Answers, Mr Sands

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The letter published in both morning dailies yesterday, from Sandy Sands, VP, Baha Mar, was rather surprising and raises in my thinking some serious questions, probably on every single Bahamian’s lips.

It might be ill-timed, but for sure sometime in the near future, Baha Mar has a lot of explaining to do.

Forget about Chapter II - to me that is moot, as any person understanding the precedence, will conclude that our Courts will be hard pressed to support such an application. However, government with the petition to the court for taking Baha Mar Limited, into involuntary receivership, safeguards totally that Baha Mar will suddenly become a US Court issue.

Great pity that Mr Sands did not explain, that when they had the Baha Mar Academy in full force, in all probability the writing was on the wall — money was running out.

How long ago did we hear this same Mr Sands speak about construction is on schedule, and on budget - goodness gracious me. So what happened Mr Sands?

Now what is this thing about a “Baha Mar citizenship”? Employees being “Baha Mar citizens”?

Any educated mind has to suggest that something went horrifically wrong, in the process of building this project. It was Baha Mar principals that estimated the funds required, but it seems they miscalculated badly, even with no Bahamas Customs and all the concessions they got, estimated to exceed $1bn (I recall Atlantis got $250m – at least they finished and opened).

The daily growing file of filings in Delaware courts against Baha Mar Limited, certainly raise a comment. It seems Baha Mar reluctantly paid their bills...wonder what will come out of the cupboard with the development over night?

Many people back in 2003 warned Prime Minister Christie, but they were not heeded and their judgment was spot-on. We see it in full colour on Cable Beach.

Mr Sands when you have a moment, start your series of exposes of what went wrong!



July 17, 2015


mangogirl01 says...

I believe the money problems started from when Baha Mar started hiring and training left, right and centre and the excessive and expensive marketing, local and international. But who hires/trains so many people and does such expensive marketing before earning a cent back. That is where Baha Mar's problems started!

Posted 21 July 2015, 4:11 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnBuchanan says...

Sandy Sands will go down as the biggest liar and buffoon in the history of the hotel industry. In large part, it has been his constant and ongoing deceit of the media, both in the Bahamas and the U.S., that has gotten Baha Mar into the position it now is -- no one believes anything it says anymore. And Mr. Sands and VP of Communication Alyssa Bushey (an American expat hired in February) and her Miami PR firm, RockOrange, can claim all of the credit for that. I hope Ms. Bushey is promptly fired and deported after the Supreme Court ruling this morning.

Posted 22 July 2015, 10:04 a.m. Suggest removal

caribguy says...

I am so glad it is not just me who felt this way about this man. Every time he opened his mouth about an "opening date" for Baha Mar, I literally cringed. He spoke with so much certainty, and was almost defiant at times, regarding the opening of the resort, that it just made me sick. Anyone with a brain could tell that Baha Mar was not going to meet any of the opening dates they set. As the chief spokesman for Baha Mar, he now looks like a giant fool in the eyes of the world. It is indeed sad as to what has since transpired, as I believe all Bahamians want to see the resort succeed.

Posted 22 July 2015, 3:35 p.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

When all the court proceedings are complete and final numbers are produced and agreed by all parties of how much they are owed - Baha Mar will simply write all and sundry a cheque each to cover what is owed to them. No problem. Then they will tell everyone that they wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors, and off they will go to develop a fantastic resort in a different country - a country that actually wants one.


Posted 23 July 2015, 9:56 p.m. Suggest removal

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