Contractors paid for no work to be pursued ‘to the depths of hell’


Tribune Staff Reporter

URBAN Renewal Commission Co-Chair Algernon Allen yesterday said that the agency will “pursue to the depths of hell” those contractors who were paid by Urban Renewal to repair homes but did not undertake or complete their duties.

Mr Allen told The Tribune yesterday that those contractors that defaulted on their work should be “sued in the courts” for neglecting their duties. He said that in the meantime those contractors have been “weeded out” by the commission.

Mr Allen also refuted Auditor General Terrance Bastian’s findings that Urban Renewal’s internal controls were “weak” and “can lead to an abuse of government funds.”

The audit into the Small Home Repairs (SHR) programme revealed, among a litany of other deficiencies, that 11 contractors were paid more than $170,000 for work that was “not completed or done.”

Urban Renewal officials held a press conference yesterday to refute the “scathing” criticism in Mr Bastian’s audit.

Mr Allen said yesterday: “In respect of those (contractors) who did not perform, we’ve already taken them out. And there were a small number of them. We’ve already weeded them out. We would pursue them into the depths of hell to collect the money that is designated for the poor. We will pursue them into the jaws of hell to collect those funds that were not properly dealt with.”

Deputy Director of Urban Renewal Gregory Butler said there are only five contractors in Urban Renewal that have not completed their scope of work.

According to the auditor general’s report on Urban Renewal and its Small Homes Repair plan which has been obtained by The Tribune, one contractor was paid $30,000 for “repairs that were not visibly done” on a home that appeared to be “abandoned.”

Another contractor was paid $9,999 for “incomplete work on a home, and the report said the house was not located. Additionally, another contractor was paid $9,800 to repair a home that “appeared to be abandoned with little or no evidence of repairs done.”

The report also noted that there was no competitive bidding for the home repair contracts and the contractors were not required to provide proof of all-risk insurance.

However, Mr Allen said this was not out of the ordinary. He said the majority of the small home repairs are between $5,000 to $10,000 and therefore did not require insurance. He added that competitive bidding has never been required for small home repairs and defeats the purpose of Urban Renewal.

Free National Movement Leader Dr Hubert Minnis told The Tribune that someone in the Ministry of Works or the Urban Renewal programme should be fired and the contractors charged before the courts with theft.

However, Mr Allen said yesterday: “When we talk about prosecution that is a word that means criminal liability. They should be sued in the courts as is the case of anyone that has breached a civil contract.”

Officials also clarified the audit’s report that contractors cleared down overgrown lots without the prior approval of the commission or submission to the government’s tender board.

They also refuted that some contracts were issued without proof of ministerial approval.

“The Deputy Prime Minister (Philip Davis) authorised every single clearing of overgrown lots,” Urban Renewal Permanent Secretary Diana Lightbourne said. “The Ministry of Finance approved payment for every single payment.”

She added: “The deputy prime minister would have approved with the co-chairs every single contract, whether it’s $10,000, $20,000 or $30,000. We have to go to the Ministry of Finance for approval. We don’t approve it ourselves.”

The report was based on a study for the period July 1, 2012 to September 30, 2014.


DonAnthony says...

Suddenly Mr. Allen decides to pursue these deadbeat contractors? Only because the auditors report was made public. Why is this matter only now being addressed? If he did not know about the fraud then it is incompetence on his part, and if he did then shame on him for just deciding to protect public funds now. This whole programe should be disbanded, who decides whose home is repaired? It is ripe for corruption for corruption, and political interference. Public funds should not be used this way, ever. No one is fixing my house but they take my tax dollars and waste it this way. Mr. Allen and Mrs. Pratt should resign, and this slush fund abolished.

Posted 15 April 2015, 12:58 p.m. Suggest removal

Hogfish says...

blah blah bullshit...

more empty promises and hot air.

everyone knows nothing will be done.

Posted 15 April 2015, 1:17 p.m. Suggest removal

TruthHurts says...

I know what you mean 'Hogfish'.. but times have changed and I want them to get to the bottom of this. Just like what is happening with the local city council of Grand Bahama; we need to get to the bottom of these fraudulent allegations.

Posted 15 April 2015, 7:36 p.m. Suggest removal

BoopaDoop says...

He using "hell" like cool PC. Impressive!!

Posted 15 April 2015, 1:23 p.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

I am surprised by the response of these two senior politicos who were in government and should know better. The auditor does not care who is in charge his job is to point out weaknesses in the system.

Posted 15 April 2015, 2:44 p.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

generalcrazy why dont you just go away just vanish you nothing more than a PLP ass wipe,boot licker

Posted 16 April 2015, 9:13 a.m. Suggest removal

FNM_Retards says...

You and the PLP can both go to hell, you FNM retard.

Posted 16 April 2015, 12:03 p.m. Suggest removal

EasternGate says...

This man is a dyed haired slime ball

Posted 15 April 2015, 3:26 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...


Posted 15 April 2015, 7:25 p.m. Suggest removal

TruthHurts says...

LOL.. Never heard that one! ; )

Posted 15 April 2015, 7:38 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

I am not sure as to what the problems are. But I do not believe Mr Allen or mother Pratt would have stolen anything. They are good up standing Bahamians. Mr; Carron of the Tribune did defend Mother Pratt. They are trying their best to help the poor people who are in need of help.

Posted 15 April 2015, 4:20 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

of course they have not stolen the money. but the allowed other people to steal the money and it was their job that this would not happen. so they failed. plain and simple.

Posted 15 April 2015, 7:39 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Cold heart Ashamed to be a Bahamian of Long Island Don Anthony. There are many persons who are in need of help. It is not a slush fund. You did say you are doing just fine, and I am grateful to God that he has supplied all of my needs. But there are poor Bahamian who are in need of help.. Your home may not need repairs. but theirs do, You do care about illegal Immigrations, but not poor Bahamians?

Posted 15 April 2015, 4:28 p.m. Suggest removal

DonAnthony says...

It is a slush fund, but then you have never accepted the truth about your beloved corrupt PLP. I would like 10,000 to get my house repaired, will I get it no, it will go to buy votes and my vote is not for sale. Unlike you, I believe in working for what you receive not based on political affiliation or corruption. It is people like you, blind apologists for our corrupt govt that are destroying this country but I have news for you we have young people who are educated and will change the moral fibre of this country.

Posted 15 April 2015, 4:45 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

birdie, what is cold hearted is that Ms. Pratt and her team, let this happen and poor Bahamians being cheated out of their house being fixed. And now that they got caught not having been vigilant and let this slip, want to raise hell. Typical reaction of typical Bahamian cronies.

Posted 15 April 2015, 7:41 p.m. Suggest removal

Mayaguana34 says...

This is a joke and kudos to the whistle blower and to the auditor - Unfortunately nothing will come of it and it will be another situation where Bahamians will suck teeth, right off the waste and move on….millions in bad investments, wasted funds and no one held accountable. New auditor General will be a good PLP and NO reports will be submitted.

Posted 15 April 2015, 4:49 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Don Anthony some of the persons whose homes were repaired are old people, some people fall on hard times, no fault of their own. they can not work, there are many persons who are disable, I do believe in hard work. and I am one of those person who love to work hard and there are many Bahamian people who work hard and this includes young and old people. I know because I move about a lot. and I talk to many people. You are correct the PLP does care more about the poor people , and I do care for the Bahamian poor people, unlike the FNM who help the rich and famous.

Posted 15 April 2015, 5:46 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

There's nothing wrong with helping poor people, there is everything wrong with helping yourself to the funds set aside for people. Somebody obviously did. Mother Pratt and Algernon Allen May have no clue who the thief is and THAT is the reason they are both ill suited for their posts.

Posted 15 April 2015, 6:27 p.m. Suggest removal

TruthHurts says...


Posted 15 April 2015, 7:41 p.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

birdiestrachan get your head out the sand. didn't you see where the auditor general say some of the homes that were repaired were not owned by old people,unemployed or poor people. The repair program is nothing more than a scam,slush fund,plp cronies cookie jar

Posted 16 April 2015, 9:20 a.m. Suggest removal

FNM_Retards says...

The auditor is an FNM Retard, and the FNM burned down Bamsi - you FNM retard.

Posted 16 April 2015, 12:03 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

You dead right Birdie the PLP LOVE to help poor people. Remember all that "help" Shane give Anna Nichole, he even help her in bed, boy das one generous negro.

Posted 16 April 2015, 12:09 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Don Young educated Bahamians. What is education? and are you talking about Doctor Minnis?

Posted 15 April 2015, 5:54 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Don't worry yourself about what education means birdie...darned books!

Posted 15 April 2015, 9:41 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Please Mr Allen, don't tire yourself out trekking all the way to Hell, just walk to the Ministry of Works/Finance and YOUR urban Renewal business office and find out who the thief is

Posted 15 April 2015, 6:23 p.m. Suggest removal

TruthHurts says...

LMBO!! I was saying the same thing with this write-up title?! There's no need for all that hot air; JUST FIND OUR MONEY AND THE CULPRITS RESPONSIBLE! Bahamians gats no time for fake ones with empty threats.. get our money!

Posted 15 April 2015, 7:44 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

Well I can tell you if he trek all the way to hell he will meet a lot of his colleagues. But then again, this crew so wutless even the devil himself don't want be apart of them.

Posted 15 April 2015, 8:59 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Nothing more than Christie, Allen and Pratt feathering the nests of political cronies. Forget the contractors and their ill-gotten gains, it all boils down to Christie, Allen and Pratt wrongfully absolving themselves of responsibility for that which they and they alone are responsible. It's Christie, Allen and Pratt who the hard working honest Bahamian taxpayers should be going after to seek justice even if it means visiting the pits of hell where these low lives go about deciding who among their loyal followers should get our hard earned tax dollars to the exclusion of all others who are just as needy if not more needy but may be of a different political persuasion!

Posted 15 April 2015, 6:35 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

And they always place a halo over their head like they so dam holy, especially mother Pratt. She may claim to be a saint. But a saint does not stand and watch while her colleagues goosey the nation, then claim that she had nothing to do with it.

Posted 15 April 2015, 7:30 p.m. Suggest removal

TruthHurts says...

I don't understand people these days? If you're the overseer and someone took something on your watch; who IS accountable?? Wasn't it your job and responsibility? Let the community that you were put in place to serve, be the ones to have their say whether you are free and clear of blame!

Posted 15 April 2015, 7:57 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

What is this big charade that these clowns always put on whenever the s... hits the fan? Jeez! I am so tired of these old deadbeats with the same old excuses. Please retire from public life and enjoy your pension. The Bahamas needs a new breed of leaders, ones who put the public interest first. Leaders who do not make excuses but are always accountable and have the proof to back up their claims. These old rag clothes simply believe they are dealing with the same old dumb PLPs of yesteryear. They fail to understand that they are facing a society that has access to technology and the people can now talk freely on many radio stations without fear of victimization. I wish I were a giant so I could put on some boots and kick all their asses back into the dark ages! SMFT

Posted 15 April 2015, 7:22 p.m. Suggest removal

TruthHurts says...


Posted 15 April 2015, 7:59 p.m. Suggest removal

FNM_Retards says...

The usual FNM Retards are fapping over all this propaganda.

Posted 15 April 2015, 9:02 p.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...

Thank God for FNM Retards!!!!!!!!!! An FNM retard is 1000% smarter than a PLP retard!!!!!! We need all FNM retards to stand up and get rid of the real retards ....... Pingdomites.

Posted 16 April 2015, 12:03 a.m. Suggest removal

FNM_Retards says...

Actually FNM Retards are way dumber, dumb as a doornail, they are so dumb they actually think they are smart, but they are nothing but brainless followers who live in their own little fairytale land. FNM Retards have destroyed this country, so no, do not thank god for them, FNM Retards are spawns of the DEVIL.

Posted 16 April 2015, 12:02 p.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

generalcrazy please stop using that fake name cant hide you stick out like a sore thumb you are nothing more than a plp boot licker ass wipe .JUST VANISH PLEASEEEEEEEEE

Posted 16 April 2015, 9:26 a.m. Suggest removal

FNM_Retards says...

Stop LIKING MAN .. You and the PLP can both go to hell, you FNM retard.

Posted 16 April 2015, 11:59 a.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

The simple fact is that Mother Pratt and AA where hired to MANAGE urban. The auditor has exposed the fact that they have failed at their job and allowed urban to be ripped off. In the real world they would be fired for incompetence. Nobody is attacking the premise of urban, what we are vexed about is the fact that OUR hard earned money has been wasted, mismanaged, and stolen. Newsflash, money is not easy to come by unless you are in government. Maybe if these government types had to actually EARN the money they are wasting they might have a clue!

Posted 16 April 2015, 12:19 p.m. Suggest removal

FNM_Retards says...

You can't fire the FOUNDER you morons. Put someone else in charge though, and NOT an FNM Retard.

Posted 16 April 2015, 5:22 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Apple fired Steve Jobs, but they're different I guess, they believe in fiscal responsibility and accountability.

Posted 18 April 2015, 5:59 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

If you're in charge and no one gets fired, then you should be fired because someone's responsible. This goes for the PM, DPM. Alfred Gray and Mother Pratt. Good business and good governance stands on responsibility and accountability . I don't understand this government where no action no matter how heinous has a consequence, they should be fired just for being so dumb about audit procedures

Posted 18 April 2015, 5:57 a.m. Suggest removal

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