Things fall apart, so who will lead?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The grand coalition which brought the Progressive Liberal Party back to power is crumbling right before our very eyes due to broken promises; cronyism; mismanagement and political slackness. It is very distasteful that if one were to appear to be critical of the PLP that one is liable to be labelled an apostate, if not something stronger. I call a spade a spade and to hell with the repercussions, so long as they are legitimate.

There was a promise of 10,000 jobs. No one seems to be clear whether or not that meant 10,000 jobs within one year of returning to office or if that meant over the complete term in office. That promise was badly crated and should never have been uttered in the then economic situation. We all agree that the global and local economies are trending upward but it is impossible for any administration to create 10,000 jobs at the waving of some magical wand.

The administration must concentrate on incentives to Bahamian business persons and entrepreneurs so as to create new businesses or to expand existing ones. It is an historical truism that small to medium sized businesses generate almost ¾ of all employment in any given society.  Successive governments have rolled out the red; blue and aqua carpets for the direct foreign investor but have erected all sorts of road blocks; concrete barriers and bamboozle for the average Bahamian.

The PLP still has an opportunity to turn ‘rust’ into real ‘gold’ but it must ramp up its initiatives and stop flinging good money after bad. There should be no increase in the budget for Urban Renewal 2.0 until such time as the co-chairs appear before the Public Accounts Committee. The Executive Director and Contract Officer must also appear and render a detailed account of their performance or lack thereof in office.

Things fall apart, in real life, because, too many people do not pay attention to detail. Those who oppose the PLP must understand that in politics no one in his/her right mind voluntarily hands over power, of whatever sort. If the PLP were to lose the next general elections, God forbid, it will be because under the disjointed and benign leadership of Perry Christie, things are starting to fall apart.

It is obvious to me that the PM is on a course that is not beneficial to the people of this wonderful nation. I do not say this to suggest that he does not care, but rather it is my considered opinion that he is totally out of touch with the ordinary Bahamian. His recent bogus and puerile tirades against media personnel and the stellar high command of the Royal Bahamas Police Force have had a chilling effect on cooperation and the morale of the objects of his attacks.

Things are falling apart and Christie is now crying wolf or playing his fiddle while The Bahamas is experiencing leadership by delusion; holograms and, of course, dead people. The ongoing and apparently never ending saga of Baha Mar is unacceptable and an issue which demands the full attention of the erstwhile Minister of Finance. With some 3-4,000 jobs dependant on a timely opening, it is unacceptable that the administration is seemingly unable or incapable of utilising the vast resources of the government to jump start this relatively simple impasse.

The Deputy Prime Minister just returned from a Chinese enclave for a conference on infrastructure. It is to be hoped that he and his delegation would have come back with a real agenda to repair; rebuild and maintain the infrastructure here in New Providence; Andros and other Family Islands post haste. Most of our governmental buildings here in New Providence are a natural disgrace and a compelling indictment on the performance of the Ministry of Works.

Yes, the Hon Deputy Prime Minister is “my boy” and vice versa but I often tell Brave that he has to step up his game in more ways than one if he is to become Prime Minister, as I fully expect, before 2017. I have it on fairly reliable sources that Mr Christie has changed his mind about stepping down early and that he might even wish to offer for yet another term. According to a former FNM cabinet minister and now a confidante of Christie, he has much more to do!

Brave must stand and deliver to the thousands of right thinking Bahamians who have publicly called for his eventual elevation to party leader and Prime Minister. If he is not the one whom we are looking for true deliverance; hope and help he must let us know now so that we, who form Common Cause, may be able to select another horse for the proverbial race.

Things fall apart and no society; grouping or organisation is immune to disintegration. I told the PLP years ago not to waste time and resources embracing individuals who are not and never have been adherents to the core philosophy of the party. The drama being played out by Messrs Moss; Rollins and Wells is pure and unadulterated shaving cream. It would appear that they have chosen to walk the gang plank before they are forced to do so. They may now swim with the sharks.

The next cycle of elections will be pivotal for the continued and sustained development of the nation. We have to now start thinking big and acting gung-ho on the future of our people. It can and will be no other way. Either Brave will lead us or we may end up playing doll house, again.

I am reminded of a quote from a book which I have just read (Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun by Dr Roberts): “Few Huns will sustain themselves as chieftains without strong personal desire-an inherent commitment to influencing people; process and outcomes. Weak is the chieftain who does not want to become one. We must be careful to avoid placing capable warriors into positions of leadership that they have no desire to fulfil.....’ Things do fall apart but, in all things, even this, to God be the glory.



June 16, 2015.


shortpants says...

Perry just ain't going nowhere just so you and Brave don't see the light off day.Because nobody's going to vote for Brave .If the people of the Bahamas want worst than this they can vote for PLP better believe they will be picking peas out of shit.USA tired of this crooked set of people ,they like open cuba overnight right before our very eyes not even thinking about everyone perish because of all their BULLSHIT .....look at all the hurt in this country and Bodie talking the most ass.Nigga lay of the kushkush sound like u want that man on your back....

Posted 14 July 2015, 4:28 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

The joke is that this man actually thinks the PLP is taking the Nation forward. Corruption only takes a nation BACKWARDS. This bumbling, mismanaging, corrupt, crony loving, kleptocratic, government must go, it is killing our nation! But you just want your piece of the pie hey you minion.

Posted 15 July 2015, 11:57 a.m. Suggest removal

christee says...

What puzzles me is the fact that someone who sees all these deficiencies in a government can still be holding onto their coattail and hoping that they are re-elected to another term in 2017. Mr. Bodie has pointed out a laundry list of gaffes, missteps and failures, but is still willing to support this party in 2017. Hmmmmm, very interesting.

Posted 15 July 2015, 12:39 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

It is simple, he wants on the gravy train, to hell with the country. Greed is a big motivator but can also be seen from afar. The man is GREEDY just like all the other cronie's/minions.

Posted 15 July 2015, 1 p.m. Suggest removal

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