Traffic lights out for weeks - but repaired after car overturns


Tribune Staff Reporter

HOURS after an accident in which a car overturned at a busy Nassau intersection where the traffic lights have not been working for more than a month, engineers restored the signals to operation yesterday.

Motorists blamed the failure of Shirley Street and Kemp Road intersection’s stoplight for an early morning traffic accident which resulted in an SUV being tipped onto its side. A number of drivers who take the westbound route into Nassau as a part of their daily commute and nearby residents had raised concerns about the non-functioning lights but were frustrated that nothing had been done in recent weeks.

One driver vented his concern through a post on The Tribune’s website which read: “Let’s not forget the stoplight at Kemp (Road) and Shirley (Street) which claimed a few more victims this morning, the light’s only been out for close to two months.”

Last week The Tribune was told by an official at the Road Traffic Department – which falls under the umbrella of the Ministry of Transport and Aviation – that reports of the failure of the lights had been received and forwarded to the relevant personnel at the Department of Works in the Ministry of Works. But subsequent calls to the Department of Works for an official statement proved unsuccessful.

Yesterday, Minister of Transport and Aviation Glenys Hanna Martin told reporters that the traffic light and all of its related repairs were the responsibility of the Ministry of Works. She said she was in contact with Ross Smith, the Road Traffic Controller, who had informed her that his department would dispatch a team to the area to assess the matter.

By the evening rush hour, the traffic light at the intersection was back in operation.

Yesterday’s accident occurred around 7.20am and caused tailbacks. The car overturned on Kemp Road on the north side of Shirley Street.


sealice says...

a team to assess the matter? so no gov't officials work east of Kemp road and have to take Shirley Street to work and no one can say anything... now you are all guilty red, blue, green all gotta go.....get some honest hardworking Bahamians that appreciate their job, the country and it's people

Posted 15 December 2015, 2:14 p.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

Should have been assessing the matter when the light was off!!!!! its on now, so what's to assess???????? Jesus, please take this wheel!!!!!!!!

Posted 15 December 2015, 3:08 p.m. Suggest removal

shortpants says...

Two more years of this bullshit , he ,she and they nobody works when this hot mess of a government is in power. Everyone passing the buck . Bilney Lane of Shirley street and Mackey Street you MR BRAVE DAVIS ,please for heavens sake get some workers in the back there and pave that road or slam some tar in them craters before year end its a disgrace, we paying our taxes and still can't get shit together. See why most people drive around without insurance and license because most of the times they need the money to fix every broken down shits on their cars .

Right now I need to know how my VAT money is being used. First year we heard now much was made after that not a peep .Bahamians wake up ,stand together lets fight these evil doers before we get in a worst slum.

NHI lets bully them like how they bully us on VAT. NHI we don't mind paying for it but first we need to know what is it we are paying for a 100 million for everything this government touch cost us a 100 million let our voice be heard .They need to bring one world order into effect and it's going to start with NHI like the Obama care, but please don't let Perry shove this down our throat without doing this the proper way which should include all Insurance Company and all the necessary entities .

Posted 15 December 2015, 4:45 p.m. Suggest removal

sealice says...

they just spent all your VAT money on their "european vacation" Chevy Chase and family ain't got nothin on how dey does carry on over there....

Posted 15 December 2015, 5 p.m. Suggest removal

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