Mitchell's 'outrageous' statements

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I found Fred Mitchell’s comments directed at Mr. Izmirlian to be absolutely outrageous. Mitchell’s statements were disgraceful. It seriously makes me worry about the direction this country is headed when a prominent politician, supposedly educated, could make threats such as these in public.

Reading the papers, one would think that the powers that be would be more concerned with the social rot that exists within the indigenous Bahamian population, as BEC, BTC, Bank of The Bahamas, The Post Office Savings Bank, Bahamasair, an all time record murder rate, continuous credit down gradings by international credit agencies, persistent drop in World Bank business ratings, epidemic gambling and drug addiction rates, and a whole host of horrendous social and economic indicators that suggest that this country is going to hell in a hand basket. Why do you think the majority of foreign-educated Bahamians fail to return? Economic opportunity alone?

But, of course, losers always lash out at those around them when it becomes all too obvious that they are an utter failure. Is Mr. Mitchell representing himself or his country’s failings as he makes these utterly insane statements? It is time that Bahamians take a good look in the mirror. It is not the foreigners who are dragging this country to its demise. The Bahamas is approaching the reasonable definition of a failed state. It is morally, spiritually, economically and socially bankrupt. It is time to quit blaming the foreigners and take a good look around you. Yes, you and your so-called leaders. These are not small matters. If things keep up as they are now, every decent person who has the opportunity will up and leave this god-forsaken country. Perhaps it is time for Bahamians to shut up and listen to people who come from countries that actually work and where people are decent to each other and their leaders are not corrupt to the bone. Now that would be a step in the right direction.


August 6, 2015.


Reality_Check says...

Re-post: Fred Mitchell's head has never been screwed on straight and he has always been most uncomfortable in his own skin. Fred's efforts to re-write history to his liking are well known to all who know him for what he really is: An imbecilic pseudo-intellect! Lest we forget, Fred Mitchell in the late 1980s, while head of his newly formed political party, "The People’s Democratic Force", burned a copy of the Bahamas Constitution. According to The Tribune reporting of this event, "The bold protest was held at Mr Mitchell’s favourite watering hole for launching his protests — the fig tree in front of the Supreme Court building in Parliament Square. About 100 curiosity seekers gathered to watch the spectacle." The Tribune article went on to quote the following declaration by Mr. Mitchell at the time he burned The Bahamas Constitution: "So this afternoon, we send a message to the man most directly responsible for this state in our country, Sir Lynden Pindling, because as Prime Minister he is responsible for appointing the Chief Justice. We burn this constitution to light a fire for freedom. We will present to the Prime Minister the ashes of this constitution, as a reminder of how our country is being destroyed.” Fred would have us all believe that foreigners previously welcomed and living in our country for many years have no rights under The Bahamas Constitution. Christie should never have appointed this perpetually angry tootie-fruity tart to the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs. There has never been, and likely never will be, an individual more ill-suited for that position than Freddy Boy!

Posted 8 August 2015, 1:43 p.m. Suggest removal

ObserverOfChaos says...

We can never underestimate the level of stupidity here in Bahamas with our political leaders....

Posted 11 August 2015, 9:35 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

The only word to describe this government is "STUPID".....

Posted 11 August 2015, 11:38 a.m. Suggest removal

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