Minnis 'not surprised' by Gomez decision to resign


Tribune Staff Reporter


FREE National Movement Leader Dr Hubert Minnis said he was not surprised by State Minister for Legal Affairs Damian Gomez’s impending resignation from Cabinet.

Yesterday, Prime Minister Perry Christie confirmed reports of Mr Gomez’s resignation, telling reporters that he has received notice of the Central and South Eleuthera MP’s intent to resign for financial reasons.

Speaking outside of the House of Assembly yesterday, Dr Minnis said the matter only added clarity to points he has made in recent months – that Mr Christie is not interested in a new generation of politicians or a bridge to the future.

According to the Killarney representative, the public displays of disillusionment from Mr Gomez in recent months revealed that all was not right within the Cabinet.

“He has demonstrated his unhappiness on numerous occasions when he had spoken out. My impression is that Gomez is disillusioned with the running of the government. I think many other members in the Cabinet probably are disillusioned with how things are going,” said Dr Minnis.

Last week, Mr Gomez told The Nassau Guardian that he was in the dark over the specifics of National Health Insurance (NHI), even though it is expected to come on stream in January. He also criticised the government’s public relations plan for NHI.

Dr Minnis previously said this admission was proof that the Christie administration was “in a state of chaos.”

Yesterday, he said Mr Gomez’s resignation highlighted the failed promises of Mr Christie.

“Here it is, a new and a young energetic individual, Gomez has resigned. He is tired of empty promises,” Dr Minnis said.

“He has been promised so much for his constituency, he is obviously, clearly not happy with the direction of the country and him sitting in Cabinet being associated with some of the decisions that are being made and the delay of the implementation of what decisions may have been made.”

Asked what he believes Mr Christie thinks about the situation, Dr Minnis said: “Nobody can get in the prime minister’s head, many of us have wondered on many occasions what is he thinking but, I honestly cannot fathom what is in his head. It is totally illogical on many occasions.”

The FNM leader also hinted that he and party officials are open to the idea of Mr Gomez joining the opposition party.

Dr Minnis echoed a sentiment of FNM Chairman Michael Pintard, who last week said the party would welcome Mr Gomez if he crossed the floor.

“The FNM is an open tent, full stop. That has always been our statement and that statement remains today,” Dr Minnis said.

Despite his resignation from Cabinet, Mr Gomez has not left the Progressive Liberal Party and remains the MP for Central and South Eleuthera.

Yesterday, he told reporters he fully supports the prime minister.


cmiller says...

I don't know why Minnis is wanting to accept all of these cast off PLP's into the FNM. I really don't think that is what FNM's want. The problem is that the government is scrapping for money, so the cookie jar is EMPTY. These fellas can't tief, so they have to go look for new jobs. What a time!!!!!!

Posted 16 December 2015, 7:59 a.m. Suggest removal

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