Cash warns Wells: Do not spite Bahamian women to get back at PM


FNM Chairman Darron Cash yesterday warned Bamboo Town MP Renward Wells not to “spite Bahamian women” in a bid to get back at the Prime Minister over the Letter of Intent controversy.

Mr Cash said the former parliamentary secretary should reveal to the public the circumstances surrounding the controversial signing of a $650m letter of intent with a waste-to-energy company that led to his dismissal; and not use the gender equality vote as an opportunity to make a political statement.

He said the young politician was “finished” with the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) and pointed to the gender equality referendum as a chance for Mr Wells to represent the voters that elected him.

“As Mr Wells flexes about the power of his vote, he should be reminded that 61 per cent of the people did not want him as their MP,” he said. “He needs to work to build support and expand his base.”

“However, we do hope that Mr Wells will not seek to pay the Prime Minister back by voting against the upcoming gender equality bills. That is not the way for him to flex his parliamentary muscles. To do so would be to do what Mr Christie did back in 2002. Pure politics and spite.

“Today, Wells has first hand experience of what one politician can do. One man is primarily responsible for his entrance into the PLP and his status as a candidate. One man is responsible for his appointment as a Parliamentary Secretary. And one man took it away with the stroke of a pen.”

During its 2012 general election campaign, the PLP campaigned on the premise that the party featured young, vibrant candidates like Fort Charlotte MP Andre Rollins and Mr Wells. Both MPs are now in the middle of respective controversies, Mr Cash said.

“In short order Wells will have outlived his usefulness to Perry Christie and the PLP,” he said. “He has learned the hard way that meaningful roles for young powerhouses like him exist only in the FNM. Perry Christie is all talk about investing in young people and leveraging their intelligence.”

“Whether Mr Wells realizes it or not he is finished in the PLP. So he might as well speak the truth and do it now while there may still be options open to him,” Mr Cash said.

“What would be beneficial is for Wells to tell the whole truth about the deal that got him fired. That act of courage will likely win him support in his constituency.”

Nearly two weeks ago, PM Christie fired Mr Wells from his post as parliamentary secretary in the Ministry of Works because of the controversy.

The anticipated constitutional referendum on gender equality was postponed last month to an unspecified date in 2015.


ChaosObserver says...

this is very telling of the political state of this banana republic....."Today, Wells has first hand experience of what one politician can do. One man is primarily responsible for his entrance into the PLP and his status as a candidate. One man is responsible for his appointment as a Parliamentary Secretary. And one man took it away with the stroke of a pen.”.....
Political favoritism and advancement due to one/two people...not their constituents that voted politicians into office....

Posted 29 October 2014, 1:38 p.m. Suggest removal

Stapedius says...

I'm sure Cash knows what one man can do all too well. Mr. Ingraham had them by the short and curlies. Tommy T was the primary fool in Ingraham's sites. One thing I do give Cash is that he recognizes what Wells and Rollins don't and that is how to make good use of the media. Cash is actually more of an opposition than Minnis. He makes better points and just articulates the party position better. Minnis just doesn't make the mark. Wells and Rollins seem to think politics is about being people's friends. There is no friendship in the political game.

Posted 29 October 2014, 8:38 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Never mind Mr. Wells...... We are waiting for Mr. Cash to expound on illegal Haitian migration which is the biggest problem facing our country.

Every time a crawfish farts Mr. Cash insist on making a statement. However, Cash has NEVER mentioned the words "HAITIAN PROBLEM" to date!

Cash may actually be counterfeit Cash?

Posted 29 October 2014, 9:31 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Wells may not need to help them because it is the Bahamian women who will defeat most of the bill f not all anyway, if only because of lack of certainty about the intention of questoin 4. Then the bills says that children born to Bahamian parents abroad will be Bahamian at birth. So does this mean that Bahamians who go to Miami to have their babies will no longer get US citizenship for thse children and the children will automatically be Bahamians as is now the case with Haitians born in the Bahamas?

Posted 29 October 2014, 10:05 p.m. Suggest removal

sansoucireader says...

As long as you are born on US soil you are an American. Been born on Bahamian soil does not make you a Bahamian, especially if your parents are both foreigners and illegal.

Posted 29 October 2014, 11:25 p.m. Suggest removal

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