KKK style protest at Junkanoo parade a 'national disgrace' says Smith


Tribune Staff Reporter


GRAND Bahama Human Rights Association President Fred Smith has called on the government to pass a Human Rights Act and make it an offence to “abuse people hatefully in public”.

His statements were in response to an anonymous group that donned hats similar to those worn by Ku Klux Klan members and paraded in protest against Mr Smith and conservationist Louis Bacon during the New Year’s Day Junkanoo parade.

A subsequent video of the “protest” went viral on social media, with Bahamian residents expressing how “ashamed” they are to “be Bahamian”.

Last month Mr Smith and with Save The Bays director, Joseph Darville, said they feared for their lives after allegedly being targeted by an aggressive group of young men holding menacing and defamatory banners bearing their names and faces during a “hijacked” rally in support of a Freedom of Information (FOI) Act.

Responding to the protest on New Year’s Day yesterday, Mr Smith called it a “national disgrace” that sends a “clear message of hate, racism, xenophobia and anti-foreign mentality to the world”.

He also said he would be making a complaint to Police Commissioner Ellison Greenslade because he is in “fear for (his) personal safety”.

“It is shocking that my government, the police, Junkanoo committee, organisers, should have allowed people dressed as members of the Ku Klux Klan parading down Bay Street, sending a message that white rich foreigners, Haitians and Bahamians like me of Haitian descent are not wanted in the Bahamas,” Mr Smith said. “I think that was a national disgrace, and it was an embarrassment to human rights in the Bahamas. It should never have been allowed by the authorities. I am shocked that the Junkanoo community put that on. It sends a clear message of hate, racism, xenophobia and an anti-foreign mentality to the world.”

During the first week of December, Mr Smith and Mr Darville pleaded for police protection after the FOI rally was disrupted by what they claimed was a “bought and paid-for mob.”

During the New Year’s Day Junkanoo parade, an unknown group, armed with placards and donning KKK masks, marched in protest against Mr Smith and Mr Bacon. One placard called Mr Smith a “Haitian infidel,” while another read “Is Fred Smith a Bahamian or an illegal Haitian?” Another person could be seen carrying a placard saying “Fred Smith, another foreigner in the conspiracy to overthrow the PLP.”

Another read “Skin Coalition to Banish Bacon.” On the other side of that same placard, a picture of a burning cross could be seen, with text beneath it reading ”Bacon is KKK”.

One Facebook user, in response to the video, said: “As a white Bahamian, I am disgusted that this is ok in the eyes of the black population and it is another nail in the coffin for me and my family to leave because it shows no balance and no equality for the white population. If the white population ever had to display such a nasty protest, what an uproar we would have. It shows the divide between black and white (people) which shows no respect for the white Bahamians unless black Bahamians stand up to stop foolish and disgusting behaviour which this Junkanoo group displayed. I am ashamed to be Bahamian.”

Mr Smith yesterday echoed the user’s sentiments, and called on “all right thinking people in the Bahamas to condemn this outrage”. “As president of the Grand Bahama Human Rights Association, I call on my government to pass a human rights act, which will include anti hate laws, anti corruption laws, and make it an offence to abuse people hatefully in public.

“I will be making a complaint to the Commissioner of Police because I fear for my personal safety, and that of Louis Bacon, Joe Darville and Dianne Phillips, all of whom have been the object of horrible, hateful public demonstrations, social media and YouTube video hate-mongering.”


birdiestrachan says...

Is this the same Fred smith who compared the detention center to a Nazi concentration, camp and ethnic cleansing. When and what he has done and continue to do is called free speech. In my view they were exercises their rights to free speech .Just as Fred Smith continues to do. It can not be right for Fred and wrong for others.

Posted 3 January 2015, 8:54 a.m. Suggest removal

Tarzan says...

Can you be serious???? You compare public criticism of an elected public official in a democracy to organizing a group of street thugs, to physically threaten Bahamian citizens exercising their democratic rights to redress grievance in a permitted, peaceful public march??? Are you crazy???? This country is fast descending into lawless disorder and it starts at the top! If the government does not protect fundamental civil rights, how can we expect civil behavior from the criminal class.

Posted 3 January 2015, 9:06 a.m. Suggest removal

drumcp says...

Read my post below

Posted 4 January 2015, 5:25 a.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

It is called free speech. one does not have to agree with what is said. But one has to respect a persons right to it. it is as simple as that. I have never been ashamed to be a Bahamian. We all make mistakes. and we should try to learn from them.

Posted 3 January 2015, 9:16 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I am tired of this government of continuous mistakes. I *e'ehn see them learn nothing yet*

Posted 3 January 2015, 10:33 a.m. Suggest removal

Tarzan says...

So you are OK with outright lies and legally defamatory statements being published in the name of "free speech"?

Is it OK to employ thugs to threaten peaceful demonstrators and call that "free speech"?

Please be serious, birdie. This is all about stifling free speech, and it can be laid directly at the door of Mr. Nygard (the very rich, white foreigner type he suggests pulls the strings), who employs Mr. Koed Smith to do his dirty work.

Posted 3 January 2015, 11:04 a.m. Suggest removal

PaulFreemann says...

I would not be surprised if Peter Nygard is sponsoring this group. I remind you of the pro Nygard March that was held a few months back. They had the same sighs calling Mr Bacon a KKK member. Think back!

Posted 5 January 2015, 1:16 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

Come on birdie ,there is no way the government ,police ,jnc should allow people to march on bay street dressed as the Klan ,,this is a public parade paid for by the treasury not for a political position , it seems the powers that be have no control over Nygard ,or the money too sweet ,,every Bahamian ,black ,white ,yellow should be ashamed that are politicians are so easy to buy ,,some from both parties

Posted 4 January 2015, 9:03 a.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

Does no one remember "witch hunts"
Repeating history by attacking anyone and everything
EXCEPT the real culprits.
Remember how many innocents were burned at the stake?
For all our xenophobia about Haitians,
we sure are in a hurry to emulate their national path and end result!

Posted 3 January 2015, 10:07 a.m. Suggest removal

alibaba says...

He who knows not his history is bound to repeat it. What a disgrace ...what deep grave wrong ...KKK IS NOT OK ...a symbol of oppression for black people the world over is now used by bahamians to degrade others. As a black man I am deeply offended....as a human being I am gravely hurt ....after all these decades of fighting for basic human rights and dignity...the oppressed has become the oppressor. These are clear signs of a society on the path of self destruction....I hope I am wrong.

Posted 3 January 2015, 10:32 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

@ALIBABA ,good post ,as a Bahamian i am also ashamed ,ashamed that our politicians are so easy to buy ,that for a couple pieces of silver they would allow nygard to do this ,and for a couple pieces of silver they would over turn BEC board decision on generators ,,,Klan hoods at our bhiggest cultural event ,,WTH

Posted 4 January 2015, 9:09 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

This is clearly wrong. I agree with Mr Smith, how could the organizers or the police have allowed this spectacle on BAY ST..!!?? Similarly how is it that the police allowed group after group to parade with coolers full of alcoholic beverages in front of visitors with the PM looking on fondly? As if that wasn't bad enough, the announcer goes to look in one of the coolers to give commentary as if it's part of the entertainment. How embarrassing and degrading. The Bahamas a bunch of drunken carousers

Posted 3 January 2015, 10:32 a.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...

I agree, this is totally unacceptable. I am not a fan of Mr. Smith but this time we have to know when to recognize wrong. The KKK masks, SERIOUSLY?

Posted 3 January 2015, 1:34 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Fred Smith had zero to say when Ms. Campbell said "Boycott the Bahamas" He had nothing to say when Allie spoke about the Colombia choke. ? Fred is selective in his Human Rights . All Citizens of the Bahamas are in need of Police protection. Fred can hire Body Guards for all of the persons he feels are in need of protection. I doubt the Police or any one else checks to see what will be presented on Bays Street.

Posted 3 January 2015, 10:54 a.m. Suggest removal

Stapedius says...

Agreed. As much as Smith annoys me this is clearly wrong. We need a measured response to things in our country. We can voice our concerns and opposition to policies or social issues but there needs to be careful what we say. Fred Smith has himself made some outlandish and stupid remarks about the government and he too should practice reservation in speaking wildly before thinking.

Posted 3 January 2015, 12:44 p.m. Suggest removal

Girly says...

So true.

Posted 3 January 2015, 1:35 p.m. Suggest removal

bruce says...

What kind of twilight zone garbage is this? I wouldn't put it pass Fred Smith to have planned and paid for the whole thing. Nice try Fred

Posted 3 January 2015, 3:19 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades is this what we as a people have come to? A bunch of damn thugs who should have been physical and quickly removed from Bay Street, not allowed participate. To oppose King's Counsel Freddy for speaking out against anything or anyone to do with the KKK is unbelievable. The Commish Policeman's should already have this group under review. Where in the hell were the Junkanoo officials that would not have put an immediate halt to these people participating? Why was there no outage from the public. Wasn't the Minister responsible for Junkanoo also in attendance? All I can say is this is not the first time I have heard KKK come up. I heard a certain individual being interview by talk show host Darrell Miller go unchallenged when his guest made KKK accusations against a certain Lyford Cay resident. True to form there also were no outraged listeners or members of the media when these KKK comments were made on the nation's broadcasting ZNS network.

Posted 3 January 2015, 3:56 p.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...

Ku Klux is un-Bahamian ........................ should not be allowed on a Junkanoo parade .......... save it for Carnival in May

Posted 3 January 2015, 4:17 p.m. Suggest removal

JJSherman says...

I have sit back and watch and I am still watching what I don't understand why people feel as though they can mistreat God's people and get away with it. Things have been going really bad in the Bahamas for as long as I can remember, it began with not what you know but who you know, then with the color of your skin, then if you are a Haitian, then if it's where you live and what type of home you lived in and where your parents work or what position they held. With a country with no revenue but tourism the crime began to rise and continue to rise. The way that they treat the elderly of lower class and children that's been abused and the hike in food prices how can there be any prosperity in a nation where man is for themselves? I saw this as a young girl growing up in the Bahamas, the pain and the hunger and abuse that I had to go through. I thank the Lord that I had the faith to pick up my son and leave. It's going to get worse before it begin to get good, or even right. I had it very difficult when I first arrived in the USA, being mistreated and abused by one of my home people who I gave refuge into my home in the Bahamas who was returning the favor but instead she put me and my young son onto the streets of Chicago in the cold, but again my faith in a God who promised to never leave me or forsake me came to my aid, again it was rough, but in less than a year he open doors for me and my son, where we was never homeless again. Don't get me wrong, I love the Bahamas, and Bahamian people, but what I don't love is the way that they treat one another and people who are not of their blood. I have always said that the nation is going to suffer for the things that they are doing, and here it is today murder after murder, there was one person who called me stupid for leaving, the person bragged that the Bahamas didn't have any tax, and I was stupid to move to a country that I had to pay taxes, but how ironic this person came to the USA and had two children born here. If you don't get it when will you get it. Until people change their ways then nothing is going to ever get better. It is what it is as we all know the saying "God made ugly but He's not crazy about pretty either" Simply putting it, many Bahamians have dirty nasty stinking ways and this is why left and have no reason to ever return, and for those who don't like what I am saying pray and ask the Lord to show you the ere of your ways and ask that He open your eyes to see and your heart to change. I am not the first Bahamian that thinks and feels this way there are many of us that have left the beautiful shores of the Bahamas that feels this way. I happen to be the one who always speak the truth no matter what the cause may be. Don't get angry at what I am saying accept it and ask the Lord to change the way you think, act and treat others in your pathway, and in doing so your blessings will become overflowing. I love you and this is why I speak the truth for what it is.

Posted 3 January 2015, 4:30 p.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...

Enjoy Uncle Sam .............................. and all the benefits that come with it

Posted 3 January 2015, 4:37 p.m. Suggest removal

TruthHurts says...


Your comment is exactly the snark attitude she's talking about. This is her 'truth' and ordeal she's been through which some are facing. Staying or just giving up and replanting somewhere else. I'm currently in the Bahamas after being absent for a while; and honestly I'm contemplating moving back to Europe. It's not that you don't love the Bahamas, but the reality is that most of us don't know how good we have it on these pebbles in the ocean. We screw ourselves by not taking action and properly demonstrating (Not at all agreeing with the KKK rattlers at Junkanoo) 'when' the time calls for it. We sit back and rant. No Action! Education and facility infrastructure is garbage, no clear direction for our youths. It seems at times that majority of our children can only aspire work in hotels; and the few that get so far doing their little 'black-crabbing' to survive in the private sector. No one cares about the next, only that they are able to 'come up' and be seen.

Yeah she's paying Uncle Sam but at least she knows where her money is going! Who's handling/watching 'OUR' monies? The very same PLP and FNM Jokers? Please!

Posted 5 January 2015, 9:33 a.m. Suggest removal

TruthHurts says...

Godspeed hun! I understand EXACTLY where you're coming from.

Posted 5 January 2015, 9:17 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Considering a KKK story seems be off limits to the other newspapers and talk show hosts. Kudos to Comrade Reporter Nico Scavella for enlightening Tribune readers about the KKK's seemingly uninterrupted Junkanoo participation. Seems the thought policeman's are all working overtime during the New Year's at every other newspaper and talk radio station. Any politician, PLP, FNM, DNA that was present and did not demand their immediate removal from Bay Street, are unit to represent any Bahamalander. Same goes for all leaders of the other Junkanoo groups and parade officials. I scourge Comrade Reporter Nico to call and and ask everyone involved, including the Minister responsible for Junkanoo, why they allowed it? this story has long legs and should not be relegated to a once over reporting. To not grab this story's legs and run with it, is not what a good journalists would settle for. Like, who paid for their stupid racists costumes, etc, etc? What they paid to parade. if so, by whom? Lots legs here chase what and who was behind these thugs? Expose ALL directly and indirectly involved. We all know money is behind these thugs.

Posted 3 January 2015, 5:56 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

And exactly who are these black azzofficionados wearing KKK regalia??? How dumb could they be to allow someone to use them in this way? A burning cross?? Really??

Posted 3 January 2015, 6:03 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**................................................... Please STFU Fred Smith ..............................................**

Fred Smith has no problem with his Haitian in laws demonstrating against Bahamas, damaging our reputation internationally and spreading proven outright lies about Bahamas handcuffing, mistreating and abusing Haitian children.

Go to hell (please) Fred Smith..... You were born in Haiti and are Haitian at heart.

We are REAL BAHAMIANS damn sick and tired of supporting your illegal, ungratful Haitian parasite family depriving our children and people of education, health care, social services and jobs!

Don't even try the white Bahamian race card!

It is some condescending white Bahamians that whole heatedly embrace Haitians, Asians and Latinos and perpetuate this problem with their thirst for slaves, servitude and ass kissers!

**Black Bahamians don't play that shyt.......It ain't that kind of party NO MORE!**

Posted 3 January 2015, 8:45 p.m. Suggest removal

TruthHurts says...


I think that one flew right over your head hun! lol

Posted 5 January 2015, 9:38 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

No its a different type party now ,with whatever politicians bought by the highest bidder ,,its the type party where b/c of corruption we only collect 40% of custom revenues ,its the type of party where you can buy work permits for hatians no matter who is in power ,its the type of party where gay ministers protest on the dock against a gay cruise ,,

Posted 5 January 2015, 8:47 a.m. Suggest removal

TruthHurts says...


"..its the type of party where gay ministers protest on the dock against a gay cruise ,,"

Hold the phone! Who was that pray tell? Jokes for days!

Posted 5 January 2015, 9:40 a.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

I am ashamed to say that I am a Bahamian. The lamp of enlightenment has flickered out, or perhaps was never lit. We have descended into a tribal banana republic of thugs, and the xenophobic idiots on this forum fan the flames of hatred.

The Bahamas is the laughingstock of the world and the folks like Birdie and SP don't even know how ignorant they come across to intelligent people. That is the truly sad part.

With such a thick, ignorant, hateful, hate-filled populace, where the milk of human kindness has soured and curdled, there is no hope for the Bahamas. The socio-economic fabric is being torn apart with the new taxation. Tourism and Financial Services are in decline, corruption in the public sector is at an all-time high as is crime and unemployment.

In the meantime, there is continual erosion of the quality of life, and there is no hope on the horizon for the ordinary citizens of the Bahamas. The sad fact is that Bahamians do not know how to govern themselves, their behaviours, their lives, and their country.

Posted 3 January 2015, 9:37 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

.....Be ashamed all you need to be Mr. Know-it-all..........Like I said ............

**Black Bahamians don't play that shyt.......It ain't that kind of party NO MORE!**

Posted 3 January 2015, 10:27 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Don't be so fast to confirm your ignorance. Notice the word **"SOME"** in my statement. It is illogical to paint everyone with one brush.

Most white Bahamians are cool and most black Bahamians are cool too.

We need to worry about the so called "privileged class" consisting of about 1% of the population and their political prostitutes that are holding 99% of us hostage.

This greedy group controlling both PLP and FNM conspire to own everything, and rule over the rest of us forever.

Until we break out of the PLP and FNM cycle of failure, corruption, friends, family and lovers party, our country will continue to degenerate and end up like Haiti, Jamaica, Mexico, Venezuela, Honduras and countless others, where the few have it all and the rest of them as you said are stabbin, shootin, and raping each other fighting is over the crumbs the 1% miss and let fall to the floor!

The fried chicken dilemma is too deep for me...Better for "John" to deal with that one!

Posted 4 January 2015, 6:10 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Apologies to "John".......Better for **"Banker"** to deal with the fried chicken debacle as he never once addressed the $5M that disappeared under his God and Savior Hubert Ingraham watch to the then Minister of tourism shell company.

Nonsense like that is exactly what we need to be afraid of when people are so tribal they will condone corruption as long their tribe and master is in power to the detriment of the entire country!

**Get off your soap box Banker & call a spade a spade and a pirate a pirate or STFU!**

Posted 4 January 2015, 7:23 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

When single mother of 6 for 4 dead beat dads is the norm ,and then those children have the shit beat out of them ,to make sure they learn violence as conflict resolution ,,there is not much hope ,,,,,i live on a family island and i can track the children that grow up anti social ,,and theif and fight etc ,,,i can almost perdict it

Posted 5 January 2015, 8:58 a.m. Suggest removal

TruthHurts says...


LMBO! We the 'fried chicken' eaters have rights too!

Posted 5 January 2015, 9:44 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

Bahamians have a different party now ,,i put it to you we couldn,t find 40 honest politicians ,policemen ,customs officers ,immigration officers ,,,,,We been selling work permits forever to Hatians ,,,on the plane ride /boat ride deporting them there is someone telling them who they need to see when they sail back in

Posted 5 January 2015, 8:52 a.m. Suggest removal

TruthHurts says...


Please don't speak for the rest of us! I don't agree with you being ashamed to be Bahamian due to the fact that a few clueless people made a mistake. For people like Fred Smith, you making a statement like that is golden for him.

Posted 5 January 2015, 10:01 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

This is not the first time this secretively funded protest gang have appeared on the scene and unless Bahamalanders rise up, it won't be their last. The PLP and FNM both believe in monopolies or monopolizing the business markets. Someone needs to watch both of them because both have lost all touch with the common man and woman. Even the DNA are more in the news over their business interests than the Green Party is about social justice. A perfect time for bloggers to unite under one online social justice umbrella. If not, who then will engage the political status quo, hell bent on leaving their own citizens behind in the trail of the foreigners dominated dust. Comrade bloggers can you envision in 2015 a modern day online Herald newspaper become the mouthpiece of the everyday Bahamalander? You can't expect the mainstream media to ever play the role of the unflinching scourge of the current and former governing parties. Comrades, if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a media supportive duck.


Posted 4 January 2015, 12:35 a.m. Suggest removal

TruthHurts says...


Sign me up!! Tired of the BS! Let it go on record I ain't voting PLP, FNM or even DNA. All of them can go kick rocks!

Posted 5 January 2015, 9:47 a.m. Suggest removal

drumcp says...

In case you do do not understand what just happened a couple of weeks ago, let me recap: The Bahamas is one of the costliest place for vacation in the American Continent and the world. Things that the Bahamian people used to brag about as being exclusive are no longer exclusive.
Haiti just brokered a deal between the U.S. and Cuba and the Bahamas is going to be the lose in this deal. The Bahamas is going to suffer real Bad and you know it. Cuba has some advantages. Minutes away from the port of Miami, cheap labor coupled with a low currency and more production, they have lots of beaches, rivers and mountains (Bahamas only beaches), they have a better ecosystem than us and they are also a nation desperate to get the American Tourists which turn into great customer service. (And they are also a beautiful rich in unexplored Culture and tradition more than any other country in the Caribbean) Once Cuba is open in the next few months, you can kiss the Bahamian tourism GOODBYE! Furthermore, the Bahamas is no longer a financial haven with the IRS and IMF along with other finance regulators having access this people's money in this one Bahamas who stands to benefit from that? Haiti. Haiti has a partenariat with Cuba whereas Cuban Doctors work there and train Haitian doctors also they have a Trade and profit payment partnership going on. Michel Martelly worked hard behind the scene to make this deal happen with on thing in mind: Destabilize the Bahamian Economy along with the Government and he is succeeding.

With such display of hate, the foreign Tourist who sees and hears about this has an easier decision to make when it comes to chose between cheap, virgin and beautiful Cuba and the Bahamas. You and I both know the answer and no matter how many times your government is talking about multidestination tours, it is not going to happen, people will fly to Cuba or will have tours to Cuba only.

Posted 4 January 2015, 6:07 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**@ generalcrazy**...... Don't be so fast to confirm your ignorance. Notice the word "SOME" in my statement. It is illogical to paint everyone with one brush.

Most white Bahamians are cool and most black Bahamians are cool too.

We need to worry about the so called "privileged class" consisting of about 1% of the population and their political prostitutes that are holding 99% of us hostage.

This greedy group controlling both PLP and FNM conspire to own everything, and rule over the rest of us forever.

Until we break out of the PLP and FNM cycle of failure, corruption, friends, family and lovers party, our country will continue to degenerate and end up like Haiti, Jamaica, Mexico, Venezuela, Honduras and countless others, where the few have it all and the rest of them as you said are stabbin, shootin, and raping each other fighting over the crumbs the 1% miss and let fall to the floor!

The fried chicken dilemma is too deep for me...Better for **"Banker"** to deal with that one!

Posted 4 January 2015, 7:25 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

Nygard bought the PLP lock stock and barrel ,,they could have had a float w/ Bacons and Smiths heads being blown apart w/ fake blood etc and it would of been OK ,,What i find so troubling from the generators at BEC to Nygard and his desire for embryonic stems cells our politicians are so easily bought ,,,

Posted 4 January 2015, 9:18 a.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

When Fred Smith compares the Bahamas to a Nazi camp it is so much worse than some un named person or persons wearing a mask. Fred Smith is a lawyer and he knows the Power of words. He I assumed went international with his statement. The Police and others, have much work to do they can not and should not police what is on the parades. It was a scrap group. Read what the Nazi did to the Jews. and he talks about ethnic cleansing what a disgraceful statement he made. The one who has left the Bahamas or other wise can not**** cuss the Bahamas. and in spite of it all God has blessed our Country and will continue to do so. and others continue to come to the Bahamas. " God Bless The Bahamas"

Posted 4 January 2015, 2:41 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Banker you and others who are ashamed to be Bahamian no problem. I am proud to be a Bahamian. Now you being a banker and all. should find it easy to seek Citizenship in other Country. where you will be happy and unashamed.

Posted 4 January 2015, 2:48 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamiandud3242 says...

THESE PEOPLE WORK FOR FRED SMITH, DON'T FALL FOR THIS OBVIOUS PSY-OP. By some of the comments here, people are already falling for his tricks, that or they are Haitians to or supporters of Smith. I really don't like to waste my time posting on the internet, but look up Psy-op, disinfo and manufactured color revolutions before you believe this crap. I bet my last dollar these people in KKK outfits work for Smith, which begs to question, who is funding Smith?

Posted 4 January 2015, 4:29 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Total jack asses

Posted 4 January 2015, 4:37 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Posted 4 January 2015, 4:47 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

Conspiracies abound,
Where the truth cannot be found.
That a Black man, no matter his nationality
would wear the garb of the most sinister anti black organization in the U.S.
Is beyond any sense aside lunacy or insanity.
It is indicative of how far we have sunk in regards to self respect and societal decency.
That our political class has led us to this point is the most glaring point to be regarded.
And somehow, we are satisfied to make this all about Fred?
We are in for a very harsh reality check, sooner than later it appears if this is the norm.

Posted 4 January 2015, 10:27 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Yep, it's absolutely confounding. Black men with burning crosses on their tshirts. It would even be more disgusting if it were found that a certain white lyford cay resident funded them

Posted 5 January 2015, 3:50 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

ThisisOurs ,,there is no doubt who funded them the 'crypt keeper ,,lem me stick some embryonic stems cells in me belly " Canadian fashion ,cough cough cough ,designer

Posted 5 January 2015, 1:41 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I'm still in doubt as to exactly what substance was in that needle as PLP party leaders gazed on adoringly..

Posted 6 January 2015, 7:27 a.m. Suggest removal

PaulFreemann says...

You do have to laugh (sic) at Peter (Nutty) Nygard and his lapdog Keod Smith. How on earth Smith remains as an Attorney I don't know? I am informed Smith has something to do with a website specifically to attack and discredit Louis Bacon. People quickly forget how much good Louis Bacon and his associates have done on the Island. As for Islanders dressing up as KKK members.........really, this is 2015 people not 1960, ***Nygard you should be ashamed !!***

Posted 5 January 2015, 1:33 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Not sure if it's been suggested before but just realized what was "wrong" with Junkanoo 2014/2015. Junkanoo is a 6 hour long stage show. Nobody opens a show with a boring flat performance or ends a show with a boring flat performance. The show needs to open with something BIG that the crowd is looking forward to and then end with an even BIGGER performance. It's like any stage show!!! Ideally the energy should never drop at any point during the show, it should be like an upward sloping graph, but with scrap groups that may not be possible...maybe the scrap groups are intermission...maybe the show opens with the all star band playing Junkanoo and ends with a combined rush from the groups or a Rush-off or Bell-Off or Drum-Off...not a competition, just the best of the best in a 15-20 minute finale, not sure if that's possible but we should have enough people in Nassau to achieve it. Start with a BANG (not from a gun) get the crowd on their feet and dancing and keep them on their feet

Secondly, why is Colours so consistent? I'd bet it's their MANAGEMENT. Would the (smaller?) groups be willing to submit to a single management body to help organize their preparations? Not the JCNP, and not family or friends of the Ministry of Tourism, a group of trained and PROVEN managers. The team wouldn't be there to mandate what they do, they would be there to help them stay on track throughout the year to make sure they look good when they hit Bay. If a group isn't accountable the team doesn't have to waste its time

Posted 6 January 2015, 7:34 a.m. Suggest removal

CatIslandBoy says...

It seems that some of you are refusing to see the forest because of the trees. Whether or not you like, or disagree, with everything Fred Smith says or does, it does not mean he cannot be right sometime. For anyone to suggest that it is ok to dress up in a KKK costume and display hatred, and threaten harm to another Bahamian during a cultural celebration is imply playing loose with logic and reason. All Bahamians should unite and declare that we will never again allow anyone, under the guise of a parade, to promote hatred, racism, and insensitivity to anyone. This parade is meant to be fun, and a proud cultural display of the best of what our country has to offer.

Posted 6 January 2015, 1:44 p.m. Suggest removal

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