VIDEO: Policewoman arrested as fight breaks out at funeral

ABOVE: A video which has been circulating online, showing part of the incident at the funeral.


Tribune Staff Reporter

A WOMAN constable and her husband were taken into police custody after a fight broke out at a funeral reportedly because the couple were told by a higher ranking officer to move their vehicle from where it was, The Tribune understands.

According to police sources, the chaotic scene erupted when the woman officer was asked by a sergeant to move her vehicle, but defied those orders.

Officers from the Royal Bahamas Police Force had gathered for the funeral of Constable 3657 Wesley Nicholas Gaitor, who died in a car crash along with his best friend on the morning of Friday, December 18. He was off duty at the time of the crash.

Eyewitnesses said the constable’s husband also began to argue with the sergeant, which reportedly led to a fist fight between both men.

When other officers observed what was taking place and attempted to separate the squabble, the female constable’s friends also joined the fight, sources said.

This went on for several minutes before the fight was broken up.

Afterwards, the woman constable, her husband and others who had joined the fight were taken into custody, The Tribune was told.

When contacted last night for comment, Assistant Commissioner of Police Stephen Dean said he had knowledge of an incident but was not clear on the details.

When asked last night if any officer would face disciplinary action for the fight, Commissioner of Police Ellison Greenslade told The Tribune: “Definitely.”

He also said that action would be taken against civilians involved.

An image of the officer who was reportedly attacked began circulating on social media yesterday, showing the policeman with a torn uniform.


Thumbelina242 says...

Every officer no matter their rank should be disciplined for behavior unbecoming of an officer. It's sad that those charged with upholding and enforcing the law lack discipline themselves. Smh

Posted 30 December 2015, 9 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

That is just too sad. What an awful mess

Posted 30 December 2015, 9:39 p.m. Suggest removal

digimagination says...

And the police are the ones who are supposed to set an example? How effing pathetic!

Posted 30 December 2015, 11:01 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Yeah, the thing is, I really can't determine who's the "badder" example (situation too *mix up* to get a "worst"). The Sargent or the junior officer. What could he possibly have said about moving a car that would start a fight?

Posted 31 December 2015, 5:36 a.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

What a disgrace. I hope this is not swept under the rug. They need to be made to understand that they are not untamed animals, and that they have to set a better example to society at large. Just sad.

Posted 31 December 2015, 5:21 a.m. Suggest removal

TruePeople says...

if they is so ignorant with each other imagine what they do to poor people....

Posted 31 December 2015, 9:02 a.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

What kind of people are these who are being allowed onto the Force is the question that needs to be asked. The Force is at its most undisciplined point perhaps in its history. Other Constables are getting fired or getting into problems over the most ridiculous of things or involving the most serious of crimes.

Posted 31 December 2015, 11:45 a.m. Suggest removal

Stapedius says...

Truly undisciplined. A disgrace and the morons recording a are just as stupid. They are supposed to a brotherhood. Not all of the business of the police should be laid bare for public consumption. The officer simply should've moved her vehicle. Whether the other officer was incorrect in asking her to do so is irrelevant. He is a sergeant who outranks her and for a force to be ordered there must be some obedience. Worse is that this was at a sad gathering for the police.

Posted 31 December 2015, 2:56 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

The Problem with The Bahamas is you have a majority adults who have the maturity and thought process of CHILDREN. They do not have the ability to resolve conflict with words therefore they use violence to express themselves.

Posted 31 December 2015, 3:14 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

True. No conflict resolution. And the mentality and maturity of adolescent children.

Posted 1 January 2016, 7:29 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

How could Comrade Commish Ellision when he launched his forces “Operation Rapid Strike” with its mandate of operation being to "restore peace and civility to our communities” – have possibly envisioned it would be called out to restore peace and civility between a feuding Constable wife- along with her husband who allegedly decided defy higher authority which resulted in a scuffle breaking out over a parking spot, whilst the family, policeman’s colleagues and friends of Comrade Constable 3657 Wesley were preparing to send off their fallen one to spend his eternity with the most precious of all higher authorities, his Lord Jesus.
What a negative contrast to the remarks of optimism that were about unfold inside during the Remembrance Service to highlight the personal life, times and short career and life of a young man’s - who had impressed all he had encounter during his short 23 years but remarkably life’s journey.
Comrades not for me lead how you thinks but if this is what caught “live as it happens” on video and at a funeral - I must leave to your own imagination - what kinds other things does goes on right under noses forces highest ranks wearing of da khaki uniforms – but never to be captured by video’s lenses?…

Posted 31 December 2015, 4:55 p.m. Suggest removal

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