The Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Kindly permit me space in your valuable columns to comment on the scheduled Junkanoo-Carnival.

The term is a perfect oxymoron, a figure of speech that is self-contradictory.

Carnival refers to festivities held during the period before Lent in Roman Catholic countries, especially Trinidad, Brazil and islands south of us. Its flavour and origin appear Latin.

Junkanoo, on the other hand, is distinctly African and intuitively tribal.

Are we again playing copycats at the expense of an invaluable Bahamian cultural treasure?

To date, I see colourful advertisements reminiscent of Trinidad, where individuals pay tidy sums to secure flimsy feathered and beaded costumes to play.

Why can’t we market and profitably promote Junkanoo in the same fashion and with the same intense passion, drawing on enterprising local entrepreneurs to provide colourful Junkanoo costumes and headsets?

Why foist Carnival over Junkanoo? We would be better served promoting our own cultural identity and leaving a lasting memory on the incoming tourists that they were in The Bahamas, not Trinidad, Brazil or anywhere else!



February 5, 2015.

P.S. As an aside, you don’t hear Bahamian music or culture highlighted in Trinidad, Jamaica or Brazil! Who the hell are we?


proudloudandfnm says...

I gern to Carnival in my Junkanoo costume!!

Posted 17 February 2015, 11:31 a.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...

We will either carnivalize Junkanoo or junkanize Carnival ......... one way or the other, we will take this creature and make it ours. Think "peas and rice" vs "rice and peas".

Bahamians have always operated on the old adage ....... if you cant beat them, join them.

Posted 17 February 2015, 12:01 p.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...

And the thing is you will never see any of these other countries promoting Junkanoo in their country. They are all over social media laughing at us.

Posted 17 February 2015, 12:53 p.m. Suggest removal

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