Minnis brings hope that we can do better

EDITOR, The Tribune.

For two years, I have been watching this PLP government take us from the sublime to the ridiculous.

At times, I’m disheartened to find a speck of hope for our land. Scandals in government. Corruption with our elected officials. It’s a sad state.

However, I remain optimistic when I see Dr Hubert Minnis in action. While many who wish to not embrace change may scoff at his methods, I see Doc as someone I can identify with: a Bahamian who pulled himself up from the bootstraps; a patriot who loves his country; a man who speaks from the heart; a man who can heal our land.

Forty-one years later, we are still smelling the stench of old politics. Watching him in his role as consensus builder, Doc offers a new direction and new leadership this nation needs. Minnis gives me hope that building consensus will be a priority for him when he becomes Prime Minister.

The era of big speeches with little action is over and many voters want less talk and more action. In 2017, my family and I want to have someone heading the Government who believes in doing things differently.

As an added bonus, Minnis ain’t gonna have to teef! He is a self-made man. He’s in politics because he actually wants to help us. I really think that he can lead us in his call to “do better”.

Minnis wants to build a team; we want to be a part of it.



September 4, 2014.


birdiestrachan says...

You can not be serious, All of this foolish talk about persons stealing. you must assume that their hue. means they are thieves. Dr. Minnis does not have one single original idea in his head. but he can sure find faults.

Posted 5 September 2014, 1:57 p.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

The it difference between the PLP and the FNM is the colors the represent. Nothing more and nothing less.

Posted 8 September 2014, 7:44 a.m. Suggest removal

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