Wynn Group proposes $65m Goodman’s Bay development


Tribune Business Reporter


A CANADIAN real estate conglomerate has proposed the development of a $65m condominium hotel near Goodman’s Bay, which is projected to create 200 construction jobs and a further 150 permanent jobs.

The proposal by the Wynn Group, headed by Paul Wynn, calls for the development of four-storey condo hotel on a 4.65 acre development site which it acquired in early 2013, according to consultant  and advisor for the group Peter Galanos, the former MP and Ambassador.

The development site, Gold Blossom, is currently occupied by an ageing single family residence on West Bay Street, just east of the Goodman’s Bay public park.

“The first proposal is for a four-storey condo hotel, 118 units, 34 hotel suites, 22 junior suites, 36 condo hotels, 23 residences, three penthouses, a fitness centre and spa beach front pool; bar and grill; tennis club; roof-top pool and restaurant,” Mr Galanos told Tribune Business yesterday.

“We will be doing about 182,000 square feet. The project calls for a total of $65 million, although that price tag could increase considerably as that number was pegged before VAT came into effect. The project is fully funded, the money in place to do it and the government is aware of that.”

Mr Galanos added, “If the government  finds this unacceptable, we are willing to co-operate with the government to make it possible. It’s a place where we will be promoting Bahamian arts as well as Bahamian culture and food.”

The development is intended to compliment the Baha Mar ‘Bahamian Riviera’ concept, with a chic South Beach alternative to the mega resort experience.

“We’re going to put an access road for the public to go directly to the beach. That’s a condition we agree on, that the beach is available to the people,” said Mr Galanos.

“We’re ready to put the shovel in the ground. If and when we get government approval we’ll need 60 days and we’ll be ready to go.”


Sickened says...

Why ruin a decent proposition with a beach access road right next to the resort? It surely didn't help the Bob Marley resort. Plus, there is already huge beach access 600 to the West as well as access a couple thousand feet to the East. We really don't need more access than we currently have. If the Government requires this then they are just being ridiculous!

Posted 23 April 2015, 1:27 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Sounds really good ......... Get on with it. Beach access and all!

Posted 23 April 2015, 1:43 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamalove says...

We don't need anymore developments along this strip. Let's try to finish what's building now and let the dust settle on that before we start talking about more development. It just feels like Bahamians are being squeezed more and more from the few enjoyable places left on this island. The Goodman's Bay area is fine as it is now. Try to propose these things for some of the other Family Islands that really need the economic injection. At some point we have to slow down all this development as the island is only so big!

Posted 23 April 2015, 1:43 p.m. Suggest removal

digimagination says...

Agree 100%

Posted 23 April 2015, 1:57 p.m. Suggest removal

newcitizen says...

What is wrong with taking an already developed piece of land and making it have a much better impact on the economy? The reason we want to keep developing is because it creates more jobs and brings in money. Not just in the construction, but with ongoing maintenance, all the hotel workers, the taxi drivers, local excursion companies, nearby restaurants. If the Bahamas does not continue to grow and develop, we will be left in the dust.

Posted 24 April 2015, 11:39 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades how long, before from da Sheraton Chinese British Colonial Hotel (maybe from even along Bay Street) extending all da way Westward, going be a "Gated Community?"
Da USA Ambassador can look clear out they embassy window, right in direction the British Colonial Hotel (just look da red flag flying high proudly) and confirm it, be so. Yeah Comrade Tal was right, not a single native, black, white or lick da brush, can be spotted laying any where's on a single "Private Guests Only" Beach. it ain't meant be funny but sometimes humour can awaken mind's people be pushed to the sidelines of their own nations beaches and waterfronts.


Posted 23 April 2015, 2:29 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

You're absolutely right, I had a very disturbing conversation with an individual when I proposed an event for a downtown spot, I was told, "but that would mean anybody could come". I swear we are right back to the days when certain people will not be allowed on Bay Street. But this time the qualification is class.

Posted 23 April 2015, 11:25 p.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...

Need to knock down that grubby little Breezes dump and build a nice resort there ....... SMT

Posted 23 April 2015, 2:51 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

I think this is a sneaky underhanded move to steal Goodmans Bay away from the people. Beach Access my foot. Trying going on a beach on Paradise Island. They will have your car towed and security will doc guard dogs on ya "Bahamian A$$"

Posted 23 April 2015, 2:59 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

* They will have your car towed and security will sic guard dogs on ya "'Bahamian A$$"

Posted 23 April 2015, 3:43 p.m. Suggest removal

newcitizen says...

How are they trying to steal Goodmans Bay? They are taking a piece of land that is already private and already has buildings on it and they are going to use that land to build something that will bring money into the country, create jobs, and add to the economy.

Posted 24 April 2015, 11:41 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades don't be at all surprised, if you wake up one Nassau Town morning and Paradise Island and Baha Mar and all associated properties become as one, with access only via crossing over da Comrade Sidney's Bridge? Even da American Ambassador will be required to have a special, "yes ya can cross da bridge pass. The USA State Department knows, I'm not making no joke.

Posted 23 April 2015, 3:13 p.m. Suggest removal

EnoughIsEnough says...

do your research. paul wynn's associate and representative in nassau is Randy Hart of February Point, exuma. An essentially failed project that the Hart's sold owing $380,000 in salaries to Bahamians and $30,000 - $40,000 in NIB contributions. Also most of those estate lots on Goodman's Bay waterfront do not allow for commercial use or any rezoning without an extremely long, complicated and very expensive legal process. in earlier Baha Mar days (i.e. old version of Baha Mar) under the PLP Baha Mar was in the process of purchasing the first few estates, (those owners had already put deposits on other properties to purchase) and then the PLP took away the permission for the sale as elections were close and they were afraid Bahamians would find out they had sold the last bit of beachfront. Under the PLP the govt purchased with NIB funds the old Nuttall home which is the abandoned looking building immediately to the East of the park as they killed the deal from the Canadian owner to the "old" Baha Mar and he was pissed - threatening to reveal info the PLP wanted quiet. Then the FNM came in and attempted to rezone those lots to make them more viable and useable - they even gazzetted them - however, no one researched enough to determine that the restrictive covenants of the properties from early in the 1900's do not allow for the rezoning. watch this space Bahamians - do not let the govt pull another fast one. Paul Wynn has been turned down several times for approvals and let's hope this continues. when have you ever seen a foreignor NOT close off beach access to Bahamians. It's bad enough the PLP govt proposed that in their plans to repurpose the old Nuttall estate. Come on Bahamians - the internet is there. Do your research.

Posted 23 April 2015, 3:48 p.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...

Thats serious shit!!!!!!!! If this is true, why do we keep recycling these white crooks in our economy??????

Posted 23 April 2015, 3:59 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

Cause they know how much and who to bribe.

Posted 23 April 2015, 4:33 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

And they know there is no limit to the harm a corruptible bribed black man will inflict on all his fellow black men. Truly sad!

Posted 24 April 2015, 10:32 a.m. Suggest removal

truthbetold195 says...

you entitled to have an opinion about the happenings in your country, but if your claim to be spiting facts, then you should be sure, they are current , up to date and true. February Point sold in 2013 and all of the employees received their severance pay. National insurance was also paid. please like you stated do your research.

Posted 24 April 2015, 4:33 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Any government that restricts the free access of Bahamians to Goodman's Bay or ties the public beach to any private development will never win another election in this lifetime.. Save The bays!

Posted 23 April 2015, 3:48 p.m. Suggest removal

EnoughIsEnough says...

the government's proposed $10million renovation of the old Nuttall house to be used as a visiting dignitaries residence was in the papers a short while ago. they bought this (PLP) with NIB funds when they were in power last time. end of 2014 they put forward their proposal to renovate. that included tearing down the gaming board building and moving goodman's bay parking to there and taking the existing parking at the east end of the park and incorporating into the estate house as an entrance. the plans also include preventing public access along the beach in front of the residence for security purposes. renovations were due to begin in january 2015 but clearly no activity. if our journalists would do their jobs and investigate instead of spewing govt rhetoric then the bahamian people would know this information. i called many journalists over the years to lead them in the right direction but none ever acted. they just said they would call the minister for a comment. and i have to say i don't agree with the above comment of letting "white crooks" in - colour has nothing to do with the level of corruption as we can clearly see everyday by our own people's behaviours. these foreignors are businessmen who come in to our country to make money and we don't apply any standards or regulations. as long as kickbacks are there we all remain silent. they come to us because they know we bow down in the end and our lawless behaviour permits their own. it's our fault - not theirs.

Posted 23 April 2015, 4:05 p.m. Suggest removal

EnoughIsEnough says...

you should be more concerned with the govt continuing to use NIB funds to purchase multimillion dollar properties that are poor investments. how will bahamians ever receive their NIB contributions when they are needed if the funds continue to be squandered this way. the same with the big yellow building on blake road where bristol used to be - purchased with NIB funds and inactive for 15 years. and the old foodstore/lot on east street. pathetic investments. throwing our NIB contributions away.

Posted 23 April 2015, 4:09 p.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...

I understand your uneasiness with the "white crooks" description ........ but it takes two to tango in this FDI crookery............ white foreigners and black/white locals

Posted 24 April 2015, 10:22 a.m. Suggest removal

newcitizen says...

No one is trying to restrict access to the beach, in fact they are adding beach access even though there is a huge park with public parking and access to the beach just a few hundred yards away.

Posted 24 April 2015, 11:44 a.m. Suggest removal

Stapedius says...

I beg to differ John. Our governments have sold and sold us out over and over again. Pathetic. Go along our coastline and look at what has been allowed to happen. Big development and ruined beaches. Sandyport is a prime example of how that man made canal has damaged the beach. All the attrition of sand along the beach which eventually pours into the street on high tide or surging sea. Its ridiculous.

Posted 23 April 2015, 4:05 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Perry Christie even sold his own house to Bah Mar and didn't realize it. Since they bought the property East of Goodman's Bay with the peoples (NIB) money, they people will demand that they extend the beach and put in proper shower and bathroom facilities. Stop crowding us in.

Posted 23 April 2015, 4:20 p.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

Sounds like they will take the parking lot that we have now to get to the beach and replace it with an access road that leads to the beach, but you can't park on an access road, nor can you park on the beach!!!!

Posted 23 April 2015, 4:25 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Miller just you go ask "King's Counsel" Freddy what in hell Freeporter's did to the locks on the gates put up keep locals off the so-called restricted private beaches? i will save you the telephone call. They cut the damn locks off and swung them gates the hell
wide-open. That put an end that restricted public access private beaches crap in Freeport. In fact, 'twas the one, only and last time white locals ever stood up in protest, alongside blacks, for anything they considered sacred, There are actual pictures to prove this really happened in Freeport. Can you imagine that - white and black folks protesting as one and in we Bahamaland?

Posted 23 April 2015, 4:45 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

N my crystal ball I see the condo residents complaining about those natives making noise on the beach and nice police officers fencing off both parking lots, Bahamar putting up no parking signs along the verges and there we have it, no more Goodman's Bay. Why can't we just be good ole Nassau, why do we have to be the Riveria, South Beach, the Hamptons, Buckingham palace??? Just give us good ole Nassau that's the perfect fit for us

Posted 23 April 2015, 11:35 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Oh Comrade ThisIsOurs, sometimes the simple things were the best. Like the always cheerful Comrade Ole Henry Da Mule, with he big personality to match, even when the kids called-out, here comes that half-assed Ole Henry. I guess Ole Henry must have just thought kids will be kids, cuz he never seemed the least bothered.
Ole Henry was a friendly little bugger, always eager to play his tourism ambassadorial role, always stopping to let the tourists stroke him and take his picture as he posed. Even the kids enjoyed watching Ole Henry, shuffle into his special picture taking pose position.
And, whenever his rest period beckoned, no matter where he be on the island, there was always some unrestricted beach that he could seek some shade, that could act as his temporary barn.
Comrade ThisIsOurs, I think you too would have liked Ole Henry.
R.I.P Comrade Ole Henry!


Posted 24 April 2015, 12:40 a.m. Suggest removal

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