NHI and wasted cash

Re:Roberts – Private Insurers Want Cartel

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The only cartel I’m aware of was the Colombian Cartel that thrived under the Pindling regime with the rot and corruption morphing into today’s horrendous crime problem.

Mr Roberts I am sure is correct that the private insurance industry doesn’t want the government involved in universal health insurance.

With $100m of our tax money wasted in public health spending every year, who would?

This is an astronomical sum of money. According to the chief medical officer, this $100m accounts for 25-30 per cent of annual public health care spending!

Yet the government’s solution is to tax the Bahamians they believe in further instead of plugging the hole on the fiscal haemorrhage and repurposing our wasted tax dollars to provide better health care.

Only the PLP government could dish up this kind of warped logic and call it guava duff.

The burned out dormitory at BAMSI stands as a monument to everything it has touched – burned out, empty and a waste of our hard earned money.



November 30, 2015.


birdiestrachan says...

Burned out? You make sure they do not touch you so that you will not be burned up. I am sure you have no proof to support what you have said about Mr: Pindling. you were never able to get over the truth that Mr: Pindling did so much to advance and improve the lives for persons from over the hill.

Posted 5 December 2015, 8:24 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

You live in a dream land. Pindling did nothing but enrich himself and burn the Bahamas.

Posted 6 December 2015, 6:36 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

Advance who? Improve what? Last I checked there were still plenty outside toilets in those areas and then constituency pindling represented was pretty much as it was when Colombus first visited the country more than 500 years ago. I suggest you read the 1984 Commission of Inquiry and the books Cocaine, Kings of Cocaine, Vesco and so many more where the proof against your demigod is laid out. A big pink three story mansion on prime land in the west with multiple guest cottages, travel all over, children in boarding school and so on; the commission proved that man was spending more than eight times what he was earning as the prime minister to this little country. You are so stupid it takes my breath away. Ridiculous. Advancement? Speak to everyone who feared job loss and victimization if they rose up against that little man. Francis. Moxey. Wallace-Whitfield and countless, countless others. He was a disgraceful despot.

Posted 7 December 2015, 4:16 p.m. Suggest removal

Economist says...

Birdie, you mean like all those house "over the hill" that still don't have running water and have always voted PLP?

NHI will be another big money loser to go along with the Hotel Corp and Bahamasair created under "you know who" that have lost just on One Billion Dollars so far.

So you agree with creating more debt do you? Debt to burden the people with?

Posted 6 December 2015, 12:43 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Banker free high school education, the college of the Bahamas soon to be university. National insurance , so many persons who were really smart and could not afford to be doctors or lawyer given opportunities to attend Colleges abroad. Do you know how many Bahamian Doctors and lawyers came out of the Mr Pindlings term in Government. Just be honest Mr. Pindling did much good. And a whole lot of persons from over the hill benefited. and even many of another hue. He was very suave also. Kipling poem which read. "He could walk with Kings and not lose his common touch" Nobody said he was perfect none of us are.

Posted 6 December 2015, 8:11 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Birdie knows words like "hue" and "suave" and cites Rudyard Kipling? LOL, LOL, LOL. I knew it was an act, nobody could be that dumb.

Posted 7 December 2015, 7:23 p.m. Suggest removal

MonkeeDoo says...

Over the hill still using out houses to shit in. yeah PLP proud of yinna !

Posted 6 December 2015, 9:29 p.m. Suggest removal

Economist says...

Birdie, when you refer to a free high school education, you mean your high school education that provides for a D- average (and that is only the ones who write the BGCSE's), which means a certificate that is worthless in the job market?

Most of the lawyers and doctors, that you so proudly refer to, came out of the old Government High School system that your beloved PLP destroyed.

In the 1980's you beloved government also kicked out all the foreign teachers (God forbid, they were teaching their students) which is probably why we have so many uneducated and unemployable people today.

So take a good look at the average wealth and education of the persons "over the hill" and ask yourself "are they really any better off today than they were 50 years ago"?

The answer is obvious to most of us, a big no.

Posted 6 December 2015, 11:28 p.m. Suggest removal

Economist says...

By the way Birdie, you should read the "Commission of Inquiry Report, Volume 1, December 1984.

It will help you understand some of what Athena Damianos writes.

It makes for interesting reading. Loans by Friends, that were not repaid because they weren't really loans....members of Cabinet and who did what.

Posted 6 December 2015, 11:42 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

Economist, I'll say it again, never argue with an idiot they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

Posted 7 December 2015, 1:34 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Ah well if that is the best you can do is to call persons Idiot then go for it. it makes me smile and wish you well that you some day will advance to a higher ground.

Posted 7 December 2015, 3:49 p.m. Suggest removal

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