Nearly 1,000 job seekers queue outside Sandals Resort

NEARLY 1,000 people looking for work queued up outside of the Sandals Resort in Cable Beach this morning for the hotel's career fair.

The line of job seekers stretched out of the resort's entrance on West Bay Street and down the block.

According to the Department of Statistics, the country’s unemployment rate rose from 14.3 per cent in May 2014 to 15.7 per cent as of November last year.

The survey results further show that youth, between 15 and 24, continue to face a considerably higher rate of unemployment than any other group. That group’s unemployment rate was 31 per cent, an increase of three per cent from the previous survey, when it was 28 per cent.

See tomorrow's Tribune for more on this story.


IslandRoots says...

Wish them all the best.

Posted 19 February 2015, 2:21 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

The government is clueless as to how bad it REALLY is in the real world Bahamas. They live in their cookie jar bubble while real Bahamians can hardly pay for food.

Posted 19 February 2015, 4:32 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

True. But I don't feel sorry for any of them!
Bahamians are getting exactly what the voted for!
Yinna make ya bed hard, nah ya ga sleep hard!

Posted 19 February 2015, 5:53 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandTransPlant says...

Speak English from the way you speaking I wound hire you did you finish school or is that what they tough you, if so you need some grammar lessons.

Posted 19 February 2015, 11:15 p.m. Suggest removal

lionfish says...

And you need both spelling and grammar lessons.

Posted 20 February 2015, 5:16 a.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

Jackass..... I was being sarcastic by using Bahamian dialect to express my point of view. Furthermore..... I'm a physician.... and a quite successful one at that too. My home and office walls are adorned with scholastic achievements (not that I'm bragging).

But your above written post is beyond comical. You're admonishing me to use proper English..... while your post is littered with grammatical and punctuation errors. You're not even capable of spelling simple words. The correct spelling is "taught"... not "tough." It's the past participle of the word "teach." You sound like you're the one who needs an English lesson.
I'm guessing you're probably a Haitian.... a PLP..... or one of those dummies standing on line who never finished school and are now begging for a job.
You're a classic example of the ignorance and illiteracy sweeping across our nation.

Like the adage goes...... "When you're dumb, you're dangerous."
But in my opinion...... the most frightful thought is that you're a dummy with the ability to vote!
How can you expect to make proper and prudent civic assessment, judgement and decisions when you don't seem to possess the capacity to read, spell, or identify figures of speech??? Typical dumb Bahamian.

Posted 20 February 2015, 9:49 a.m. Suggest removal

jamaicaproud says...

Wow a Doctor with an anger problem who doesn't like foreigners. You people are sick in the head and there is no Doctor to help.

Posted 20 February 2015, 11:02 a.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

Jamaicaproud..... Your opinion in this country is as unwelcome as your presence.
If you're so proud to be Jamaican, maybe you should go home and help fix your own country rather than being a social burden to ours. If we doctors are indeed "sick in the head," its probably due to the contagious diseases that we have to treat everyday brought to our country by you mangy Haitians and Jamaicans. Why are you so concerned with bahamian affairs anyway??? It's really no concern or business of yours.

And it's not that I don't like foreigners. I just dislike the ones like you who leech off the benefits of our country while feeling free to voice their displeasure about the way we Bahamians do things.

Just sit back, shut-up, and enjoy the pleasures of our country! Or take your smelly Jamaican back-side home!!

Posted 20 February 2015, 3:53 p.m. Suggest removal

ccthemusicman says...

You could never find a job in this country bey. I finished BTVI with a Associates in IT Management and still unable to find a job relating to this. Now I have to resort into joining one of the law enforcement. Even though its not something I dreamed of doing but its my only source. I don't want to resort into leaving my country to find a career elsewhere but ain't nothing the Bahamas could offer. SMT this is ridiculous and it just frustrates me when they talk about unemployment. That's the dangers of living in a 3rd world country. Always demanding for a college degree. I worked my butt off to get mine but ain't getting nothing in return from it. My IT certifications are now expired and now I can't even include them on my resume anymore. Some people just cannot afford higher education and this government needs to understand that. Good thing I didn't went out there because I would have left long time. I've been without work for 6 months now and im still awaiting to join Bahamas immigration.

Posted 2 June 2015, 10:06 a.m. Suggest removal

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