Governor General: Someone has fallen down on the job over crime


Tribune Staff Reporter

GOVERNOR General Dame Marguerite Pindling yesterday lamented the nation’s worsening crime crisis and said “somebody has fallen down on the job” following the fatal stabbing of a 16-year-old Doris Johnson Senior High School student on Wednesday afternoon.

Dame Marguerite said she felt “like weeping” for the families who have lost relatives to crime and called for the country to “do better”.

So far, the country has recorded 140 murders this year. The previous murder record was held in 2011, during the previous Ingraham administration, which saw 127 killings.

“... Something has to give, especially at this time of the year,” Dame Marguerite said during her annual visit to the Princess Margaret Hospital.

“Some mothers are out there today weeping, and I feel like weeping for them because we could do better than this as a people. We can do better.

“No lives were lost in (Hurricane Joaquin), that should say something to us, that a good and gracious God looks down on this country. The blessings. But somebody has fallen down on the job. I didn’t come here to say that, but it’s on my heart this morning, as a mother and as a grandmother I feel for the families.”

On Wednesday, police reported that a 12th grade student at Doris Johnson was stabbed multiple times and killed following an argument with several other school students shortly after school was dismissed early because of exams.

The murder took place shortly after 2pm on Prince Charles Drive, less than a mile from the school’s campus.

According to Assistant Commissioner of Police Stephen Dean, the victim was walking on Prince Charles Drive near Blanco Bleach when he got into an argument with several other juveniles.

ACP Dean said as a result, one of the boys was stabbed several times. He was taken to hospital where he died of his injuries.

Police have not released the identity of the victim, but The Tribune understands he is Adonai Wilson.

A graphic video of the incident was spread on social media on Wednesday. The short video, shot on a cell phone, shows several boys running towards the victim and attacking him. At one point in the video, one of the alleged assailants is seen wielding a large knife before plunging it into the victim while others held him as dozens of shocked students looked on.

The Ministry of Education released a statement on the matter on Wednesday, urging students to “resolve their conflicts in a more peaceful manner.”

“While our schools have adopted a zero tolerance for violence on campuses, we wish to remind our students that violence off school is also not tolerated,” the statement said.

“We extend our heartfelt condolences to the family of the victim and our thoughts and prayers are with them and the Doris Johnson school family as well. We are deeply saddened by this tragic event that occurred (Wednesday) and once again, we call on all citizens to unite to promote a spirit of peace and love this holiday season and throughout the New Year.”


Franklyn says...

GOVERNOR General has said “somebody has fallen down on the job” following the fatal stabbing of a 16-year-old Doris Johnson Senior High School student on Wednesday afternoon. GOVERNOR General Dame Marguerite Pindling must be living on another planet if the fatal stabbing of a 16-year-old Doris Johnson Senior High School student on Wednesday afternoon is the only reality that would awaken her concerns in The Bahamas. A more appropriate statement for the GOVERNOR would be: "My Government has fallen down on the job” for the total bad state of the country.………………

Posted 11 December 2015, 2:36 p.m. Suggest removal

Franklyn says...

GG said she felt “like weeping” ...I feel like packin my family and gettin the hell outta here.…

Photo: Latest homicide victim Wellington Roberts fatally shot this afternoon. He was recently released on bail and was being monitored by authorities.

Posted 11 December 2015, 9:49 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Sigh I really wonder if she believes the drug culture of the 70's /80's contributed in any way to our current state.

I can only assume the "someone" she's referring to is BJN

Posted 11 December 2015, 2:44 p.m. Suggest removal

TruePeople says...

Great Post Franklyn - my thoughts exactly!!! How tall are these politicians Ivory Towers?!?! They seem so oblivious at the times when their leadership is needed most .... the only successful leaders round here seem to be the gang leaders sadly ;(

Posted 11 December 2015, 2:52 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

yes that's when it started. And the fact that she is GG now is the embodiment and institutionalization of crime in the Bahamas.

Posted 11 December 2015, 7:48 p.m. Suggest removal

sealice says...

the first person that fell down was your husband lady - thankfully he finally fell into a grave however with the likes of Chrispie who's gonna shuffle till he falls we are back in the same "fallen down" boat.
When the gangs finally start killing the politicos then maybe something will happen....

Posted 11 December 2015, 2:49 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Reading this, my heart broke — not just over the murdered student but also for crime having now escalated to produce 140 murders thus far as we prepare to close out 2015.
It brought tears to the Governor-general's eyes during her walk-a-bout on the wards at PMH.
A visit meant to share the spirit of Christmas with the patients and staff, not tears.
Unfortunately, Comrade Governor Marguerite cannot wave her royal magic wand to make the hurts go away but her tears demonstrates her own feelings of pain.

Posted 11 December 2015, 3:07 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

But she could have stood up to her husband -- the Prime Criminal and stopped him, and she did not, so she is also stained with the original sin. Those are crocodile tears of the co-accomplice wife of a psychopath.

Posted 11 December 2015, 4:03 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Banker you are entitled to your own opinions about your dislikes for Pindling but not to pretend there ever was any tested and proven evidence of the personal wealth you and others speak of?
Can you say you have seen any evidence that former PM Pindling, left his beloved wife Marguerite, or his children, wealthy?
We know the former PM did not live lavishly. nor do we know of him having spent his monies recklessly - so why in the hell has there never been the evidence to support such clams of his vast wealth?
The man died a financially broke man.

Posted 11 December 2015, 4:32 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

if you die as a financially broke man that is sign of your inability to manage the money. the fact is that many people under his reign made the money illegally. You know better than that, else go to the U.S. Embassy. I wonder why the Bahamas had to introduce currency control and why it was forbidden for a Bahamian to open a U.S. dollar account and why so many people walk around with Rolex's that cant even afford their mortgage payments. I wonder why we have the DEA here, the Coast Guard and why we had the U.S. Army here for a while. I wonder why Pindlings US Visa was revoked. hmm.

Posted 11 December 2015, 7:52 p.m. Suggest removal

OrdinaryMan says...

banker - just want to express appreciation for you always-trenchant comments and observations. You got a perceptive mind, man...but you already knew that. Hat's off.

Posted 12 December 2015, 5:31 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Simple answer to the Great Dame ................. her husband dem

Posted 11 December 2015, 3:12 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

What she finally has come out of her Champagne stupor to realize that what her husband started is now devouring our country. Ivory towers is correct, this woman is more like a Flamingo with it's head stuck in the sand. We are ruled by incompetents!

Posted 11 December 2015, 3:17 p.m. Suggest removal

thomas says...

May they all live long enough to experience if only for one day what we endure daily

Posted 11 December 2015, 4 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

Who needs personal wealth when you can pillage a national treasury?
Banker is right, the political persecution, pillaging, starting before the PVC pipe scandal!
Madam editor, please refresh the memories of those who have forgotten or were not taught the balance of history. All the expats given two weeks to pack and leave, private companies taken from owners, school teachers threatened and replaced with unqualified political stooges.
6 million in the treasury No real national debt, then poof! money gone!
More than one civil servant resigned lest they be called to account for the queens money!
that is right, the tiefin started before independence.
It hasn't stopped yet.

Posted 11 December 2015, 6:15 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade The_Oracle you too, like Banker, are certainly entitled to express your opinions about Pindling but not to make up your own facts, for the sole purpose to discredit the former PM's credibility.
Here is the list of companies that exchanged hands from UBP's to PLP's ownership, after Pindling came to power:

Bethel Robertson & Co (Liquor Merchants) .
Bahamas Blenders (Liquor Merchants).
Business Systems (Office Supplies).
Nassau Flight Services (Airport Caterers).
City Markets (Grocery Stores).
Pepsi-Cola (Bottling Company).
ABC Motors (Car Dealership).

Now, where is your evidence to support how these companies were "taken" by PLP's from UBP's?
You ever tried "taking" anything of value from one them Bay Street Boys?

Posted 11 December 2015, 6:53 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

The company's may not have been "taken" but the choice was "sell to my boys for x amount or we close you down"? There was no real choice you sold or you lost the business. What do you call that Tal? TF and BR would be nothing if not for their benefactor SLOP.

Posted 12 December 2015, 11:26 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Aaiseeit you are onto something there but it was not as much "sell to my boys for x amount or we close you down," as it was a changing of the political money changers guard.
My point is Bay Street's business reputation was not built as much on whiteness as it was on which political force controlled whom the government would do business with.
The only reason it was not played out so visibly under Papa Hubert's regime, it was and remains harder these days to tell the business dealings differences between the two main political parties movers and shakers.
I think had you done better intelligence gathering the better way to have described it back in Pindling's earlier days, would be; "The New Bay Street Boys."
I know I am correct cause tis why neither of the two political parties have ever gone after the other for corruption - not willing to risk shakin da branches of the corruption tree.
Remember, both are on record as having accepting campaign finds, from a criminal enterprise - da Numbers Houses.

Posted 12 December 2015, 12:25 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

Tal, that was exactly how it was, I have first hand accounts of the fact. SLOP handed down the law, "you sell to my boys at our price or we shut you down (no business license no business). It was theft pure and simple, the only difference is the owners got a token payment but nothing close to what the business was worth or what they would make in the years to come. In my world that is 'Taking" a business. Once again TF and BR would be nothing without their benefactor SLOP, look at the firsts business's and how well they have fared due to the simple fact the man has no business sense. Easy money is easy to spend, and being given a business makes running it into the ground very easy as well.

Posted 12 December 2015, 1:32 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade we are discussing old Pindling news, so no need further explanation than I done made - other than to remind you, there was never a more once-upon-a-time "bigger, badder" UBP, than "Big Bad" Bradley Roberts.
How else you thinks he got's his handle - "Big Bad" Brad?
"Big Bad" Brad was so UBP, he remains the one PLP "Player" - who could mover over to
join forces with Loretta's red shirts party - and go unnoticed off the political radar by Minnis.
I'd classify Brad as the most likely PLP to hold the title as "Most Honourary for life PLP, with da deepest Red Shirts connections."

Posted 12 December 2015, 1:41 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

She should know...

Posted 11 December 2015, 7:50 p.m. Suggest removal

Tarzan says...

It's admittedly a tough word, but let's see if you can spell it, Governor General?
"Hypocrisy". That's right H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-S-Y. No you don't have to define it. You've lived it.

Posted 13 December 2015, 8:21 a.m. Suggest removal

Nooooooooo says...

Someone has fallen down.

Well being the Chief Executive in the country you have the power to do the following.

Provided that the Governor-General shall act in accordance with his own deliberate judgment in the performance of the following functions-Exercise of Governor- General's powers.

in the exercise of the power to appoint the Prime Minister conferred upon him by paragraphs (1) or (4) of Article 73 of this Constitution;

in the exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Article 75 of This Constitution (which relates to the performance of the functions of the Prime Minister during absence, illness or suspension) in the circumstances described in the proviso to paragraph (2) of that Article;

in the exercise of the power to appoint the Leader of the Opposition and to revoke any such appointment conferred upon him by Article 82 of this Constitution;

in the exercise of the power conferred on him by Article 83(a) of this Constitution during any vacancy in the office of Leader of the Opposition;

in the exercise of the power to dissolve Parliament conferred upon him by the proviso to Article 66(2) of this Constitution;

in removing a Justice of the Supreme Court from office under Article 96(5) of this Constitution;

in removing a Justice of Appeal from office under Article 102(5) of this Constitution;

in the powers relating to appointment, removal and disciplinary control over members of his personal staff, conferred on him by Article 35 of this Constitution.

Use them or get lost.

Posted 13 December 2015, 10:33 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade GrassRoot considering Pindling's unbroken string of general elections wins were broken way back in politically vintage 1992 - you'd think red bloggers would at least make an serious effort give us just a bloggers week if even just once a year of a Pindling Free Zone where Pindling is either not still being blamed as the roots leading to all the evil behind about every bad governing decision or indecision of both the governing PLP and RED Shirts opposition.
Honestly, Comrade GrassRoot. I got's expensive bottles of wines with less older vintage than from the end of Pindling's 1992 reign.
Comrade how long is not too long for a reasonable passing of one's political reign before just one single red shirt will not attempt to place the blame squarely at the foots Pindling, for this, that and all else of that?

Posted 13 December 2015, 12:02 p.m. Suggest removal

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