I pray Izmirlian wins this contest

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Seems to me the government with the pronouncements it is now making — including the latest by State Minister for Legal Affairs Damian Gomez in questioning the source of Mr Izmirlian’s $200,000 million – is acting as though its winding up petition, to be heard on July 31 by a Supreme Court justice, has already been decided in its favour. It has argued its case in the public forum, arrived at its own conclusions and is preparing to act accordingly.

Nothing like indicating to the court the kind of decision is expected of it. Already government has recommended and named three PricewaterCoopers staff to be appointed provisional liquidators on the winding up of Baha Mar under court supervision.

Remember the brouhaha when Alfred Gray was accused of straying from his executive playpen into the judicial arena? He was accused of judicial interference by the executive, which was not countenanced by the Constitution. However, although he resigned his local government portfolio, he still sits around the cabinet table as a cabinet minister.

In the Baha Mar case it appears – in my humble opinion — that government, by its pronouncements, is pushing the court into a position where government has already made the decision for it.

I think the whole position is quite disgraceful.

Now Mr Gomez is questioning the $200 million that Mr Izmirlian says he is willing to put up to see Baha Mar to completion. Mr Izmirlian told the court he had nothing a week ago, said Mr Gomez, now he is coming to the rescue with $200 million. Where did he get this money from so suddenly, Gomez wants to know. We don’t know, but we can hazard a guess.

The world is watching, and from what I hear on my network — and this from people who matter — they see what’s going on as a brazen land grab. An effort to get rid of a young man who has struggled for more than 13 years against all odds — particularly let down by government — because he is bold enough to speak his mind. Many say this is the result of having called a spade a spade and in the heat of the fray bruised the prime minister’s feelings. I can’t vouch for this, one way or the other. All I can say is this is a legacy that the PM will wish he had never dreamt of.

Who knows, many of Izmirlian’s friends, disgusted by what they see, have probably come to his rescue.

Anyway, what I am witnessing is sad for the country. But I must say I do admire the spirit of young Izmirlian who is always one step ahead of the lot of them and is keeping them all guessing.

For the sake of this country, I pray that he wins this contest.



July 25, 2015.


proudloudandfnm says...

He will.....

Posted 29 July 2015, 11:57 a.m. Suggest removal

Zags says...

*I Pray Izmirlian Wins This Contest*.

So do I!

Posted 29 July 2015, 9:06 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Izzy is going to fight this all the way to the Privy Council ...... where the NolleAG will not be able to interfere with the judicial process ........... a legal precedent will be set

It can damage our national image in the eyes of the international legal fraternity

Posted 29 July 2015, 10:30 p.m. Suggest removal

observerinlondon says...

Dear readers,
Mr Izmirlian may indeed win the battle but the war has already been lost. Because the government decided to debate this private issue in the media, the entire financial community world-wide is now fully aware of the political / economic / legal swamp that is The Bahamas. I highly doubt that The Bahamas will be able to attract new investment to the country when it is apparent there is no respect for personal property, a government that is completely disconnected from the realities of the global economy unable to manage its own affairs in a responsible way and of most worry, a court system that fails to function as it should. The Bahamas competitiveness as an investment opportunity has been mortally wounded. It is a very sad day for The Bahamas. Please help Mr. Izmirlian as he very well may be the last big investor to the Bahamas.

Posted 30 July 2015, 6:06 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

It is so obvious. The PLP and the Chinese are blatantly trying to steal Izmerlian's hotel....

And the world is watching and they are seeing EXACTLY THAT.....

Goodbye foreign investment.....

The PLP have finally done it. They have finally found a way to take us back to the 80s....

We are going to need the Columbians to lease some more islands for the next 20 to 30 years....

Posted 30 July 2015, 2:22 p.m. Suggest removal

jackbnimble says...

Yes. Blind Blake can see it. They are stealing it from him. This sucks to high heaven!

Posted 4 August 2015, 1:11 p.m. Suggest removal

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