Auditor under fire for ‘unfair’ report


Tribune Staff Reporter

URBAN Renewal 2.0 Co-Chair Cynthia “Mother” Pratt yesterday blasted Auditor General Terrence Bastian for his “unfair” audit on the initiative’s Small Home Repairs programme, and said she “resented” being thought of “in a negative light” as a result of the report.

Mrs Pratt said she was “concerned” that Urban Renewal had now become a “political football” with poor people “caught in the middle”, and questioned whether Mr Bastian really cares about the poor or is more concerned with “nit-picking”.

At a press conference called to defend the plan, Urban Renewal Co-Chair Algernon Allen also said the report signalled a “clear abdication of the auditor general’s responsibility to pursue truth and fact”.

Mr Allen blasted the auditor general for reportedly failing to consult the prime minister, minister of works, or any of the co-chairs prior to finalising the report.

“Do you really care about the poor?” Mrs Pratt asked yesterday. “That is my question. Do we really care or are we concerned about nit-picking? What about the hundreds of homes we repaired? The statement said they investigated 75 (homes). Well we did over 300. You found seven of them inadequate. Well what about the rest? Why didn’t you say what you found with the rest? It is so unfair because what is happening here is that Urban Renewal is being used as their football and the poor people are caught in the middle. And they will do anything to destroy Urban Renewal because it is touching the lives of the poor.”

“Never before in my life has my integrity been questioned. Urban Renewal is my life. I’ve been involved with Urban Renewal before it was named Urban Renewal. If there are bad apples in Urban Renewal then we weed them out. But an audit report ought to dictate our weaknesses and our strengths and tell us what we need to do to strengthen one part or what we need to get rid of, but not to send scathing remarks as though it’s no good. The devil is a liar.”

She added: “I wasn’t a young thief so I sure ain’t going to be no old one…and I resent being thought of in a negative light because I have seen Mr Allen put his hand in his pocket and spend thousands of dollars already on Urban Renewal and that band and ask for nothing in return.”

The report, which was based on a study for the period July 1, 2012, to September 30, 2014, revealed that contracts for the repair of small homes in New Providence totalling $10,000 or more were issued to contractors without proof of ministerial approval.

The report also revealed that 11 contractors were paid $171,000 to conduct repairs, but upon onsite inspections conducted by the auditor general, it was revealed that little to no work was done at all.

The report concluded by criticising the programme for its lack of “due diligence, level of transparency and accountability,” as well as having too many “gaps” in its execution, quality of work done, and overall management. The report said that contrary to the SHR programme’s fundamental mandate, homes were repaired “where occupants were not elderly, disabled and unemployed.”

Mr Allen said yesterday that while he respected the auditor general’s report, Mr Bastian was “ill-advised or misinformed” while conducting the audit.

“I am of the firm view that the auditor general has failed to appreciate the philosophy of Urban Renewal; more specifically, the philosophy and policy of the Small Home Repairs project, thus making the erroneous statements in his audit report,” he said. “Despite assurances to review, amend, and correct the report, he has failed to address errors.”

Mr Allen also questioned the “true motive” behind the investigation.

Robert Carron, president of the Tribune Media Group, defended Mrs Pratt, explaining that he has worked with the former deputy prime minister on various community projects for 20 years. He wanted to make it clear that their work was private and had nothing to do with government’s Urban Renewal progaramme.

He said that the Santa Claus Christmas committee, for example, has over the years provided toys and a Christmas dinner for 45,197 less fortunate children. Another branch of the committee provided bullet proof vests for the police force. Most noteworthy was the generosity of the late “Butch” Kerzner who made it possible to either build or repair 34 homes in the St Cecilia constituency.

There were numerous other charitable programmes and generous donors, who insists on remaining anonymous, who did much good work. However, Mr Carron wanted to make it clear that although “Mother” Pratt was involved in much of the work - all urban renewal related – their work was that of private citizens and had nothing to do with government’s official Urban Renewal Programme.

“Does it (this audit) affect the donations (to Urban Renewal)? Yes it does, because if you throw a tar brush over everybody we are all guilty. Now, if there are some that need to be addressed, absolutely address them and resolve it, but do not disparage the 20 years of work that I know (of) with this lady,” Mr Carron said.

On Monday, FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis said criminal charges should be levied against those contractors who were paid by Urban Renewal without “finishing the people’s work”.

FNM Deputy Leader Peter Turnquest has also called the report “concerning” and said it highlights a “number of structural weaknesses” in the government initiative.


John says...

well muddoes! Mother has been around long enough to know that not everyone that comes around offering a helping hands has the integrity, the passion and the care for the needy and the unfortunate that she has. And Algernon Allen being a trained attorney should know that the report is not an attack on them and their character, but on the methodology they are using and the results that it is generating. The people have the right to question how their money is being squandered, err... spent (or do we?). The proper response would be to admit that there were challenges getting some persons to do or to complete or to complete in a satisfactory manner, work that was contracted to them, admit to the faults and promise to review the process and make necessary adjustments. No one is above scrutiny and if you wrong, you wrong. Not because you have on a church hat and carrying a church bag mean they have to trust you "all the way".

Posted 15 April 2015, 12:33 p.m. Suggest removal

BDN says...

I agree! Deal with the issues instead of fighting against it.

Posted 15 April 2015, 12:56 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

I can't believe Mother Pratt. I have always respected her love for our country. Please don't let Perry drag you down with him Mother Pratt.... He isn't worth it....

Posted 15 April 2015, 12:41 p.m. Suggest removal

BDN says...

This woman is off her rocker... How are they nitpicking when they did an audit of all the contractors and their work. Also, the poor is in the middle of this. They are the ones who have to live in these homes when NO WORK is being done! I mean come on...

Also, she even states that an audit report is made to show " our weaknesses and our strengths and tell us what we need to do to strengthen one part or what we need to get rid of, but not to send scathing remarks as though it’s no good. The devil is a liar". So what kind of report does she want when nothing is being done and contractors have been paid! I rarely comment anymore but this one hit me.

I understand what Mr. Carron said as well. That this is done by private citizens who wish to make donations. But why hasn't the work been done or completed? You can't go under the name of Urban Renewal 2.0 and then choose what is said about you.

Posted 15 April 2015, 12:50 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

The PLP government's low blow against the auditor general has but one clear objective in mind, using clever tactics to go all-out to make another look pretty damn ugly.
The PLP party likes singing songs about doing right by the poor people and they do them right from the same hymnbook, once so proudly held by Pindling and Milo B. Even though the party talks a good game about reaching out to black people, to the poor, to the disadvantaged, to even reach out to those not signing from the same PLP hymnbook. Unfortunately, their words ring great but not their polices. How can you feel right about calling today’s PLP, the party of Pindling and Milo B, cuz in the minds thousand, it doesn't represent much about them the people anymore. Pindling and Milo B sang to lift the hopes of their people, not to cover their incompetence.
Comrades, honesty shouldn't interfere with knowing what needs to be said and not wanting anyone saying it. Deception is the same thing when to comes to attacking the messenger - cuz what is being said, makes a political party feel too politically uncomfortable.
It's not an optimistic picture to paint, if the once great PLP party of Pindling and Milo can only boast of having a few honest souls left standing around them? I think Pindling and Milo would be saying, its time for the PLP party to stand in front of the mirror and humbly ask of the PLP party, if we PLP's, the people's representatives, had done our job so well, why is it the very people who once trusted us with the powerful instruments of their government, may no longer share that trust? In the end, after the politics, the only obvious thing is that, after all the clever political tactics, it is still the PLP party of Pindling and Milo's poor people's hardships that are being left behind.
It the end, the true "unfair" is, they have become but PLP’s in words. The evidence will be fully exposed and left for the people to decide, come the 2017 General Elections.

Posted 15 April 2015, 1:02 p.m. Suggest removal

Economist says...

Auditors are not interested in personalities, just the facts and the numbers. He is there to show what went wrong, no matter how small. The object is to make us better so don't complain, he did not say that you did a bad job, he only pointed to things that need to be cleaned up.

Well done Mr. Auditor General for doing your job!

Posted 15 April 2015, 2:01 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Economist the 'office' of auditor general is but a mere handful of offices protected under Bahamaland's Constitution. The PM's office is another. It would do the PM good to remind his PLP's of this important fact. In fact Comrade Terrence was appointed back in 2011 by Papa Hubeer and only, after full consultation with, and approval, from the then PLP opposition leader Perry. The PM had said, cuz he had such much confidence in the auditor general that he would be asked to investigate the millions in missing prescription drugs over at 100's in spending millions PMH. Compare this ragtag group spending these thousand dollars this money and they ain't even no real government department... or are they? Who in hell are they to call anything the auditor general reports on, into they's questioning?

Posted 15 April 2015, 2:09 p.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

Mother Pratt is off her rocker. The auditor general don't have to consult with anyone before he writes his report. His post is constitutionally guaranteed.He will be defeating the purpose of his independence if he consults anyone before he writes his report

Posted 15 April 2015, 2:28 p.m. Suggest removal

DreamerX says...

Well I agree with you for the most part that the report is to highlight all issues. But I've worked in external audit for seven (7) odd years with experience in service, retail, public utilities and several financial institutions. Audit Reports of this nature are supposed to careful and determine the basis of Significant deficiencies or material differences. This is a special case, and this audit is more of an Internal Audit concerned with controls and following proper procedures over the qualitative and quantitative value.

I feel as though this report should not have been released to the public without an addendum or adjacent to each point of weakness/deficiency, with Managements (Governing Body of Urban Renewal) responses as to give the body a full understanding of what the statements are that are being made. And to allow them to formulate responses to accept, retort, explain, etc. While this may have occurred but since it has not been highlighted or mentioned per the new reports, I assume it hasn't I stand by that is a basic requirement in properly finalizing a report of this nature.

So it does warrant being under fire, as it does tarnish trust between donors and the organization. The Auditor General has generated a sterile report without any real attempt to tie in IFRS standards.

Posted 15 April 2015, 3:35 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade DreamerX, isn't the quantitative risk assessment coming into play, when we have the auditor general, who seems unable to map dollar amounts to a specific finished/completed" project, whereby value was received in return for taxpayers monies having been disbursed?

Posted 15 April 2015, 3:52 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

The auditor didn't release this report it was leaked. He simply replied to a request for information from the PAC committee

Posted 15 April 2015, 6:13 p.m. Suggest removal

FNM_Retards says...

lol say "leaked". That is the only way the FNM knows to get information out, they are a bunch of crooks.

Posted 15 April 2015, 9:18 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...


Posted 15 April 2015, 9:36 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

The Auditor General's report is a public document tabled in Parliament. It doesn't need to be leaked for anyone to have access to it.

Posted 15 April 2015, 10:43 p.m. Suggest removal

FNM_Retards says...

The auditor is an FNM retard, also the FNM burned down Bamsi. Get your facts straight, terrorist.

Posted 15 April 2015, 9:18 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I don't know about y'all, but if I were a widow robbing lawyer, Mother Prat would be my ideal candidate for leading a committee that I wanted to siphon money from. I mean who would ever believe she would be a young thief or an old thief, the devil is a liar.meanwhile I have run circles around her unsophisticated eyes moved all the money bags right under her nose.

Posted 15 April 2015, 2:16 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Mother Pratt sounds more likes she got stung by a auditor's bee under her pink bonnet. To hear her and the PLP politic company yelping, you'd be left to think the function of the auditor general, is only to audit government ministries and departments, subject to the invite of the politic running them. To the contrary, the AG is mandated to conduct an audit at least once annually, and is not subject to the control, likes, dislikes of any politic authority or political bosses or their underlings. Mother Pratt's PLPism, is even too pre Pindling and Milo B, for me liking. Proof we don't need no new political party like the DNA to thief people's votes, just a new Pindling, seconded by a take no Red/UBP hostages, new Milo B. Sorry, PM. DPM, Mother Pratt, Obediah and V. Alfred, it tis time for new fresh PLP's - to seek out and take control over an all "new and improved" PLP political machine. And, you's got less than one year to do it.

Posted 15 April 2015, 3:17 p.m. Suggest removal

EasternGate says...

If you lie down with dogs, you rise up with fleas. Mother Pratt did not conform the PLP to decency, it is the PLP who compromised her

Posted 15 April 2015, 3:32 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

"Watch it sucker! " To take a page out of Aunt Esther's of 'Sanford and Son's' book. Whenever anyone accused this bible toting, church going, God fearing woman of any wrongdoing,they were her favorite words. Then she would slam down her bible, sling back her sweater, swing open her hand bag and challenge anyone to prove her of any wrong doing. Then when she is proven innocent she would approach her accuser and say, "you ole heathen you" and swing her handbag at them. Mother Pratt need to take a page out of aunt Esther's book and let them investigate. Then at the end of if she and her partner can say, " not only are our hands clean but our conscience is clear". Watch it sucker!

Posted 15 April 2015, 5:27 p.m. Suggest removal

killemwitdakno says...

It's simply logs and budgeting that need to be kept. Get each house or a block signed off for work before it's started on. Use an inspector after each completion. It's called a recap. Have before and afters detailing what was planned and what was actually done. That's what house flipping is about.

The charity is being done, the management and accounting must be also.
Glad for the upkeep.

Posted 15 April 2015, 5:38 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

*I am of the firm view that the auditor general has failed to appreciate the **philosophy** of Urban Renewal; more specifically, the philosophy and policy of the Small Home Repairs project, thus making the erroneous statements in his audit report,” he said. “Despite assurances to review, amend, and correct the report, he has failed to address errors.”*

If the "philosophy" of UR is to give contracts to people who wouldn't *normally* qualify due to bad police records, poor finances, missing certifications etc, THEN Mr Allen, your duty and Mother Pratt's duty is to place **MORE checks** on these people than normally required, not less. You watch them like a hawk. You have **failed** to perform your watching duty

Posted 15 April 2015, 6:19 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Pratt has given birth to children who have ruined the lives of others.....she should be more humble than most, but here we see her attacking an auditor just doing his job. If only Pratt had done a better job as a parent! As for Allen, we, the Bahamian people, rightfully expect little!!

Posted 15 April 2015, 6:44 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

on what planet does Pratt live? whats unfair about telling the people that constructions companies have stolen money and the officials in charge did not control?

Posted 15 April 2015, 7:28 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

It's high time people stop giving Ms. Pratt a pass because she is a church lady and is revered as such. The Auditor General is a Constitutional and Statutory Office with roles and responsibilities. Ms. Pratt has to know better than what she is saying, and if not, she ought not speak at all on this and just continue to quietly collect the political patronage check she is now getting via Urban Un-newal

Posted 15 April 2015, 8:21 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

Mother Pratt has the best intentions but she can not manage a hill of beans. Urban has been ripped off by the contractors they hired (without a bidding process) and they are now having to answer for the contractors dirty deeds. Maybe, there is a reason why a bidding process is thought of as the better way to go. But hey, we have to give the poor man a hand up, even if he bite's that hand. As Forrest Gump said, stupid is as stupid does!

Posted 15 April 2015, 8:26 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

The truth hurt's, but to say telling the truth is unfair is just silly and childlike.

Posted 15 April 2015, 8:30 p.m. Suggest removal

FNM_Retards says...

They need to audit the FNM retards from 2007-2012, the shit would hit the fan then. But alas, the auditors are likely FNM retards themselves, so the FNM's lawlessness will never be exposed to its brainwashed retarded followers.

Posted 15 April 2015, 9:04 p.m. Suggest removal

Major_Pain says...

Posted 16 April 2015, 7:40 p.m. Suggest removal

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