FNM chairman is sued by PM

Prime Minister Perry Christie has announced that he is to sue the chairman of the FNM, Michael Pintard, for defamation.

A statement issued by Bahamas Information Services last night said: “Prime Minister Perry Christie, announced today that he has instructed his attorneys to take legal action against FNM Chairman Senator Michael Pintard for defamation of character. According to the Prime Minister, Senator Pintard, in a press release, falsely and maliciously accused him of interfering with a police matter involving Randy Rolle, the Bahamas Consul in Atlanta.”

The Prime Minister is quoted in the press release as saying: “What Senator Pintard said about me was completely and utterly false. It was a bold-faced lie. Now he will have to account for his defamatory assault in a court of law.”

The statement continued: “The Prime Minister further announced that he has also instructed his attorneys to take action against those media houses that published Senator Pintard’s release and in so doing had committed defamation as well.”

The action comes in the wake of allegations that Mr Rolle was arrested in Bimini last Friday after an altercation with police officers but later released.

Speaking to The Tribune this week, Police Commissioner Ellison Greenslade also denied any involvement in the release of Mr Rolle.

He said it was “erroneous” for anyone to assert that he ordered the release of Mr Rolle.

As reported in yesterday’s Tribune, the commissioner denied that he or any politician, including the prime minister, had intervened on Mr Rolle’s behalf, adding that his release was the result of a decision by an assistant superintendent on the island.

Mr Greenslade said he became aware of the incident after Mr Rolle was released from police custody. Mr Rolle had initially told The Tribune that he had called the commissioner about the incident but backtracked from this, saying he did not know the commissioner’s cell phone number.

Mr Rolle also denied the FNM claims. On Tuesday, he said: “At no time did I ever call or speak to the prime minister during the time of the events. The matter was resolved without recourse to any politician. I was released without charge and there the matter ended.”


proudloudandfnm says...

Man Perry loves to threaten to sue. Thing is he never actually does. And he sure as hell aint gonna sue on this one. All I saw in Pintard's statement was alleged call.... Even Perry know he can't sue!! LOl!!

Posted 10 April 2015, 12:36 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

Smoke and mirrors, desperation is dangerous. Mr. PM, you government is a failure, call elections and it will be told to you loud and clear.

Posted 10 April 2015, 12:44 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Right now Perry getting a call from his lawyer. Um you know we can't sue right? The dude did say alleged..... And he's really only asking for an explanation. After the Gray thing and the Nolle thing you can't really blame him...


Posted 10 April 2015, 1:09 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Maybe we'll get lucky and the PLP and FNM will destroy each other ...... Just wishing

Posted 10 April 2015, 1:16 p.m. Suggest removal

FNM_Retards says...

Cross fingers and pray.

Posted 10 April 2015, 9:24 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

From a political standpoint it makes it worse if Pintard only "alleged ". How can you be asking for explanations and clarity on the one hand and you making allegations and innuendo on the other? What color did the pot call the kettle? Ok then.

Posted 10 April 2015, 1:20 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Um. Simple. Perry it is alleged you received a call from Rolle. We want to know the truth...

Get it now?


Posted 10 April 2015, 1:30 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Well Bradley Roberts says Mr Pintard should be sued for accusing the PM of what would have been an **impeachable** offence....i.e, Rolled arrested not charged with anything and the PM instructs the police to release him

Then what does Bradley Roberts think of the Alfred Gray affair....Alfred Gray admits to calling the magistrate and giving advice on an active case..TWICE.

Posted 10 April 2015, 2:10 p.m. Suggest removal

Hogfish says...

my oh my,

what a small penis perry must have for his ego to be this fragile.

Posted 10 April 2015, 2:14 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Can you imagine President Obama suing any other politician, especially one in opposition to him, or suing any national newspaper or other media outlet, for something said that offends him or asserts wrongdoing of any kind by him? It just never would happen! President Obama knows full well he is a public figure holding the highest office in his country and that with this privileged position comes innuendo, smears, heated remarks and vicious commentary from all quarters having an opposing view or differing political agenda. Every state leader but Christie has the maturity to appreciate this basic reality. But now we see thin skinned Christie engaged in an all out foolishly immature and unjustified assault on anyone who dares to oppose him, with a special targeting of all those that make up the fourth estate in our country. Young journalism students at COB, experienced journalists with our national dailies, bloggers and all others involved in media communications of any kind are laughing at Christie's spurious and vindictive assault on them by virtue of his proposed silly defamation action against Pintard and one or more of our daily newspapers. Well Mr. Christie, if you can no longer take the heat of your office and the consequences of your many foolish decisions and failed policies inflicted on the Bahamian people, then it is high time you find the door that is sure to hit you hard in the backside while on the way out! Our court system is starved for much needed resources as it is, and we certainly don't welcome you placing needless additional burden on it through frivolous legal actions like the one you now threaten! Grow a decent size pair man and stop wasting our time and insulting our intelligence because you now choose to wear your sheepishly immature emotions lightly on your sleeve!!!!

Posted 10 April 2015, 2:15 p.m. Suggest removal

bandit says...

True the U.S. courts wouldn't have room on their calendar if President Obama was to sue everyone who said something negative about him even if it was defamation. SMH

Posted 10 April 2015, 3:08 p.m. Suggest removal

FNM_Retards says...

Obamma the clown HAS sued before. Just google it, if your brainwashed mind will allow you to think outside of the box.

Posted 10 April 2015, 9:15 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

You're obviously that generalcrazy idiot posting your idiotic ideals under another user name. You're not fooling anyone. You're stupidity is a clear indication that will always expose and preceed you.

Posted 12 April 2015, 6:55 p.m. Suggest removal

FNM_Retards says...

STOP LIKING MAN, you FNM retard - I am actually one of YOUR other multiple personalities. Now you see me, now you don't, now you see me, now you don't - BOO !!

Posted 12 April 2015, 9:58 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

This will never go anywhere. Perry will have to face a discovery process where the questions are wide ranging and intensive. Suing someone gives the opposition lawyers a free pass to go fishing. No lawyer in his right mind defending Perry would allow that. It would be highly entertaining though. Perry might tell the judge to go to hell because he has been a politician for 40 years. LOL!

Posted 10 April 2015, 2:17 p.m. Suggest removal

Reality_Check says...

To the Editor of The Tribune: Please refrain from showing pics of Christie fondling his pinky ring as these pics give many of us the heebie-jeebies! Thanks.

Posted 10 April 2015, 3:30 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Yes Mr: Christie sue them. they lie to much.

Posted 10 April 2015, 4:09 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

And Cool PC tells the TRUTH, you fool bad now! Some people only see what they WANT to see.

Posted 10 April 2015, 5:38 p.m. Suggest removal

FNM_Retards says...

Damn right birdie, they are a bunch of scum buckets, all they do is lie for political browny points. Forget the facts, they don't even know what that is anymore, they live in some fantasy land where the FNM is right and everyone else is wrong. Have you see how run down the FNM headquarters is, and the area surrounding it, garbage is everywhere, piles and piles of it, and there are criminal thugs working all around the headquarters building. Amazing they don't get banned as a political party. The FNM was pretty much finished in 2012, they failed and they are done, the FNM is a part of history that we should forget ever existed.

Posted 10 April 2015, 9:28 p.m. Suggest removal

FNM_Retards says...

Are you an FNM supporter? Because they can hardly talk, they are all nasty retards - have you seen their ghetto run down nasty headquarters on Mackey Street? its like a bunch of animals hang out there. Pathetic, and they want to act like they are better than the PLP or DNA. HA.

Posted 10 April 2015, 9:20 p.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

What an idiot. Another distraction from the many real issues facing our country. He is a punk.Like you guys say this will never see the light of day. The man is really losing all sense of reality

Posted 10 April 2015, 4:14 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

I think all that hair dye he uses must be going to his brain, not in a good way!

Posted 10 April 2015, 5:43 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

It was Mr: Pintard's intention to damage Mr: Christie, the news papers carried his stories. There have been letters written . Mr:Christie would have been foolish if he had done anything to release Mr: Rolle. Why did Pintard go to the press with this story knowing it was not true and he could not prove it. Pintard is not a smart man. but he is Minnis man. DUMB and DUMBER.

duMber re

Posted 10 April 2015, 8:35 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

You must remember that the degree of doubt is far less in civil matters than in criminal matters!! All is needed is a preponderance of the evidence to decide for or against a defeaming case!! There is more than abundance of evidence to make any reasonable person to believe that PGC did performed the acts accused of!! His history of dealings in government with his cronies leaves little doubts in any person's mind that he guilty! And child please. . .we gat too much evidence to prove that he and his PLP cronies will lie they heads off!!! HE WILL NOT SUE. . .HE CAN,T WIN!!

Posted 14 April 2015, 6:08 p.m. Suggest removal

FNM_Retards says...

Good job PGC, sue those FNM retards.

Posted 10 April 2015, 9:13 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades the PM himself is lawyer enough to know his lawsuit threat is meant for all members of her Majesty's official Opposition, with the press thrown in for sound effects, is intended to silence and intimate his critics. You hope by financially burdening them with legal costs they will abandon their opposition and criticism. It is one of the worst holdovers of British colonialism and UBPism. Used and failed against the PM's same PLP party in a vain effort to maintain a grip on Bay Street power. Some things remain da same, except for the colour ya political skin. Now, we will see what, if anything, this red party is prepared to stick to their guns for? Or, will they run scared, from their first threat of being slapped with a lawsuit? Even used against The Tribune but again they failed, to silence Etienne Dupuch.Their Bay Street deep pockets again failed to silence Comrade Randol


Posted 10 April 2015, 9:36 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

It's weird the only time he acts swiftly is when someone *"hurts his feelings"*. The media Pintard, the taxi union fella, Izmarilian

Posted 11 April 2015, 3:06 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**.......... Calling CrazyGeneral ..... Calling CrazyGeneral .... Calling CrazyGeneral ...........**

Posted 12 April 2015, 12:11 p.m. Suggest removal

Major_Pain says...

The General has left us for a while - he is on extended Vacation.

Posted 12 April 2015, 3:20 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

CrazyGeneral/Rory is now posting as FNM_Retards...

Posted 13 April 2015, 9:44 a.m. Suggest removal

Major_Pain says...

Other clowns that should be sued = Ingraham, Symonette, Minnis, Butler Turner, and the list goes on. Pretty much all the EFFIN EMM retards, including their dumb clueless supporters.

Posted 12 April 2015, 3:23 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

Actually, PGC, our great leader, plans to sue Pintard, he has not sued. Similar to that he plans to announce his decision on BEC, to get to the ground of the Wells affair, etc. = never. so lets move on.

Posted 12 April 2015, 5:35 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

This cannot never be defeaming character. . .when the character's typical behavior is the same with gray, davis, wells. . .rolle. . .BAMSI. . . etc. . .I rest my case!!!

Posted 14 April 2015, 6:02 p.m. Suggest removal

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