Bran: PM's comments 'hypocrisy personified'


Tribune Staff Reporter

DEMOCRATIC National Alliance Leader Branville McCartney has called comments made by Prime Minister Perry Christie during his visit to the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States conference in Costa Rica "hypocrisy personified".

Mr McCartney claimed that despite his comments the Prime Minister refuses to move the conversation on government accountability forward in The Bahamas. He indicated that the time has come for elected officials to be held responsible for the decisions they make on behalf of their citizens.

"PM Perry Christie in his role as head of CARICOM spoke ad nauseam about the need for transparency in governance, and the introduction of greater anti-corruption mechanisms as part of a strategy to move the region forward," Mr McCartney said.

The DNA Leader said in a statement that the PLP government have proven over time, through their actions, that a Freedom of Information Act is needed. He noted the many scandals surrounding the party since it took office in 2012, particularly the Renward Wells and his signing of the controversial $650 million letter of intent, which has been labelled as a "mere misunderstanding" and not "the blatant conflict of interest it actually was".

"After taking months to even decide Wells’ fate, neither the PM nor Wells’ immediate superior, the DPM, have offered a succinct and thorough public statement on the matter, leaving Wells to take the fall for what appeared to be a decision and instructions made at, and handed down from the top levels of cabinet. Instead the nation’s leaders sidestepped questions from the media, and deflected before finally leaving Wells to offer his own shallow explanation of the events in question.

"And what of the millions of dollars in prescription drugs which simply disappeared from the public healthcare system. Following three separate investigations and reports, the government has allowed this issue to simply fade from public consciousness. To date, no one has been held accountable and again there has been no mention from government officials on how such infractions will be prevented in the future.

"After spending thousands of dollars on the investigations and audit, the government has failed to report to the public on the matter and have given no indication of how it is working to prevent a similar situation," added Mr McCartney.

"As an electorate, Bahamians are no longer prepared to simply accept the word of politicians but require so much more. In that context, the PM’s comments are indeed accurate. Unfortunately, his words reek of hypocrisy, duplicity and an insincerity which has become the modus operandi of this Christie administration. Since taking office in 2012, scores of government officials have found themselves at the center of any number of controversies.

"These latest allegations further shed light on concerns raised by the US government months ago regarding a lack of transparency in the government bidding and procurement process as well. With such a blatant disregard for accountability and transparency occurring within his own government, the PM’s comments to CARICOM personify the outright hypocrisy of his administration.

"Time and time again, the PM and his cohorts have proven that they can talk a good game. Unfortunately, this government is slow to act when it counts most. It is the hope of the DNA that the PM will finally heed his own advice and implement the many anti-corruption strategies which he so eloquently discussed in Costa Rica. The time has come for this government to move away from words only but be moved to action. Then and only then can we move forward as a country and a region."

Shortly before it left office in 2012, the Ingraham administration passed a Freedom of Information Act; however there was no enforcement date and the legislation was not enacted.

The Christie administration has said the current legislation needs to be overhauled. In September, the minister responsible for the legislation, Jerome Fitzgerald, said the revised act will not be presented to Parliament before spring 2016.

The DNA leader noted that his party has long agitated for increased accountability in governance and have been advocates for the introduction of a viable Freedom of Information Act.


Economist says...

Thank you Mr. McCartney, for reminding us of the many matters that the current government as tried to bury.

Maybe they work on the basis that they "can fool the majority most of the time".

They don't have to worry about the others, as long as they don't become the majority, and with Mr. Fitzgerald's current school system they certainly don't have much to worry about.

Posted 7 February 2015, 9:17 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

As much as Comrade Bran Leader of a "Shadow" Red Shirts Party" may have reserved his hard and harsh words in calling for the discussion to be limited to what PM Christie has not and will not do to implement a Freedom of Information Act (FOI,) to play a role in unseating the PLP government, it should not be overlooked that Bran sat in Papa Hubert's red party's cabinet, the party that might as well not have even bothered to introduce their useless piece of FOI legislation, knowing damn well it would never see the light of day as the law.
Good God Almighty, Bran, wasn't it your red shirts House MP's, Senators and Papa's appointee officials who couldn't even get around to filing their Financial Disclosure Statements as not only required by law but were willing to face 2-years of imprisonment by not filing on time?
Did you yourself or any red ever call publicly for such offenders to be rejected by the voters, or to face swift justice? If not, why not?
Tell me Bran, should there be one warm and fuzzy law for Papa's reds, not to follow and another harsh one for PM Christie to follow?
Fortunately, the people know's, if two political party's appeal to the exact same ""big money backers," that it would make sense they soon learn how how spot a "shadow" of a red shirts party, when's they see and hear from it. No green t-shirt goin fool the intelligent people's. of this nation.

Posted 7 February 2015, 1:21 p.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...

I dont care about Bran commenting on Perry and HAM ............ I want to know if Bran and the DNA will be ready to win the next election .................. is he a viable PM option???????

Posted 7 February 2015, 1:41 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade, where we sit today there exists four of what is considered political food groups, the PLP, FNM, Independents and the Green "Shadow Red Shirts" Party.
It cannot be more obvious that the two red parties are feeding off the same ideology bone. But to attentive observers, both red parties combined also lack the political appetite required to feed off the many fatty missteps taken in plain public view by PM Christie's cabinet. Both red leaders act like they're on some kind of PLP attack vegetarian diet and could could not care less when a juicy PLP bone, no matter how many meaty ones are tossed right under their leadership noses. In fact, I was handed actual photographs taken of a least ten different bones, hitting them right on they heads and all Minnis and Bran could do was to look up and utter, wassup Prime Minister?

Posted 7 February 2015, 2:32 p.m. Suggest removal

CDMortimer says...

@TalRussell....with no disrespect intended, I can care less whether the DNA is a sub-group of the FNM. At this point in our country's demising-state, who gives a rat's behind!; what bothers me, as I can only assume bothers other genuinely concerned Bahamians is the blatant cavalierism, which is continuously demonstrated by our so called "Leaders" no matter the shirt-color, and the repeated lies that spew from their mouths as cover-up for their and their colleague's dubious activities. We have to stop pointing fingers and start accepting the role we play in this carnival-environment.......STOP being politically-tribal and seek a change for our country and its future.

All governments have deficiencies, but the scandalous, larcenous, lascivious, and nonchalant behavior is appalling. The crime is outlandish and seemingly out-of-control, how is it that the monthly average for murders just a month and 9 days (40 days) into the year is about 11/mnth?????? Everyone that holds a "Title" seems to be able to talk--i.e. BS, but don't possess the ability to be individuals of action. It truly is a shame when the writing on the wall is not mere graffiti, but rather a developing portrait that is a master-piece that illuminates the sad reality--which in essence is that we can't govern our own country--and need assistance to do so.

Posted 9 February 2015, 10:02 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade CD Mortimer I presume when you say" "All governments have deficiencies, but the scandalous, larcenous, lascivious, and nonchalant behavior is appalling" you are not classifying the evidence before a US court of an appointee red shirt helping themselves to $350,000 in bribes - as but a red government's deficiency? Regardless, you raise nothing new to change the opinions of the majority that the only separation between the reds and "shadow red" Green parties, comes down to the colours they t-shirts. But when I see a politician that quacks like a Papa duck, walks like a Papa duck, has feathers and webbed feet and associates with other red Papa ducks—I'm certainly going to assume that he is a genuine Papa green/red duck. Comrade why are you not addressing the ongoing conversations between the reds and green parties?

Posted 9 February 2015, 11:07 a.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Bran is not even in the same league as the Right Honourable Hubert Alexander Ingraham. Once the history of the Bahamas is written by objective, non-biased historians, he will be seen as the most upright, honourable Prime Minister that the Bahamas has had to date.

Posted 9 February 2015, 11:45 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Banker when it comes to PM Hubert I have never taken anything personal with the individual. I believe we need respect Papa but likewise, lets not trash Premier "Pop" Symonette or PM L.O.Pindling.

As for Papa, he came and served for his three terms, with his red party suffering voter rejection after his second and third terms. I have seen nothing since to lead me to changing my thinking, that somehow it is the fault of the voters who got it all wrong. Unfortunately, it's the colonial political parties system left behind that forces the electorate to make the same mistakes over and over again. It is not all Papa's or PM Christie's fault. We as a people, as much as the politicians, need to reset our political mindsets.

Posted 9 February 2015, 12:15 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

CDMortimer has the rights of it Comrade Tal. Since majority rule and during the 42 years since Independence in particular, we have proved beyond a shadow of doubt that we as a people are incapable of governing ourselves. Say what you like about the old Colonial system, under British governance this country was a much better place to live for all Bahamians before the seeds of corruption and lawlessness so carelessly sown by our own politicians took root and flourished into the jungle we are all now forced exist in today. Unfortunately for us I don't see any political Messiahs on our immediate horizons so our sojourn in the the wilderness will no doubt continue for the foreseeable future.

Posted 10 February 2015, 8:23 a.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

Sadly I must agree with CDMortimer and themessenger, The government of The Bahamas has been an utter and complete failure since independence. Sheer hate, greed, cronyisum, corruption, and petty politics has been the order of the day. The Bahamas has regressed instead of progressed in so many ways. Onward, upward, together, seems only to apply to the political elite, to hell with the common Bahamian.

Posted 10 February 2015, 9:38 a.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

Tal is one ASS

Posted 10 February 2015, 11:58 a.m. Suggest removal

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