difficult to figure out Mr. Cash. Corruption. But beyond just asking the question- who among you- meaning those like yourself aspiring to political office can demand answers or get answers without fear and compromise? We have the questions. What the Bahamian public needs really are clear, honest answers. Who will give us that? And suggest a way forward. There is a sick paternalism about the way politics is handled here- as if Bahamians can't handle the truth and may riot- an excuse really to cover incompetence and corruption. What is the alternative? The chaos of today - where far too many people of all supposed "strata" of society wait for handouts and milk the system. You have asked a lot of questions in recent months- i hope you are keeping a record- to remind us of what has gone unanswered and unexplained in the next political carousel. Our memory is far too short. By that time- i am hoping you also have some answers. Maybe one or two bombshells will set this country right. time to demolish the pretense.

Posted 16 October 2014, 1:52 p.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...

Maybe Renward has a job lined up at Stellar Waste??????????????????

Posted 16 October 2014, 3:13 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

Very well said Greentea! They (the political elite) have created this monster called The Bahamas as we know it today. A Bahamas loaded to the hilt with corruption, nepotism, crony's, incompetence, theft at all levels, and the negative list goes on. The political elite are so absorbed in their thirst for power and money that they have yet to realize they are destroying the very thing that they profess to love, The Bahamas. What exactly do they think The Bahamas will be like for their children and grandchildren after they have looted the candy store. Do they believe that they can steal enough to keep them safe behind gated walls? I wonder just what the mindset of these idiots is? What is their end game? Loot enough to leave? I for one do not think the Bahamas they leave their children will be any better than what it was 40 years ago,

Posted 16 October 2014, 3:19 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

They are just pure greedy and believe that their wealth will insulate them. Many of them are regular church attenders too and read the same scriptures we all do about the folly of trying to serve both God and mammon. Christians? Don't make me laugh.

Posted 16 October 2014, 10:54 p.m. Suggest removal

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