Residents: A lot of Rubis talk but no action


Tribune Chief Reporter

POLITICAL uproar over the 2012 Rubis underground gasoline leak in Marathon has yet to produce tangible results for the community, according to several residents who alleged that homes in the area are still using private well water.

However, area residents and business owners who spoke with The Tribune said they were hopeful that the matter will remain in the national spotlight as they attempt to organise community action and individual appeals for relief.

“It draws the attention to the people that need it,” said resident Trevor Sangster about the recent flurry of political and media attention surrounding the problem, “whether it’s FNM or PLP, whoever it is, at the end of the day someone has to answer for it.”

He added: “I’m still on private well water. I live through the corner about six houses down (from the station) on the eastern side. I think there are still some people who may not know exactly what is going on. Now that it’s on the news at least a lot of people should have some idea, but we still don’t really know. They (Rubis) did actually test my water, but I never got any results.”

“My problem really is that my mother died in 2004 and now I know there was an earlier spill. Who’s to say that didn’t affect the way she died, and then with the second spill who is to say my well may (not) be contaminated?”

The fuel release of 12,000 gallons of unleaded gasoline at the service station at Robinson and Old Trail Road was observed in late December 2012 by former operator Fiorente Management, and reported to Rubis on January 19, 2013, according to the BEST Commission.

A little over a week ago, the government released an independent report prepared by Black and Veach International, that found that area residents were possibly exposed to harmful chemicals, including cancer causing compound benzene.

The report was completed in February 2014 and the government has been accused of suppressing the document. The report found that high levels of benzene was found in a test well in one Marathon home and also in air samples taken by a contractor for Cable Bahamas.

Both the Democratic National Alliance and the Free National Movement have called for Minister of Environment Kenred Dorsett’s resignation, along with the resignation of Marathon MP Jerome Fitzgerald over the matter. The FNM has also called for the resignations of the attorney general and minister of health.

Yesterday, residents explained that they did not care whether the matter was being used for political mileage. Their only concern was about achieving a resolution.

“We’re not concerned about the noise they’re making, that the FNM is using it as a political tool,” said resident Ted Forbes, whose home borders the service station to the east. His home has been switched to the public water system.

Mr Forbes said: “We don’t mind as long as somebody gets the thing done. Truly, to the people involved in it don’t matter if it’s FNM or DNA pushing this thing, the PLP should come and get involved too. I’m not being biased about it if they want to help us, then help us.”

“Four houses down from me they are still using ground water, when this whole island shouldn’t be using groundwater at all, this is not just a Marathon problem,” he added. “Four houses down from me, they didn’t take them off of groundwater or give them tanks. They only did it for us because we made noise, and they did it one by one as we made noise.”

An online petition, started by Mr Forbes, demanding Rubis Bahamas be held accountable for cleanup and financial duties to the residents of Marathon had 118 signatures up to press time. The petition was launched on on Sunday, and sends an email to the CEO of Rubis and Prime Minister Perry Christie each time a signature is added.

“From two years ago I addressed the matter,” said Winston Ash, owner of LB’s Health and Convenience Store.

“I had some coverage then but after that it died so I gave up on it. With the newest information coming to light and everyone sees it’s a problem, but it was always a problem and the parties involved did not give any information. They allowed everything to go on as is until the report came out, but if they had done something at least the government could have informed the public of the problem.

“When I spoke to Rubis, they said they were not at liberty to speak to it because the government had advised them against it.”

Mr Ash said he – like many other residents – did not know about the town meeting hosted by the BEST Commission earlier this month, but heard the information released on the news.

At that town meeting, officials explained that no health assessments were conducted after the leak because the Ministry of Health does not have the technical capacity to administer such tests.

Last week, health officials confirmed that the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) had been engaged to conduct health screenings on residents.

Yesterday, residents said they have not received any information regarding health assessments.


GrassRoot says...

I think the only thing persons in charge will understand are law suits, public exposure (how about naming the officers of Rubis and Fiore in the news?). They should feel embarrassed about what they do or didn't do when they go home for dinner, go to Church on Sunday, drop their kids at school, have a drink in a bar. Honestly I admire the patience of the Bahamian people. No power, groundwater that kills, murderers having a rampage in NP, rampant inflation, institutionalized money laundering through Webshops, state corruption, cronysm - this country has come a long way since the PLP took over. It was predicted by many, denied by even more, however it happened. This country has lost another decade under this PLP administration. And am sure we will hear from all the nice talkers such as Birdie later on. The reality is PLP is in charge and they fail, fail, and fail on all levels. Go home, leave the leadership of this country to people that care and are able and willing to lead.

Posted 29 April 2015, 1:09 p.m. Suggest removal

bigbadbob says...

The gas station should know if its loosing gas its easy you know what you sell by the reading on the pumps, you know what your tank reading is every day the two must match, as a kid i did this every day or two, so how do you not know you have lost 12,000 or 20,000 gallons , first its money lost to the station and second it kills people . obvisily no one was taking tank readings

Posted 29 April 2015, 2:29 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Is it possible to first start losing in dribbles and dismiss it before it becomes a huge problem?

Posted 29 April 2015, 3:18 p.m. Suggest removal

bigbadbob says...

yes but thats why you meassure your tanks , you can see a 100 gal drop over a week then you know you have a leak but 10,000 gal thats a whole big truck worth .

Posted 29 April 2015, 4:16 p.m. Suggest removal

Voltaire says...

@bigbadbob - I saw in an earlier story where the station owners did notice they were losing gas, they claimed that they kept telling Rubis something was wrong, but the company didn't respond for a month. By then 12,000 gallons had leaked.

Posted 29 April 2015, 5:53 p.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

The thing is when the reporter asked Mr Fitzgerald about meeting with residents he said I meant with the residents. He is telling the truth, but he is talking about 5 out of 5000+, a meeting in the yard. When the reporter asked Mr Dorsett whether the residents were informed he replied we put them on city water, that tell me they know already. He told the truth, but he is talking about 5 out of 5000+ residents who complained and got it one by one. These politicians are playing residents for the record so when they are asked their answer is not an entire lie. This is self serving, not cool.

The truth is about the report, there is nothing in it that is worth reading so I don't see why they held on to a pile of papers with nothing in it, unless to doctor the report. Well that would explained why there is nothing in it to read. Its just report describing a battle between Cable Bahamas, two residents to the north and RUBiS. This report is only useful to RUBiS alone. After all it is RUBiS money that bought it. Trust me when I tell you, its not worth reading, it not worth reading, it not helpful.

Posted 29 April 2015, 9:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Chucky says...

If the government won't act, its time the people took the law into their own hands, we hold the power.
Let's picket every Rubis Station, a nationwide boycott , don't buy a single thing from them until the matter is fully disclosed and problems resolved.

They close their doors within a week if we boycott them, they soon loose so many millions they will learn what pain is all about.

Posted 30 April 2015, 1:18 p.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

Chucky that would be nice if Bahamians come together like that. Now I am not saying don't do it, I am just saying know all the facts. But don't forget BEC and every major business with engines and machines by their fuel form one of the three major oil companies as well. Also remember the same tanker that bring the fuel for the other two major oil companies is the same rig that brings the oil for RUBiS. And I am sure its much more than this to consider.

Posted 30 April 2015, 7:01 p.m. Suggest removal

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