Minnis, a man with a plan

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I, like most other Bahamians, am tired and frustrated with our inept PLP government. We have endured their lackluster performance, for the last three years and I cannot wait to see their backs. This government has been long on promises and short on fulfilment, they have talked a lot, but done very little, they have ignored the poor, but catered to the wealthy, increased taxes and increased our deficit, they have asked for our opinions then found reasons to ignore them, they have reduced the value of our dollar but continue to fill their pockets and that of their friends, they lie and deny, then tell us we are too ignorant to understand. While crime runs rampant in our beautiful Bahamaland, they are silent.

It was this frustration that motivated me, to attend a recent Marathon/Nassau Village combined Constituencies Association meeting, where the guest speaker was the Leader of the Official Opposition and the FNM Party, the Hon Dr. Hubert A Minnis. I wanted to see and assess for myself this man, who was presenting himself as the alternative leader. This is the same man who is continually described as uncharismatic and uninspiring. I did not notice the “lack of charisma”. The presentation was engaging and indeed very inspiring.

Dr Hubert A Minnis spoke from his heart. He spoke with sincerity and a genuine concern for the Bahamian people. If the Bahamian people are looking for a leader with characteristics of honesty, one who is genuine and exudes integrity and a real interest in improving the fate of the Bahamian people, we need to look no further. We must ignore the foolish distractions and focus on the message for it is one in which we can truly put our trust.

Dr Minnis spoke on his plan to economically empower the Bahamian people. He shared his intent to create tax free zones in the inner cities, including the Bain Town area, as well as Family Islands. This is intended to stimulate economic activity in these areas by encouraging persons to build and start businesses. This plan would effectively increase employment, raise property values and eliminate outdoor toilets, thus raising the standards of living in these areas. It also simultaneously empowers the residents by allowing them to have a stake in the creation of their own wealth.

Dr Minnis also spoke on the inequitable distribution of Crown Land in our country today. He proposes to make Crown Land available on the Family Islands at affordable prices, in combination with Duty Free Building exemptions. This is designed to spur Family Island development and encourage persons to invest in these areas. Investments such as Bed & Breakfast accommodations would be encouraged, as opposed to mega anchor projects, thus allowing more average Bahamians the opportunity to participate and create wealth for themselves and their families. Dr Minnis strongly believes in Family Islanders being in charge of their own economies. He intends to allow the Family Islands to retain a portion of the revenues they generate, or at the very least be provided with a minimum funding to manage their own affairs. Under his leadership, Local Government would be empowered to play a greater role in Family Island development, however accountability would be enforced.

Pertaining to the Civil Service, Dr Minnis would make provisions for advancement and promotions, to be based on qualifications, rather than seniority. This should be an exciting proposition for the many qualified young persons, who are just not prepared to slog away half of their lives, for the remote possibility of moving a mere one or two steps up the ladder, for the pittance being offered in government service. Dr Minnis’ plan involves creating a top notch Civil Service, that would become the training ground for Bahamians. This plan would prepare them to assume leadership roles, throughout the country and thus reduce our dependency on foreigners.

Dr Minnis is definitely a man with a plan. He is a man of integrity who demands honesty and accountability from those around him. He has a proven track record of personal achievement, that he is willing to share with the Bahamian people. He is the man we have been looking for at this time, to take us to the next level. He is indeed worthy of our support and we all need to get behind him.



August 11, 2015.


Sickened says...

I hope that you are right about Minnis because he is our ONLY option at the moment. If everything remains the same up to election time, even I may vote for him.

Posted 20 August 2015, 2:46 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

I am solid with Minnis. He may not be a dancing, verbose, clown like our current P.M. but he is HONEST. I truly believe that Minnis has the best intentions, and is a true patriot, he wants to do what is best for our country, not what is best for himself, his party, or his friends. Go and ask any in his area and you will hear of a man that is humble, honest, hardworking, and caring. I am done with charisma, it does not equate to what the nation is in need of. We need true leadership that will bring back our good name and renew The Bahamas. Look what voting for charisma has gotten us today and honestly tell me it has worked out for the best We need a hard nosed, honest, worker, and Minnis is that man.

Posted 20 August 2015, 3:39 p.m. Suggest removal

christee says...

We will never know the capabilities of Dr. Minnis unless we give him a try. One thing is certain though - The present government is a total failure. Dr. Minnis may not be a flamboyant shuffler like PGC, but flamboyancy and shuffling is not what we need to move this country forward. This government is taxing the middle class into poverty while they and their cronies live like kings and queens off the blood, sweat and tears of Bahamians. This government is the worst we have ever had. Let's get rid of them. We cannot take another five years of this.

Posted 21 August 2015, 7:43 a.m. Suggest removal

jackbnimble says...

In my opinion ANYTHING is better than the present administration. If they put a dog to run I will vote for it. Anything but PLP!

Posted 21 August 2015, 2:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Hogfish says...

No, he is not a man of integrity. and now hes trying to say his company is a different legal entity in this rental fiasco. He may as well put a yellow shirt on. It's the same conflict just like Coruptness M-Gibson. He needs to practice what he preach and step down for the good of the FNM and for the good of the country. He IS the PLP main asset.

Posted 21 August 2015, 4:06 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...


Posted 21 August 2015, 7:09 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Never mind Mr: Christie dancing , Dr; Minnis does try, but he can not. Dr: Minnis was right there front and centre , when his Papa said :Bahamians need not apply to buy BTC" Where was his love for Bahamians then. He was there when the Exuma Sea Park was dredge, and when Bahamians were not allowed to buy cable Bahamas. Minnis votes no to everything, He does not want Bahamians to have web shops he claims it is only a few of them with the wealth. But he has no problems with the few who owns the shipping Companies. Minnis can tell a tale with the best of them. But he does not even know when he is lying through his teeth.

Posted 21 August 2015, 6:25 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

This person is racially charged and very outdated. The world has passed you by.

Posted 21 August 2015, 7:35 p.m. Suggest removal

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