Are you living your life – distracted and out of control?


FEW would disagree that we are living in a paradigm of unprecedented distractions. This never before seen period of gizmos and gadgets has rendered people powerless to drive their lives to an improved state.

Ironically, in an environment of unlimited technology that is supposed to keep people connected and provide a sense of control, more people are being distracted and out of control.

While living anxious and fearful may offer some weird adrenaline rush for some, it is not the path to peace. Peace within is having a sense of inner power to control the way you interact with the world around you. Most people are not necessarily interacting with any intention. Rather than leading themselves to a more peaceful and fulfilling life, they follow the path of distractions, becoming addicts of idle updates and unproductiveness.

You cannot live distracted and maintain control. Fundamentally, having control is about living with intention and taking deliberate action. 

Look at the horrific results of driving under the influence of alcohol. This habit has evolved to people crashing in similar ways due to distractions. A recent survey by the US AAA indicates that six out of 10 teen crashes involve driver distraction.

The habit of driving under the influence, distracted and out of control has become a gold standard for many.

What about you? How do you rise above this habit and reclaim control over your life? Rest assured that if you surrender your power to your gadget device, checking or ‘updating’ as if your life depended on it, in time, your life begins to depend on it.  Interestingly, people are posting ‘updates’ on a life that has essentially remained the same – no growth, no improvement, no productivity.

Flip the script and control the technology; do not allow it to control you. Take control. You are the creator of things. If you do not take control, something else surely will.

Control is simple but powerful word, especially when it comes to control over ourselves. People spend a whole heap of time trying to control other people or situations, yet they make no effort to gain control over themselves, their habits or desires.

A great quote says, “The unenlightened mind desires control, while the enlightened mind controls desires.” 

If you cannot control your desires, you cannot control your life. Rise above distractions and build your capacity to control your life.

Real power comes from within. However, if you live unaware of your power, then you may as well not have it. People live powerless, not because they are without power, but because they are without an awareness of their power. Untapped power, no matter its potency, cannot serve you. You must tap into and allow it to seep into your life. 

If you are tired of living distracted and out of control, make the decision to change by changing your thinking. 

In my coaching sessions when it comes to changing patterns of thinking, I ask the question, “What one shift can you make right now that would make the greatest difference in how you see this situation?”

How they see the situation is often the cause of the anxiety and they can shift the way they see it. Small shifts can make the greatest difference. It is not the situation, but the way you see it that often keeps you stuck.       

Leader to leader, in order to live with more control over your life, what one shift can you make today to see things differently?  You have the power to improve your life.

Make today the day that you plug into your power to live with less distractions and more control. You are well on your way living the larger life you love.

What do you think? 

• Michelle M Miller is a certified life coach, leadership expert and CEO of MCi. Questions or comments can be sent to e-mail or by snail mail to PO Box CB-13060; or telephone 429-6770 and visit 


PaulaMaria says...

I don't actually share the same impression with you. Only because we own that unlimitate acces to all the great developments of the technological fields is the reason why are we losing control. The main problem is that we don't know how to handle a simple situation, like a discussion, because we are distracted by other unsignificant things around us.
<a href="">Valerie </a>

Posted 15 April 2015, 9:23 a.m. Suggest removal

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