Cancer victim left waiting for weeks in ward for surgery


Tribune Freeport Reporter

FREEPORT resident Mildred Davis claims that her ill husband, who was diagnosed with cancer, was left waiting two weeks in the male surgical ward at Princess Margaret Hospital in New Providence after two cancelled surgery dates.

According to Mrs Davis, 55, the first surgery was scheduled for January 23, but was cancelled because the list was too long. Her husband, Hencil Davis, was given a second date of January 30, but it was also cancelled due to the relocation of the operating theatre, she said.

Mr Davis, 62, was diagnosed with cancer of the tongue in January. The mass has already spread to his throat and ear, causing severe pain and headaches.

“He was over there in the male surgical ward for two weeks suffering. He could not swallow properly and so he was unable to eat,” she said.

Mrs Davis could not stay in Nassau and so her husband was there alone.

“My husband is not employed and so I am the only one working now, I had to go back to my job in Freeport.”

She got a very disturbing call from her husband while he was in the hospital.

“He was very sad and told me come and get him because he was in a lot of pain and that no one there was helping him,” she claimed.

Mrs Davis is very disappointed that her husband has not receive the help he needs, especially when doctors told them that he needed surgery urgently.

“Money is very tight with us right now. My husband is no longer employable and he has no insurance,” she said. “I scraped together the little money I had and took him to the Princess Margaret Hospital.”

Mr Davis continues to battle his illness. He went to the dentist in early December for what he thought was a toothache, but the dentist referred him to see an ear/mouth/throat specialist.

Mrs Davis said her husband saw a specialist at Sunrise Medical Centre on December 12.

“The specialist said it looks like cancer and told us that we needed to go to Nassau the following Monday, but I could not afford to send him at the time,” she explained.

Mrs Davis said her husband was taken to Rand Memorial Hospital after experiencing severe headaches and pain. A CT scan of his throat and tongue was taken.

“The scan showed that the mass had spread to his ear-way, and doctors at the Rand referred him to see a specialist,” she said.

She took her husband to see the specialist again on January 18. A biopsy was taken, confirming the worst.

“We were told that it was cancer and that he needed to go to Nassau for emergency surgery at PMH. We left that evening, and he saw the consultant on January 19, and he was admitted to the male surgical ward,” she recalled.

Mrs Davis is very upset about the ordeal her husband endured for two weeks at PMH.

“He laid there all alone and nothing was done. He was over there for two weeks suffering after two cancelled surgeries,” she said.

Mrs Davis said she went for her husband and was insulted by a doctor who said she was carrying on like a “mad woman.”

“I signed my husband out and brought him back home to Freeport. I feel they would not have cancelled his surgery if we had the money up-front. I want people to know what is going on in the public health care system,” she said.

Mrs Davis said the experience has left her husband discouraged.

“He is trying as best he can to cope with his illness, but he still needs surgery and some sort of treatment,” she said.

The Tribune contacted Mr Davis’ doctor for comment. He did not come to the phone, but his assistant told this newspaper that the physician said he does not comment on his patients.

Judy Hamilton, communications director at the Public Hospitals Authority, also said she was unable to comment on the matter.


birdiestrachan says...

I am very sorry for Mr: and Mrs: Davis. This must be very hard for their family and I pray they will receive the help they need very soon..

Posted 9 April 2015, 12:51 p.m. Suggest removal

Stapedius says...

Unacceptable. The standard of care in this country is deplorable.

Posted 9 April 2015, 3:05 p.m. Suggest removal

gbgal says...

Please try to see the doctors in GB first to request their help to see the specialists in Nassau. Your husband should not have to suffer like this! Prayers and Blessings.

Posted 9 April 2015, 3:16 p.m. Suggest removal

sotiredoftal says...

This is no surprise.... for years I've known of many horror stories stemming from the lack of professionalism, care and work ethic of SOME of these heartless dogs they call staff at PMH.
Case 1: My best friends' mom went in for gall stone removal, mysteriously dies, no explanation.
Case 2: My human resources manager mom went in for some kind of simple surgery, big otherwise healthy, strong woman, dead.. no explanation although i think there's a court case pending.
Case 3: My cousin got in a bad boat accident on Abaco, had to be airlifted to Nassau, I went to see him expecting to meet him in a hospital bed on a ward, he was still laying on a gurney in a hallway, bleeding from his ears, nose and mouth, upper and lower jaw broken, excruciating pain, internal bleeding...etc... chile I had to cough up $700 for him to receive medical attention before he died in that hallway. I wish only the worst for those nurses that were sitting there gossiping and snacking. And get this, I was so upset and crying looking at him, that I fainted, and wen I came to, they were still there ignoring him. I had to start kicking up a fuss.
Case 4: I was pregnant, desperately went there to make sure I wasn't leaking amniotic fluid, I was 27, but I look 18. So they treat me like those poor young girls that are in there that they talk to like dogs until I informed the big fat lazy one at the desk that I'm not tolerating no nonsense because Im a BIG grown woman. They checked their bad attitudes with me, even though I was pissed they had me sitting there 7 hours before they check for leaking fluid, but continued to belittle and intimidate the young girls.
Case 5: A friend of mines got hit with a stray bullet, hes from Farrington Road, but I could hear a nurse saying "let him lay there in pain for lil while, these Bain Town and Kemp Road fellas to like commit crime bout and wan be acting like baby when they get shoot and stab." Thing is, hes never shot nor stabbed anyone, or even been to court for that matter.

If I have an emergency, PMH is the LAST place I'd like to go, because It would probably be the last place I see.

And BTW there are many more stories... but I don't have time to write a book.

Posted 9 April 2015, 4:21 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I could add three horror stories to that book. Many of the doctors at PMH appear to be the bottom of the barrel. I heard a comment that if as many children were dying fir common conditions as adults, everyone would be up in arms. But because they're older, their deaths are masked by the "it was their time" argument.

NHI? How? Where? Will NHI fix attitudes?

Posted 10 April 2015, 6:06 a.m. Suggest removal

PaulaMaria says...

I don't actually understand why they are acting like this, I guess there must be some problems in their medical sistem. I can't believe that there are people who are capable of doing such things without a financial reason. I am sorry for Davis family and I wish them luck with this big problem, representative for the lack of organization in the medical area of this country.
<a href=" ">AnaMaria</a>

Posted 10 April 2015, 4 a.m. Suggest removal

gbgal says...

Another suggestion is to contact the Cancer Society in Nassau and ask them to help. These people are committed individuals and sincerely interested in helping people. Good luck!

Posted 10 April 2015, 12:29 p.m. Suggest removal

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