Invest in our people to break this cycle

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Hats off to Dr Michael Neville for his “A Life of Crime” Series.

The practise of incarcerating people in Fox Hill prison for illegal drug possession (when legal drug use abounds) instead of helping them with treatment, if treatment is necessary, is ridiculous.

Most of the people who end up in jail for possession (not to be confused with supplying) are poor young black men who will come under the influence of hardened violent criminals and get sucked into the hard criminal network.

Would it not be more beneficial to invest in programmes, such as the Police Club, to motivate these people to become productive members of society rather than dooming them to a life of criminality?

We are two generations into this vicious cycle of children having children and children growing up without the solid foundation of parental love and gentle discipline. Too many parents are unable to nurture their children properly because they too are victims of abuse and neglect, often illiterate, unemployable and lack the necessary skills and social graces to succeed.



Our biggest investment should be in our people, in quality education, in child care, in school programmes – from primary to high school – and in community programmes. Programmes such as the Governor General’s Youth Award, the Gentlemen’s Club and so on should be mandatory and built into school curriculums.

A number of the private schools require students to complete a community service programme of Creativity, Action and Service before they are able to graduate.

Like the Governor General’s programme, the IB programme builds character and helps shape students into productive citizens.

Conflict resolution and social and personal development skills are built into curriculums. Emphasis is placed on a clean environment.

Don’t public school children deserve the same?


Lastly, besides running their mouths, what are Members of Parliament doing to promote adult literacy, job skills and community cleanliness and development in their constituencies?

The media should grade every MP based on their constituency achievements.



February 3, 2015.


IslandTransPlant says...

This letter was sent to Police Commissioner.

Mr.Greenslade my name is mark am a Bahamian living abroad for the last 34 plus years the majority of my family is still lives in Nassau, and as a kid growing up in Nassau it was never this bad, that being said with all due respect you have been in the chief for the last 5+ years and for the last 5 years the murder rate has been raising ever year I honestly don't think that you have bough any thing to the table, to try and remedy this "War on Crime" I know that you need the publics corporation to an extent but the fact remains that this is all happening on your watch, I do not know what you expect for your legacy to be but it will not be good in my opinion, you really need to start looking at the Nassau Customs that's were this all starts these guns can not be getting on this Island with out the help of some in that branch of the government start investigating from the top right on down these guys are in the business of "selling death" to these kids and there is lots of collateral damage when you can not sit in your house and watch a TV show or even go to bed and expect to wake up in the morning its a sad that this we are an this point but lets do something about it I never though that I would see the day when law and order let these killer kids get the best of them, are you tell me that that an organization like the RBF can not get a hold of this situation, again sir start looking in to Customs that is were it all starts. Thank you, P.s. the email is correct had to switch the two letters around.

Posted 9 February 2015, 5:12 p.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

Good point about Customs. BUT the problem is not with the Commish. He locks up people and takes them to Court. Then magically they are out on bail. He had an article about 6 months ago saying that his people keep locking up the same people over and over and over again. The AG has been talking about these 10 new courts now for nearly 2 years. When will they be open? The Commish locks 'em up, but others let them loose again. Anyone ever wonder what happens to all the bail money?

Posted 9 February 2015, 9:57 p.m. Suggest removal

Economist says...

Crime and our poor legal system is hurting The Bahamas when it comes to attracting investors. We need investors (foreign direct investment) to fuel our economy and create jobs.

Posted 9 February 2015, 10:33 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandTransPlant says...

I agree but if you guys don't feel safe what do you think of investors they wont bring there family's to a war zone.

Posted 9 February 2015, 11:08 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandTransPlant says...

That is a good thing, but the commish needs to start looking at some of the people on his own staff because the issue is how are these guys still making there way to the street, he has to clean out his back yard, and the justice system needs to start working for the people, right now the way the system is setup to fail the people and that falls on your legislators and MP's who you guys elect to represent you as a people, most people think that once they vote there job is done but in fact its not, you need to hold these official accountable because if you don't and get complacent you will find yourself voting for them all over again, look you vote for someone because you are tired of the current government if the law is not working they need to be change law abiding citizens should not have to live this way.

Posted 9 February 2015, 11:04 p.m. Suggest removal

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