‘Cookout days are over’ says union chief as he backs NHI


Tribune Staff Reporter


TRADE Union Congress President Obie Ferguson yesterday backed the Christie administration’s proposed National Health Insurance scheme, stating firmly: “The cookout days are over.”

The union leader, speaking to members of the media on the sideline of an industrial agreement signing between the Bahamas Nurses Union and the government, said he thought it was “appropriate” for the TUC to stand in solidarity with the government as it seeks to implement NHI.

Mr Ferguson, who at the time of his statement was sitting across the table from Health Minister Perry Gomez, commended both Dr Gomez and other senior government officials for their commitment to NHI amid staunch opposition.

Anticipating what the proposed scheme could mean for the country, Mr Ferguson said the government’s unwillingness to back down should be viewed as a “giant step” in the right direction.

“I have echoed it before and I am echoing it now again, the health of a nation is the wealth of a nation and any government worth being a government must first consider its people,” he said.

Responding to Mr Ferguson’s endorsement, Dr Gomez explained that while NHI has been made a focal point of the government, universal healthcare has been a global mandate set out by many countries. He suggested that the Christie administration has merely adopted the task to keep the Bahamas on par with it global counterparts.

The government has been bombarded with criticism over its planned roll out of NHI in recent months from the opposition Free National Movement (FNM), the business community and health insurance stakeholders.

The Bahamas Insurance Association (BIA) earlier this month said it had proposed a number of variations to the government’s NHI plan, most of which centred on the Christie administration scratching plans to set up a public insurer, create and enforce a health insurance mandate and remove value added tax from healthcare services and premiums.

On Saturday, Prime Minister Perry Christie said draft legislation for NHI had already been completed and was expected to make its way to Cabinet as early as this week.

The first phase will be rolled out on January 1 and will encompass registration and improvements to the public healthcare system, officials have said.

However, there is still uncertainty over how much the scheme will cost or how the government will fund the plan long term.


Economist says...

If you want to get that second opinion in the U.S., the one that finds the cancer that our system can't find, then you will need the cookout.

Also, expect the waiting line to be a very long one. Just ask the people in Canada an the UK when they need to see a specialist. Sooooo....another cookout if you want to see a specialist before you get seriously ill.

Posted 31 December 2015, 1:14 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

A union leader siding with the government on total BS around election time - what a surprise.

Posted 31 December 2015, 1:19 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

Stop telling untruths. No they are not. Cook outs are generally held for catastrophic health situations or major medical issues, read: expensive surgeries. This farce that the government is trying to drop on us and squeeze the last copper out of your wallet (if you could even afford one) does NOT address this. They aren't offering anything different than what you are receiving right now at the public health care facilities. How dare you all take us for stupid? How dare you take away our choices? No way should any government be dictating how you receive your health care. I hope all of them and this union man are the first to drop the "perks", no private insurance, no laying up in Doctors Hospital, and definitely no care in the US or anywhere outside of here, just like they are trying to subject us to. Just nasty.

Posted 31 December 2015, 2:42 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Union President Obediah ‘Cookout Days Are NEVER Going Be Over’ if the red shirts win a majority government come the 2017 General.
Only because of my most trusted insider red party's sources am I now ready to reveal, there exists this Secret Highly Confidential Red Internal Document to call for the immediate cancellation of BahamaCARE if returned power.
Priority one outlined in this secret document calls for returning back the PMH days, when instead washing dirty all stained up hospital bed-sheets - the reds would order hospital staff to just turn them dirty sheets over.
Not only are these red politicians anti BahamaCare but they knows has nasty ways toward the poor needing hospitalization care.

Posted 31 December 2015, 2:43 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Liar! For a minute I thought that maybe you were 50% human. Nope -- all the PLP in you is animal evil.

Posted 31 December 2015, 3:06 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

Bull. Stop it!

Posted 31 December 2015, 4:32 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Even IF this were true, it wouldn't matter if they cancel or not, NHI will **NOT** cover catastrophic care. **Nobody holds a cookout to pay for a regular checkup**. That's about all that will be covered by NHI for the foreseeable future

Posted 31 December 2015, 4:46 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

Stop lying to the people you assholes! Cook outs will still be necessary and may actually become more so if the health care industry becomes anything like our government or civil service. The Government can not even collect taxes in an efficient manner, their lifeblood, what makes anyone think they will be able to manage NHI in a professional, efficient, manner. IDIOTS!

Posted 31 December 2015, 2:56 p.m. Suggest removal

DillyTree says...

If anything, we'll need MORE cookouts!

See some of the comments above, and keep in mind the latest "facts" to come out of the NHI

-- Each doctor will be given 500 patients to see (how long will it take to get an appointment??)
-- There is NO catastrophic care included in the NHI plan that I can see (more cookouts...)
-- Each person will be covered for $221 in health care per YEAR! (that doesn't even cover the cost of an annual physical, much less medications)

NHI is doomed before it's even begun.

Posted 31 December 2015, 2:58 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

Perry is once again selling a pie in the sky and there are many Bahamians that are just dumb enough to once again fall for his lie's. Have you idiots ever heard of "fool me once"? How many times do you need to get swing before you figure it out or are you just unable to comprehend and learn?

Posted 31 December 2015, 3:42 p.m. Suggest removal

MonkeeDoo says...

We have had fires, and bankruptcies, liquidations, theft and misfeasance but when the Government is negligent enough that someone dies then it is time for the Government members to stand trial and serve time. Death is for keeps, we can get over the rest.

Posted 31 December 2015, 3:57 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

What kind a lies this man trying to sell dumb sheep now? He knows full well that NHI will not cover catastrophic care. If you need major surgery anytime within the next ten years and you don't have the funds you will need assistance outside of NHI. Shame shame shame on
Obie Ferguson, unless of course he is now a complete imbecile and can't comprehend English any longer. Did they promise him something for this? He knows better.

Posted 31 December 2015, 4:45 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I get it, they signed the agreement, he stood behind NHI. You're in company with Esau now Mr Ferguson, I hope you enjoyed bowl of soup

Posted 31 December 2015, 4:51 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

Why would you wanna a good name like Esau in comparison with such a loser!

Posted 1 January 2016, 9:53 a.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

Either Obie is a delusional idiot or he has "gone to bed"with the evil empire. Union members are not fooled however and they will be up in arms when their valuable private medical cover is stripped from them and replaced with a dumbed down but ultimately more costly product. Meanwhile the architects of this grand scheme will be well protected with their own private covers and offshore accounts. Bahamas, you have been warned.

Posted 3 January 2016, 8:59 a.m. Suggest removal

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