FNM chairman tells PM to come out of hiding over Gaming Bill


Tribune Staff Reporter


PRIME Minister Perry Christie should disclose his government’s true intentions for legalising the webshop industry and stop “hiding behind the skirt tail of the governor of the Central Bank,” FNM chairman Darron Cash said yesterday.

Insisting that the government has lost credibility with Bahamians, Mr Cash also again said Mr Christie should apologise for his party’s opposition to the 2002 referendum conducted by the former Ingraham administration. 

In a press statement yesterday, Mr Cash said: “Today’s editorial in one of the national newspapers (The Nassau Guardian) sums up the reality for the Christie Government when it states ‘If the Prime Minister and his colleagues don’t do something to reverse this trend now, ‘lack of credibility’ will be the phrase that defines their time in office’.

“The trend of which they speak is the Government’s inability to live up to its words and deliver what it says it will deliver for the people when they said they would. In point of fact, Prime Minister Christie has zero credibility left with the Bahamian people. He has lost the moral authority to govern because he has lost the trust of the people.”

“When the church declares that your government has perpetrated an assault on a fundamental tenet of good governance by turning your back on the people and ignoring their vote, and that your action represents the ‘death of democracy’ there could be no more compelling evidence that your credibility has been completely destroyed,” he added, referring to the position of the Bahamas Christian Council (BCC) members who wore black to mourn the “death of democracy” in the country as the new Gaming Bill was tabled in the House of Assembly on Wednesday.

“An honourable Prime Minister would step down. But not Perry Christie.”

Mr Cash’s statements are the latest from the FNM in its continuing condemnation of the Christie Administration and its decision to ignore the results of last year’s gaming referendum.

He further said: “Before the gambling referendum the Prime Minister looked into the eyes of the Bahamian people and told them he had no horse in the race when he knew full well that he did. Most people would call that action a lie. After his effort at deceit failed, the Prime Minister then had to scurry to find other reasons to justify his plans to overturn the vote of the people.

“He decided to use the Central Bank and money laundering as his excuse. It is time for Prime Minister Perry Christie to “Man Up” and stop hiding behind the skirt tail of the Governor of the Central Bank.

“Yesterday Tourism Minister Obie Wilchcombe used the same ‘late breaking revelation about money laundering’ as an excuse as to why he and the Prime Minister had to go against the will of the people. But he was not finished.

“He is prepared to take another step to fulfil his web shop agenda.

“He thinks his government should apologise to the people for spitting in their face. How convenient.”


NoNoNo says...

What a mess.<img src="http://s04.flagcounter.com/mini/kfoW/bg…" style="display:none">

Posted 6 September 2014, 3:36 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Yes, if you're also including the red Comrade Chairman? He head does requires some fixing.

Posted 6 September 2014, 5:11 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

“hiding behind the skirt tail of the governor of the Central Bank”. This is a rather unseemly and disrespectful way for the Chairman of a major political party to refer to the head of the Central Bank of The Bahamas. So, if the governor of the Central Bank were a man, would Cash have asserted that the Prime Minister was hiding behind his pant leg?

Posted 6 September 2014, 10:40 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

He could have made his point using better terms. but It's unseemly that the head of the central bank had made no statement prior to or since to dispute the foolishness the government is spewing. She is the one allowing her good name, and she does have a good name, to be muddied

Note that the situation she spoke of still exists. As far as I know a gaming license does not allow anyone to operate an illegal banking operation. And these people in NO WAY have qualified themselves to operate banks. They have proven themselves shady, resourceful, disrespectful of the laws of the land, and willing to go yo great lengths to purchase government support. It seems the central bank should still be sounding the alarm to the oblivious minister of finance

Posted 7 September 2014, 1:15 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

It is Darron Cash who needs to hide under or behind something big....perhaps LBT would suffice for this purpose.

Posted 6 September 2014, 10:54 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

so unnecessary is this gratuitous remark

Posted 6 September 2014, 11:58 p.m. Suggest removal

BSObserver says...

Would someone on here actually deal with the issues in their comments and stop with the ad homonym attacks. The PM of The Bahamas is pandering to special interests at every turn, and this is all you people can talk about?

It seems to me that this forum is used more for running interference for one's favorite political party than serious social commentary. The reason these scoundrels can scam us so easily is because, rather than demand accountability, people try to outdo one another with snide remarks.

Grow up!

Posted 6 September 2014, 11:19 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Please tell readers it was not you the chastiser but an imposter who exactly 12 minutes before you posted above, also had posted the following on another Tribune blog page:

" I would say that Dr. Rollins just bitch-slapped Mr. Munroe, and frankly he needed it."


Posted 7 September 2014, 12:35 a.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Cash referring to the editorial page of a news paper, they are all FNM's and they all think alike The editor is doing her very best to advance the causes of the FNM party so it really means Zero, Nothing. Cash has to do much better than that.

Posted 7 September 2014, 3:47 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Cash and the Editor are both Papa's children

Posted 7 September 2014, 3:49 p.m. Suggest removal

Altalk says...

Get it right birdie.. Thats his mama.. She brought him infrom the cold.. Darron Cash is just a black tar baby... BBut I must say he is a big bad Brad in the making..

Posted 7 September 2014, 9:21 p.m. Suggest removal

Thewholestory says...

The Chairman's remarks are sexist, demeaning and pathetic.Did I mention disgraceful and unseemly? He has found it acceptable to trivialize the important role of the Governor of the Central Bank because she is a woman while at the same time creating slimy innuendo relative to the Prime Minister. This is most unworthy of a National Chairman of what is supposed to be a respectable political organization. The tone and tenor of Mr Cash's comments in recent times tells me he needs to hang up his gloves. He is doing more harm than good to the FNM.

Posted 8 September 2014, 12:29 a.m. Suggest removal

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