Experts outline factors behind people turning to suicide


UNEMPLOYMENT and a lack of follow-up treatment are some of the reasons people turn to suicide, according to noted psychiatrist Dr David Allen, who gave a presentation at a suicide prevention workshop yesterday.

Dr Allen’s comments came at the event organised by the Psychology Department of the Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre. The facility hosted the one-day workshop in association with the Pan American Health Organisation to commemorate World Suicide Prevention Day.

Dr Allen, director of the Renascence Institute, spoke about suicide from the Bahamian perspective. He mentioned unemployment and the lack of follow-up treatment as some reasons for suicide, adding that “the factors causing homicide and suicide are similar”.

“What we have to do is make sure our suicide rate doesn’t follow our homicide rate,” Dr Allen said.

In addition to examining warning signs of suicidal behaviour such as drastic mood changes, substance abuse and unnecessary reckless behaviour, the workshop also offered suggestions to help strengthen young people to protect themselves from suicidal thoughts during this developmental stage in their lives.

“It is important to educate the public and persons who are caregivers for children about some risk factors and preventative measures for suicide,” clinical psychologist, Wendy Fernander told The Tribune.

The workshop, designed for individuals and groups who interact with and provide programmes for children, assisted in developing useful screening techniques and an effective institutional action plan for caregivers. According to the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) first global report on suicide prevention, “more than 800,000 people die by suicide every 40 seconds”.

Though suicide occurs all over the world and can take place at any age, reports by the WHO state that: “In some countries, however, the highest rates are found among the young. Notably, suicide is the second leading cause of death in 15 to 29-year-olds globally”.

The workshop challenged the public to “act now” to help those thinking about suicide, which involves acknowledging and actively listening to persons considering suicide, caring for the individual and obtaining professional help for treatment.

The Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre encourages the public to attend its next major educational project on World Mental Health Day on October 10, under the theme: “Schizophrenia: fostering collaboration in education and care provision”.


John says...

Suicide does not always be a result of being in a disposition. Being unemployed, breaking off a relationship financial or health problems. Some people can be doing well and have everything going for them yet they have thoughts of killing themselves. Sometimes they get tired of fighting these thoughts and end their lives. Then friends and family are left to try to figure out who or what caused it. Some people also mix medication with alcohol or street drugs and this can also cause someone to go over the edge and end his or her life. Then some people will show very little outward signs of what they are going through or what they intend to do.. Sometimes the people they do reach out to does not realize what is going on.

Posted 11 September 2014, 4:39 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Young people are very sensitive and guarded about certain aspects of their lives. Taunting and teasing can also cause them to commit suicide

Posted 11 September 2014, 5:09 p.m. Suggest removal

sansoucireader says...

Also, be aware of a person who gives away prized possessions saying he won't be needing them anymore. The same person who wouldn't let you borrow a CD is now giving you the entire collection?! That's a sign right there.

Posted 14 September 2014, 12:52 p.m. Suggest removal

NoNoNo says...

So very sad.<img src="…" style="display:none">

Posted 14 September 2014, 2:37 p.m. Suggest removal

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