Calling to account

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I have it on good authority that since recently being severely and publicly castigated, the Public Accounts Committee has been meeting weekly or should that be weakly.

Their performance as the main oversight body for government spending has to date been deplorable as evidenced by the government having spent more than 200 million dollars in the last three months, increasing their fiscal deficit to more than 400 million, and putting the National debt over the 600 billion mark without any reproval from that august body.

The PAC’s ability to function meaningfully has become ever more important particularly in light of the fact that there has been no semblance of fiscal restraint or responsibility shown by this government since taking office and with little expectation of any forthcoming in the future.

With the implementation of VAT tomorrow it is essential that the PAC carefully scrutinise and make public ALL future government spending in order that this new tax revenue will have the intended effect of reducing the deficit and debt rather than continuing to fund pie in the sky projects, plantations, government run corporation and bank bail outs.



December 31, 2014.


Sickened says...

What is this PAC you speak of? I know not of their existence... at least in any meaningful way. Nobody with any power or authority will ever speak out against the government in power. I myself have little to lose or be scared of but, as you see from my use of an anonymous name, I too am too scared to speak out publicly.

Posted 5 January 2015, 5:04 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

The government has no idea what they have, how much they spend, or how much it is owed. I submit that after 40 odd years of mismanagement The true national debt is closer to 7=8 billion. There are so many things that they do not put on the books to make the books look better than they really are. Take the civil service pensions, is that on the books? What about tall the money they owe for taking private land? The list goes on. This country has been systematicly destroyed by a political elite who care more for their own enrichment and that of their croneis than the country itself. These same political elite have conspired to keep the masses undereducated, have corrupted the rule of law, ignored and broken the very laws they make and drained the public purse. Until we as a people come to grips with the massive wrong that has been done to the Bahamas by this small group of persons and rid ourselves of such traitors this country is doomed to failure.

Posted 6 January 2015, 2:20 p.m. Suggest removal

mangogirl01 says...

It is so scarey its frightening!

Posted 6 January 2015, 4:48 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

I concur with all you say asiseeit. Strange that you should mention the civil service pensions as many people don't realize that for the most part these are unsecured. If you think we broke now just wait for the sheet to hit the fan when the majority of these come due. I foresee major civil unrest when the government tells their retirees that they can't pay. All yinna guvment employees bettas try fine yinna rock hole now and put sumptin in it.

Posted 6 January 2015, 2:55 p.m. Suggest removal

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