FNM chairman says Christie, not Minnis, is duplicitous


Tribune Staff Reporter


FNM Chairman Michael Pintard yesterday criticised PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts recommending that he look within his own organisation and at its leader, Prime Minister Perry Christie, to discover the true meaning of “duplicitous.”

Mr Pintard further criticised Mr Roberts for suggesting that the FNM was a party that does not support equality for women following the resignation of Heather Hunt from the Senate. Mrs Hunt resigned last week and explained that she did so at the request of Dr Minnis.

The war of words between Mr Pintard and Mr Roberts came after the PLP chairman released a press statement this week calling the Killarney MP a “duplicitous” leader over Mrs Hunt’s resignation.

He said the “unceremonious” departure of Mrs Hunt from the Senate raised troubling questions for the FNM.

Mr Pintard told The Tribune that the resignation was none of Mr Roberts’ businesses. He said the PLP simply had too many unresolved issues on the table to meddle in the FNM’s affairs.

“When he (Mr Roberts) speaks of duplicity,” Mr Pintard said, “he happens to be the chairman of a party where his leader is plagued with that same condition.

“This is the same prime minister who stated that he had ‘no horse in the race’ when it came to the referendum. Yet when it came down to it, when he said he would abide by the result of the referendum, he disregarded what the voters had to say. That is duplicity.

“The PLP is a party which represents the inner city, where the majority is the working class. Yet still these are the same communities that the PLP has burdened with value added tax (VAT). One of their own has already come forward and said that what they are doing to this class of people goes counter to the values of the PLP.

“Mr Roberts speaks about the FNM and equality, but he neglected to say that his party cannot garner the support of all of its seated MPs on the Constitutional Amendment Bills as if the public knows no better. So when he talks about duplicity he ought to examine his own party.”

Regarding claims from party insiders that there are many who still do not support Dr Minnis’ leadership style, Mr Pinder said those comments were simply political mischief.

He also denied that there were plans underway to prevent former FNM Deputy Leader Loretta Butler-Turner and former Chairman Darron Cash from securing nominations in the 2017 general election.

On Tuesday, party insiders who requested anonymity accused Dr Minnis of attempting to rid the party of anyone who did not support him in the last FNM convention.

“It is an outright lie,” Mr Pintard, a senator, said. “Both persons are invaluable to the FNM. They have and continue to play a pivotal role in the party and in holding the government’s feet to the fire. The leadership is more than happy to continue to support and work with these two very important members of our team. It is unfortunate that there might be persons who would seek to create this kind of mischief.”

“I think there are just some persons who are concerned that Dr Minnis enjoys widespread support from the officers and the membership. There are people who have not been able to fully accept that,” Mr Pintard said.


Publius says...

Pintard never addressed the matter of Hunt at all, did anyone notice that? He instead brought up other matters to distract from the actual issue at hand because he knows exactly why the FNM's leader got rid of his party's youngest and one of its brightest parliamentarians. What does VAT and gambling have to do with the matter of Minnis getting rid of Hunt, Pintard? Absolutely nothing. And as for the Constitutional Amendment Bills, he was foolish for bringing that up since the Opposition is also fighting some of the Bills. If Pintard was going to respond to Roberts he should have come with an actual response to the questions Roberts raised but he skirted them all.

Posted 29 January 2015, 1:07 p.m. Suggest removal

letitbeme says...

There is nothing concerning Heather Hunt's resignation that needs to be addressed by Pintard. She, and all other Opposition Senators serve at the pleasure of the leader of the Opposition. That's the FNM business!!

Posted 29 January 2015, 5:31 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

Then he did not need to respond to Roberts at all if that is the case. He should have just ignored him. In any event it is not just the FNM's business. A Senator is not a political post, it is a post in the Parliament, therefore it is the public's business. If this was a political party office she was made to resign from, then it would be just the FNM's business.

Posted 29 January 2015, 6:39 p.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...

Hubert Minnis has ONE year to prove himself ............. OR face a mutiny before 2017. If Perry is smart he would call a snap election by mid 2016.

Posted 30 January 2015, 10:24 a.m. Suggest removal

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