No snub for Minnis, says FNM deputy amid claims of tensions


Tribune Staff Reporter

FNM DEPUTY Leader Loretta Butler-Turner yesterday denied she had “snubbed” party leader Dr Hubert Minnis at a private event that was held for her in North Abaco over the weekend.

Mrs Butler-Turner told The Tribune that despite Dr Minnis showing up at the event uninvited with guests nearly two hours late, she still “warmly welcomed him to the private event sponsored by Friends of Loretta Butler Turner.” However she confirmed that she did not allow the party leader to speak at the event, even though he wanted to, “because it was not the place for that”.

Yesterday FNM insiders told The Tribune tension is brewing between Dr Minnis and his deputy over the likelihood that she will challenge him when the party holds its next convention. The sources said the apparent rift is not good for the party, which should focus on ousting the Christie administration, adding that this increases the need for an early convention.

Mrs Butler-Turner said despite a tabloid report published earlier this week, the party was not an FNM event, but was sponsored by a team that is helping her canvass the country as she considers a leadership bid.

“For the record, the event was sponsored by The Friends of Loretta Butler-Turner, a committee that will host events on New Providence, Grand Bahama and the Family Islands as I consult with FNMs throughout the country on a possible run by me for the leadership of the party,” she said.

“Prior to the event I clearly indicated the nature of the event and that I, along with my committee, were the sponsors. I was talking to the people of North Abaco and since they have no formal constituency association, I said I would help them launch a fund-raising event. I told them they could invite 100 people and they shared with me who they were,” she said.

“Two days before the event, I got information that Dr Minnis phoned Abaco and said he would like an invitation. I told them he didn’t need one and I would accommodate him if he came. On the day of the event, it started exactly at 7pm, Dr Minnis came around 8:30pm with his wife, Michael Foulkes and another party officer. I went over, I said ‘good evening’ and welcomed them to my cocktail reception. I asked Dr Minnis if he knew it was a private event and he indicated that he didn’t. I warmly welcomed him anyway and continued to mingle at the party.”

Mrs Butler-Turner said everything went well and Dr Minnis and his wife appeared to enjoy her hospitality until it was time for her to give a speech.

“At about 9:30pm, I took the mike to thank everyone for coming and I recognised Dr Minnis and had the crowd give him an applause. I said it was about being FNMs and we had to work together to win the next election, winning one constituency at a time. When I was done, I was told Dr Minnis wanted to speak, but I did not allow him to speak at the event because it was not the place for that. It was about me feeling out the crowd about my possible leadership bid. Dr Minnis left shortly after that.”

Mrs Butler-Turner said she respects Dr Minnis as the leader of the FNM but the event was privately sponsored. She also said when and if she declares her official bid for leader of the party, the event will be “grand and everyone will be blown out of the water.”

The Tribune attempted to contact Dr Minnis, but he was unavailable up to press time.

However, FNM sources maintain that a “war” is escalating between the two.

“The pretence that there is nothing going on between Butler-Turner and Minnis is utter foolishness and I don’t want him, her or the chairman to try and fool the public about how there is no disunity in the FNM,” said a senior member of the FNM who did not want to be named.

Another FNM said: “While Minnis handled himself with dignity and restraint, it is clear that the two of them can’t work together (and) don’t like each other. One or both of them have to go.”

In June the party announced plans to hold a convention in early 2015.


TalRussell says...

Oh my, my how the so willing red actors are quick point fingers at the PM's troubles with Comrade Dr. Andre, but when tables are turned on their own leadership problems it's like watching a silent movie on these hereto blog Tribune blog page. Still not a peep from the red's casting director da Tribune on Papa Hubert and his DPM Brent's harsh tongue lashing his former boss?

Posted 18 September 2014, 1:21 p.m. Suggest removal

jackbnimble says...

LBT for Prime Minister? ... hmmmm... don't think so!

Posted 18 September 2014, 2:32 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Perhaps BLT has mistakenly equated size with the ability to lead.

Hubert Ingraham had a similar problem....He looked in the mirror and said to himself...... "vit a big head like dis, I gatte be a genius"

Obviously as it turned out he was like a crawfish... All head and no brain!

Posted 21 September 2014, 8:14 a.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

LBT for anything in governing us, the Bahamian people? "Hell No!" say most of us. But we also say "Hell No!" to Minnis. Therein lies the conundrum that has Christie poking fun of the FNM and McCartney lickin' his chops! But, we the Bahamian people also say "Hell No!" to both Christie and McCartney. Herein lies the golden opportunity for any independent who can demonstrate that he or she is intelligent and has the interests of the Bahamian people rather than his or her bank account or pocket book at heart.

Posted 18 September 2014, 2:57 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Bring Black Beard back one time.......We might have a better chance.

Posted 21 September 2014, 8:20 a.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

Both Minnis and Butler-Turner are immature, insecure, petty alleged politicians. Why would they want to bring any of this to the public, either through tabloids or mainstream media? How is any of this in the public's interests? The Bahamian people do not have time for this nonsense with everything that is going on in the nation today. These two are an embarrassment to politics. The PLP is an embarrassment in governance, but not politics. Politics they can do. Governance they are a bloody train wreck at.

Posted 18 September 2014, 3:14 p.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...

LBT is not immature .....................she is focused on being a viable FNM candidate for 2017 ...... if anyone has a problem with that ................ TOO BAD.

Posted 18 September 2014, 3:30 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Bullshyt..........BLT only focus is on the next free constituency buffet!

Posted 20 September 2014, 7:51 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

My Comrade Deputy Leader Loretta, if only you had looked out for Minnis and loaned him your Mercedes Benz, before it gotten stolen, he could have had his car-less police chauffeur pulls up alongside da Prime Minster when both them be out cruising around Nassau Town in back they's Luxury Benz's, rolled down he window and shouted - see PM, now I too is a contender for the Prime Minister's job? But oh no, not from my deputy leader, not even a one-way ticket to Palookaville, Abaco. Comrades I only wish I could make this stuff up


Posted 18 September 2014, 4:43 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

I think that dude just needta relax. . .have a convention or something! It just looks bad fer him ta be lurking around like a jilted boyfriend. Stay ya tail home in ya house and let them peoples dem do what they want to do. Stop acting like he afraid of them folks!!! BUT IN ABACO? Me smell a big rat named Big Papa!!!

Posted 18 September 2014, 5:44 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

It is very impolite and show your immaturity to refer to Papa, a "Proven Jackass" as a big rat!

I am appalled that you piss upwind with a "Matter Of Trust"

Posted 20 September 2014, 8 a.m. Suggest removal

Altalk says...

yes LBT plz let rusted fnm machinery fool you into thinking you could run for leader ..and perhaps win the election in 2017....oh plz plz do it.....for sure with you being leader the fnm will be a guaranteed 3 seats..I repeat 3 seats....the next election is between the the plp and the dna....and by hook or crook the plp is determined to win the next election....

Posted 18 September 2014, 10:08 p.m. Suggest removal

GQ says...

Mrs. Turner has a serious problem with the truth. There was an invitation posted on Facebook from the North Abaco FNM association. Friends from Treasure Cay and Coopers Town confirmed to me that it was their function and not Mrs. Turner's. Woman my advice is to tell the truth and you will always tell the same story because things written alleging you as the source differ.

Posted 19 September 2014, 12:07 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

GQ.......ANY function where their is FOOD belongs solely to BLT!

Posted 21 September 2014, 8:25 a.m. Suggest removal

mostsickandtired says...

I want to know how this private event and private conversation became national news?
Obviously the Tribune wants to sow discord and distrust for Minnis AND Butler Turner.
I hope it is not to clear the way for Hubert to return again! Heaven forbid.

Posted 19 September 2014, 1:22 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Hubert Ingraham really should come back.

At least we know he's a 100% Haitian that cannot make a sensible decision and understandably hates Bahamians.

Posted 20 September 2014, 7:56 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

I don't see the reds deputy leader's Mercedes Benz stolen out her driveway with keys in it story online. Did journalists upstairs at Shirley & Deveaux bury that one?

Posted 20 September 2014, 11 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Posted 20 September 2014, 1:03 p.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...


Posted 21 September 2014, 10:53 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...



Posted 21 September 2014, 11:20 a.m. Suggest removal

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