More than 60 apply to become FNM candidates


Tribune Staff Reporter

FREE National Movement Chairman Michael Pintard yesterday said more than 60 professionals have submitted applications to the party in a bid to run on the FNM’s ticket in the 2017 general election.

He said while a number of these persons are already working the field as prospective candidates in various capacities, the party continues to welcome interested Bahamians who believe they will be effective in politics.

Party leader Dr Hubert Minnis is expected to reveal the names of the hopefuls who have passed through the investigative process and candidates committee early next year, Mr Pintard said.

“A number of them are already working in the field as prospective candidates and registering persons for the general election.”

“It is the intention of the leadership to intensify the vetting process for other persons who have presented applications to run. That number is well over 60 from various professions dominated by people of the business sector.”

He added: “In terms of age these are persons under age 50, but the party continues to welcome persons who have interest in running on the party’s ticket.”

The party had planned to ratify the bulk of its 2017 general election candidates in August; however, the highly anticipated appointments were repeatedly postponed due to controversy over conflict of interest claims from the Progressive Liberal Party, reported leadership issues, and most recently the catastrophic Hurricane Joaquin.

Despite reports that several sitting FNM MPs will not be renominated, a source suggested that current parliamentarians would be allowed to remain as standard bearers.

According to the source, the party’s Candidates Committee has shortlisted 10 candidates for approval by the FNM’s Central Council.

Despite declaring his retirement earlier this year, Central and South Abaco MP Edison Key suggested in September that he would seek another term.

The turnaround came less than six months after he confirmed to The Tribune that he was looking forward to the end of his 40-year long career as a parliamentarian.


Well_mudda_take_sic says...

And after discarding the lawyers, medical doctors, dentists and accountants the number falls from 60 to zero!

Posted 3 December 2015, 1:29 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

As for Edison Key, the only thing he's ready for in politics is mummification and entombment!

Posted 3 December 2015, 1:31 p.m. Suggest removal

Abaconian says...

Most Abaconians would agree.

Posted 3 December 2015, 1:53 p.m. Suggest removal

TruePeople says...

The criminals are going to that new Party out Grand Bahama, soo.... ya

Posted 3 December 2015, 1:32 p.m. Suggest removal

BoopaDoop says...

Are you calling C. Allen Johnson a criminal? Was he proven guilty?

Posted 3 December 2015, 2:19 p.m. Suggest removal

TruePeople says...

Was he proven innocent?

Posted 4 December 2015, 3:56 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

We hope that it is a transparent process that allows the registered FNMs in each constituency to vote for the candidate of their choice.......... that is progress to a 21st system of representative governance.

Will the FNM party Council ensure that FNMs can access their constituency HQ and register OR set up an online registration system on the official FNM website?????

Until then ................. it will only be business as usual

Posted 3 December 2015, 1:39 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Why lie about why they did not ratify their candidates . Joaquin and the PLP are their excuses what lies will they tell next?. May I suggest that they put Rollins in Long Island, he will not be to dark for them. and Put High and Mighty Butler Turner in Bains Town.

Posted 3 December 2015, 2:29 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

"May I suggest that they put Rollins in Long Island, he will not be to dark for them." Are you still seriously going on with this race crap in the twenty-first century? Please do not forget that at least two of the founders of your beloved PLP came from Long Island: Henry Milton Taylor, William Cartwright; can't really speak to Cyril St. John Stevenson. Taylor was so light he could pass for white. Pindling's father in law was of the same hue. A D Hanna's wife, bless her soul, a good woman, was a white English woman who contributed positively to this country. But you don't like to bring stuff like that up, do you? Still trying to incite and divide by raising the race issue. Stop your garbage. I mean, anything to distract from the issues you dim, dumb buffoon. Learn your damn history, give credit where credit is due, and realize that we are all Bahamians currently living in this hell that voters like YOU have sunken us into by putting this inept, clueless crew in power. No matter our colour, we are all Bahamians and MAY I SUGGEST that you get with the program so we can make this place better for us all. Fact is though Pindling was bad and almost destroyed this place with the drug running that he allowed, his horrific brand of victimization and the destruction of the public service by loading it with unqualified persons for votes, Perry has driven us down to the worst we have ever been. I have never seen my country nor its people so low. We need qualified persons with the interest of the betterment of this country for ALL of us to offer themselves and pray to God that persons who cannot be bought by pitiful bribes, or have NO clue as to what this country is going through are not bussed in this time just to mark an X next to the crab sign. You must be one of those University of Wulff Road graduates. Idiot.

Posted 3 December 2015, 3:25 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

The FNM slate will be far superior to the PLP slate .............. starting from the head going down the list of (shadow) ministers and the others ............ it boils down to money and propaganda

Birdie ............ do your best to lobby for the retirement of the present PLP Cabinet

Posted 3 December 2015, 2:41 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

BTW .............. the crab sign is an ancient Egyptian symbol that was adopted by the Freemasons ............. if you vote for the PLP "crab" sign you are voting for the devil and all his demons in hell ................ the PLP reflect their symbol TO THE HIGHEST DEGREE................ SATAN

Posted 3 December 2015, 3:34 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

*Well I guess it is time for me to pull out Birdie's poem again:*

Birdie the PLP spider
Spins her web so well!
She works so hard for her masters
As ev’ry one can tell.
Whene’er their plans go amiss
Birdie’s job is to spin and twist.
And if the people complain
Birdie brings them pain
She spits her venom at those who get mad
Even though she knows her masters been bad.

Posted 3 December 2015, 4:16 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**............................... Bahamians are gluttons for punishment .....................................**

Has the electorate so quickly forgotten the asinine decisions, lack of accountability for missing millions and kick ass from the last **F**oreign **N**ational **M**ovement administration?

PLP = FNM = PLP = FNM = PLP = FNM = PLP = FNM = PLP = FNM = PLP = FNM = PLP totals 43 years of proven failures.

Neither will ever divulge sovereign assets, implement Freedom Of Information or hold the other accountable for corruption.

Why even consider which is the lessor of two evils?

Posted 3 December 2015, 8:58 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Ah well the FNM"s Ramble. Race does matter. It should not but it does. Did you read Gibson's " Young man's view" where he said he is lighter than Cash. Pray tell where are the FNM's with Vision. All the great and progressive things that matter came out of the PLP college of the Bahamas, National insurance. Free High School education and the list goes on. Oh yes the FNM opened the airways. Wonderful. hang on to that.

Posted 4 December 2015, 2:38 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Birdie................ please defend your party's symbol that Pindling elected to use back in the day ......... Wasn't Pindling a 33rd degree Mason???.................. like many MPs today?????

Posted 4 December 2015, 4:25 p.m. Suggest removal

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