Families for Justice call for Dwight Smith to be removed as PSA chairman


Tribune Freeport Reporter


FAMILIES for Justice Founder Rev Glenroy Bethel is calling for the removal of the Police Staff Association (PSA) executive chairman Dwight Smith, who is accused of indecently exposing himself to a female officer.

Mr Bethel has written a formal letter to the Governor General calling for Inspector Smith’s removal from his post, which he continues to hold after being charged in court and interdicted from the Police Force. Inspector Smith has pleaded not guilty to the charge of indecent asault, which allegedly occurred in December 2013.

He believes Inspector Smith’s removal would be in the best interest of the public. He added that him remaining on as PSA chairman would send a wrong message. 

“A crusade has been arranged by our organisation in order to have Inspector Dwight Smith step down or removed as chairman of the Police Staff Association in New Providence and in Grand Bahama,” he said during a press conference on Wednesday.

Rev Bethel's stance echoes that of State National Security Minister Keith Bell, who last week described the PSA as a "political tool" in the Senate when referring to the case and suggesting the organisation disrepected senior police executives.

Rev Bethel said Inspector Smith was formally arraigned before a court and interdicted by the Commissioner of Police, Ellison Greenslade.

In his letter to the Governor General, Rev Bethel outlined several important reasons why Inspector Smith should voluntarily resign or be forced to resign as PSA chairman.

He noted that approval for Inspector Smith’s interdiction was given by the Governor General under the Police Act. “While he is Interdicted, he still remains under the disciplinary action of the Royal Bahamas Police Force,” he said.

Rev Bethel wrote that if Inspector Smith remains as chairman of the PSA his position in office would create a conflict of interest to the alleged criminal offence he faces.    

And he said that Inspector Smith should be made to resign in the best interest of the public. “Our men and women who serve the public must serve with integrity and, the message must be clear to the public that  no one is above the law. If he is allowed to lead the Police Staff Association while a criminal charge is pending against him, it would send the wrong message to  our communities.

“Therefore, we call upon Her Excellency Dame Marguerite Pindling, Governor General of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, under Chapter 205 of the Police Act, for the resignation or removal of Inspector Dwight Smith as chairman of the Police Staff Association out of office until the conclusion of Inspector Smith’s trial,” Rev Bethel said.


Tommy77 says...

One big mess.<img src="http://s04.flagcounter.com/mini/kfoW/bg…" style="display:none"><img src="http://s05.flagcounter.com/mini/WUu/bg_…" style="display:none">

Posted 2 April 2015, 5 p.m. Suggest removal

abe says...

Yeah it doesn't look good.<img src="http://smsh.me/pui4.png" style="display:none">
<img src="http://smsh.me/2794z.png" style="display:none">

Posted 2 April 2015, 7:57 p.m. Suggest removal

thomas says...

As chairman he serves the police staff association, shouldn't the police staff be making the call here? Is this not an elected post?

Posted 2 April 2015, 5:08 p.m. Suggest removal

bismark says...

the police voted this man in,it was their election.

Posted 2 April 2015, 6:47 p.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

I don't see how him being in charge of a "staff association" is any threat to anybody. If he were in charge of Rape Investigations or something, maybe that would be a concern. Too bad he is being classified by these people as guilty before trial.

Why bother having a trial? Just bring out the lynch mob - I guess that's what they want.

* * *

Posted 2 April 2015, 10:29 p.m. Suggest removal

thomas says...

I agree, especially if elections were held after he was charged. Clearly he has the support of the officers maybe the good reverend should take up another cause we sure have enough of them

Posted 2 April 2015, 11:35 p.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

Yeah, it's funny the causes attach themselves to. The only 2 causes we really have should spend any energy on in this country right now are:

1. The Freedom of Information Act;

2. The invasion of our country by other cultureS seeking to destroy our own culture. People need to ask the question - do Bahamians deserve to survive as a unique people with language, history, and culture? Or is it just politically correct that we be wiped out by becoming an unrecognizable minority?

Posted 3 April 2015, 10:09 a.m. Suggest removal

DEDDIE says...

Guilty until proven innocent. If that poof takes five years then you are guilty for five years.The police administration don't like Mr.Smith because the staff like him.

Posted 3 April 2015, 1:41 p.m. Suggest removal

EasternGate says...

Anything Senator Bell says is generally bullsh...! This shitty government has dropped criminal charges against PLP supporters and brought them back to government on promotion!

Posted 4 April 2015, 1:50 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

POLITICS: people become popular be saying how much politicians are abusing their power. They get elected by promising to change things. They stay elected by doing the same things they got elected by promising to fix.

Posted 4 April 2015, 2:49 p.m. Suggest removal

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