Primary school sex claims investigated


Tribune Staff Reporter

THREE school boys are being investigated by authorities for sexual misconduct involving a young girl at a government primary school, according to Ministry of Education officials.

In a statement released after inquiries from The Tribune, the ministry said the alleged incident happed last Thursday and was immediately investigated by the Ministry of Social Services and the Royal Bahamas Police Force.

The ministry said the alleged sexual misconduct was discovered by a guidance counsellor who was reviewing “appropriate touching” in a family life lesson.

The ministry did not release the name of the school to protect the identity of the children involved.

However, The Tribune has confirmed the school in question, but when contacted an official declined any comment.

The statement said the parents of the students have been informed of the alleged misconduct and the alleged victim has been “removed from having direct interaction with those involved.”

“The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology takes matters of alleged sexual misconduct within our schools very seriously and gives priority to such matters. Once an incident is brought to our attention, the protocols and procedures as set out by the Safe Schools Protocol, Manual for Public Schools, are immediately followed to ensure that the matter is addressed and all stakeholders are notified,” the ministry said.

“In this instance, the ministry is satisfied that the right protocols were followed and the relevant stakeholders have been informed and are engaged in the investigations. The parents of all students have been contacted and informed of the alleged misconduct. Education officials, Social Services, School Psychological Services as well as the police have all been notified and each is carrying out its respective duties.

“The students are being closely monitored and the alleged victim has been removed from having direct interaction with those involved.”

The statement also said the ministry will place more emphasis on educating children on “inappropriate touching” especially among younger children.

“The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology wishes to assure the public that we do not condone this kind of behaviour from our students and will work closely with parents to ensure children understand what is considered appropriate and inappropriate behaviour,” the release said.

“The ministry seeks to ensure that the children receive the care needed while acknowledging this unfortunate circumstance so as to prevent further incidences from occurring. The Ministry of Education will continue to place emphasis in our family life lessons, where the curriculum provides; to educate our children on ‘inappropriate touching’ especially among our younger primary students. We wish to note that this matter was brought to our attention as a result of a family life Lesson when a guidance counsellor was reviewing appropriate touching with students.”


MartGM says...

This is terrible. Lest we forget, children practice what they see!

Posted 21 April 2015, 3:17 p.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...

Terrible?????????? There are thousands of little Bahamian children that see, hear or experience X-rated sex acts every day at home ........... so the school is only a microcosm ....... but who is going to open that can or worms???????????

Posted 21 April 2015, 3:33 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

It is incumbent upon parents to be more vigilant when it comes to the welfare of their children. But then again, some of these parents in our society are perpetrators of child abuse themselves. This is sad indeed.

Posted 21 April 2015, 4:07 p.m. Suggest removal

Ryla says...

I wonder why the victim was was the one removed from having contact with the perpetrators? Seems like it should have been the other way around. Removing the boys from the situation would have the effect of protecting other students and making sure they understand the severity of their actions through some combination of punishment and/or counseling. Removing the victim isolates her and reinforces the notion that she was the one who did something wrong.

Posted 21 April 2015, 10:11 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

You tend to wonder what was more harmful: the incident involving the students at the school or the way it was plastered on the front page of a certain journal under extremely salacious headlines.

Posted 22 April 2015, 11:35 a.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...

What is the real story???????? Was this a consensual act??????? or an orgy?????? or statutory junior gang rape????? How many were there??????? 3, 4, 6 or 9 students???? Any adults were involved???????? Social media is awash with stories that cast the school in a bad light. Someone in the Ministry should address this for real ................ SIGH

Posted 22 April 2015, 12:27 p.m. Suggest removal

KendallJenner says...

Schools' managements should have an eagles eye on students because it is for their security. Experienced teachers pay professionals for [Custom dissertation UK | Dissertation Club][1] to discuss this important topic.


Posted 23 April 2015, 7:33 a.m. Suggest removal

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