Smith's $400,000 a year folly

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I read in complete disbelief Candia Dames’ National Review column concerning a report of terms and conditions of the proposed engagement of Dr Rodney Smith as president of the College of The Bahamas.

It is beyond comprehension that the College would have advertised to fill the post of College President, without first having determined the terms and conditions attached to the post.

This is a tenet of basic human resources policy in any organisation; you advertise a specific post with specific terms and conditions. Among those terms and conditions is a salary scale or range. This is also a tenet of Bahamas Government policy as is evident from the many advertisements to fill posts in the public sector frequently appearing in our newspapers.

How can it be that all of the learned people assembled by the Government to conduct the search for a new COB President forgot this basic human resource tenet? What do they take us for?

The insanity of salary discussions being reported in the media are too outrageously fantastic to be real; $400,000 per annum? Surely they jest!



September 29, 2014.


ohdrap4 says...

only in the Bahamas these university lecturers get free and clear things without having to produce anything.

in the us, the college presidents have to manage millions of dollars in endowment funds and and raise millions of dollars for the schools,

As a percentage of these sums, their salaries are not that much.

Can he raise 30 million dollars and keep half a million? give it to him. If not, let him seek employment at Harvard.

Posted 30 September 2014, 6:35 p.m. Suggest removal

pablojay says...

He was basically begging for the job to repair his tarnished image and bruised ego, therefore
he could have been gotten for half of what everybody else wanted . All of those learned
individuals involved in this embarrassing fiasco should do the honourable thing and resign forthwith,because even the "joneser's" price is settled BEFORE he wipes off a car.

Posted 30 September 2014, 11:48 p.m. Suggest removal

jlcandu says...

This is sickening!!! That salary is outrageous for a rinky-dink institution like COB!!!! Put him on a salary that is half of that and if he manages to convert COB into an accredited university, then give him what he wants. This is a slap in the face to all the students and faculty at COB!!

Posted 1 October 2014, 1:24 p.m. Suggest removal

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