FNM questions Strachan role at financial services


Tribune Staff Reporter


FREE National Movement Chairman Michael Pintard yesterday questioned the decision to appoint Sea Breeze MP Hope Strachan as minister of financial services.

Mr Pintard said given the difficulties the sector faces after having experienced downsizing and the lay-offs of numerous employees recently, he would have expected the ministry to be put under the profile of a minister who currently deals with economic issues.

“I know, having worked with Hope Strachan in the Senate, that she’s a very committed Bahamian,” he said. “What expertise she has I am uncertain of, but I do believe that she’s a very committed person.

“Given the financial state of the country at this time, however, I would have thought that the prime minister would have looked at one of the sitting Cabinet ministers presently managing one area of the portfolio and seek to have that minister work in that area.

“In the Cabinet, you have no less than (four) ministers focused on economic development and financial matters: the prime minister; Michael Halkitis, who is the minister of state for finance; Khaalis Rolle, whose focus is on investments; and the foreign affairs minister who increasingly in his pronouncements seems to be focused on establishing economic opportunities.

“Given the state of the economy and PLP being unable to produce what they said they would, Khaalis Rolle could have given attention to investments and address issues facing the financial services sector, for instance.”

As for the appointment of Mount Mariah MP Arnold Forbes to minister of state for works and development, Mr Pintard said he hopes Mr Forbes will show the courage necessary to engage in actions that are entirely legal and ethical.

“With respect to promotion to the Ministry of Works, I certainly believe that portfolio is challenging enough to warrant a second senior person,” he said. “I thought a parliamentary secretary (PS) would’ve sufficed and thought a PS would be promoted, so it remains to be seen what purpose it was appointing a state minister for works.”

Bamboo Town MP Renward Wells held the post of parliamentary secretary in the Ministry of Works before he was fired last year for signing a $600m letter of intent with a waste-to-energy company reportedly without government approval.

“But given decisions by the current minister, I’m concerned about what impact another senior person would have on the ministry. For example, the Ministry of Works, with full knowledge that three judicial reviews are under way with regard to Simms Point, prohibiting further developments by the owner, the minister has proceeded to issue permits and work is now ongoing. It is my hope that the new minister of state would have the courage of conviction to abide by the law and to not permit himself to carry out acts that are either unethical or illegal.”

Mr Pinder also reiterated the FNM’s disappointment in Elizabeth MP Ryan Pinder for his decision to resign as minister of financial services.

“We, like many Bahamians, remain disappointed in the resignation of Mr Pinder who went through two gruelling elections in order to secure his place in Parliament to represent the Bahamian people and to indicate he was willing to serve at the highest level to ensure the development of the country.

“It is rather curious that someone who went through those gruelling elections and sought to sit around the table where he could have influence would, midway in a five-year term, leave the Cabinet of the Bahamas. Clearly it shows that his personal interests trumps the interests of the Bahamian people.”


moncurcool says...

That is what we do in the Bahamas in government. We place people with no experience to run areas they have no expertise in, and then expect to get results. We will get results, but nothing of substance. In fact this is really a ministry that is just a waste of money.

Posted 6 January 2015, 1:23 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Wrong moncurcool! I saw the updated application forms this weekend and the only qualification required for running for a political office or receiving an appointment is possession of a suit. Glasses are NOT required but they are always a plus.

Posted 7 January 2015, 1:03 a.m. Suggest removal

mangogirl01 says...

I was shocked to hear Ms. Strachan say last night on the news that the first thing she will do as the new FS is get a calendar, set goals and move from one goal post to the other! Really! She didn't make no sense and was fumbling with her words. It's obvious she will be in over her head - she's a lawyer, not an accountant or economics analyst! The financial sector is up shit creek and the PM just made it worse with this appointment!

Posted 6 January 2015, 1:36 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Pintard is just zealous Of Mr.Pinder. Ms. Strachan will do well. Put any one of them in Mr. Pinder's shoes and they would run with the opportunity. It simply goes to show how educated and talented Mr. Pinder is. He does as proud as a Bahamian.

Posted 6 January 2015, 1:52 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

What the FNM should be discussing on this matter is that the Ministry of Financial Services does not even have any statutory authority and it is literally an animal of political patronage and mirage-governance. But I guess that would mean the FNM would actually have to address the real issue of a matter. Nevermind then.

Posted 6 January 2015, 8:56 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Hope Strachan may be a great person, fabulous lawyer, and may in fact be very intelligent, I don't know her. But its extremely weird that at such a critical time in our future someone lacking **SOPHISTICATED** knowledge of the finance industry is being appointed to a top financial post. It could only be one of two things, a reward for a faithful servant or the appointment of a puppet. This is the most frightening thing I have seen Mr Christie do. Nothing says the post has to be filled by a sitting MP, he could have appointed any senior financial industry executive. The danger with this appointment is Mrs Strachan will always have the final say, despite anything any of her trained advisors say. Either the PM will hear from her and her alone or he creates chaos. The alternative is he hears from someone behind the scenes who has ZERO accountability to the Bahamian public, equally as dangerous. With Sir Baltron at his side, I wonder which of these scenarios plays out in the Prime Minister's office

Invariably the person who receives such an appointment is always grateful and honoured that they were chosen. They never see the puppet strings, scapegoat outfit or garbage bin being prepared.

Posted 7 January 2015, 7:16 a.m. Suggest removal

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