Veterans may march in protest over pension concerns


Tribune Staff Reporter

THE British Legion of the Bahamas is putting pressure on the Christie administration to honour its requests, sending the government a list of demands it wants fulfilled including a pension increase for war veterans.

The letter was sent to the government on November 18.

British Legion Chairman Cephas Ferguson told The Tribune yesterday that his organisation has not heard back from officials.

He said that the group would demonstrate in front of the House of Assembly if the government does not address its concerns.

This comes weeks after the group embarrassed the Christie administration when it boycotted the annual Veteran’s Day ceremony at Christ Church Cathedral.

Though several Cabinet ministers attended the event, conspicuously absent from the front pews were the veterans who boycotted in protest of attendance arrangements and frustration with the government’s failure to raise their pensions.

Twenty registered veterans are still alive, ranging in age from 87 to 100.

Thirty widows of deceased veterans are also alive and registered with the organisation.

The men receive a monthly pension of $11 and the widows receive $4.50 per month.

In a letter to the government, the veterans requested a 119 per cent increase to their pension, which would be $108 per month, and a 100 per cent increase to the pension of veteran widows, taking their allowance to $45 per month.

They requested an annual increment effective 2017.

They also requested to be granted Crown land in fulfilment of a promise said to have been made by the former Pindling administration in 1973.

They want the government to give them one acre of Crown land in the Dolphin Drive area, home to several non-profit organisations.

On the land they would build a nursing home, a recreational facility and administrative offices, the group said.

After the veterans boycotted the annual Veteran’s Day church service, Foreign Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell took interest in their case.

He told The Tribune yesterday that he would raise the pension issue with Cabinet, though he noted that the matter does not fall under his portfolio.

He said his ministry is addressing the issue of unpaid back pay to the veterans from August to November.


Romrok says...

All the government's should be ashamed

Posted 3 December 2015, 1:49 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

I heard from a Minister that they expect this issue resolved by 2022.

Posted 4 December 2015, 2:40 p.m. Suggest removal

DonAnthony says...

"The men receive a monthly pension of $11 and the widows receive $4.50 per month."

Let this sink in for moment. Does this government have no shame? How do they sleep at night?

Posted 3 December 2015, 1:50 p.m. Suggest removal

sealice says...

they sleep on expensive beds with their expensive girlfriends in expensive rentals where their girlfriends keep their expensive jewelry?

Posted 3 December 2015, 2:21 p.m. Suggest removal

sansoucireader says...

Had to read that twice. Those amounts cannot be correct. Just more Bahamians promised more things and kicked to the wayside. This is terrible and MUST be corrected right away.

Posted 3 December 2015, 3:16 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

That is a testament to what value is placed on regular citizens who serve their country ........ while the elite (politicians) get the big perks, pensions and accolades (like knighthoods)

That is why most Bahamians have lost the motivation to give "service" to the country ....... this is a prime example of how the post independent national leaders have failed those who have truly served the country ................. and we still using British honours to only reward the elite!!!!!!!!

Posted 3 December 2015, 2:58 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

when i was younger, urged by teachers, and then by employers, i used to give service and pay for supplies to execute these services.

i gradually stopped, i felt used because it was always someone else who would receive such things as 'living legends awards', for a country this size we have a disproportionate number of heroes and legends and i will always be left out by reason of heritage and/or political affiliation.

now, if i elect to make a donation, it is done anonimously,

Posted 4 December 2015, 7:09 a.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

Exactly what they do not want to give up: The white wigs and the queens Honors.
Not that but a hand full truly qualify to receive those honors but after all,
It is something left to the GG and or P.M. to recommend and we know where their loyalties lie.
Amazing how blind they are to being the cause of the demise of the Bahamas but also how Blind we the citizens are to keep electing these buffoons and thieves.
This is a disgrace but only for one with shame, and our leaders are shameless.
Not enough sense to be ashamed!

Posted 3 December 2015, 10:50 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Agreed Oracle ................. BTW, when will Mrs. Janet Bostwick ever receive any kind of official recognition for her service as the first female MP???? Its a terrible shame on successive governments

Posted 4 December 2015, 8:42 a.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

I hope that the legion tells us when they will march on Parliament as I will surely be there to support them!!

Posted 4 December 2015, 9:09 a.m. Suggest removal

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