AT 7pm Wednesday an exasperated Bruce Maura of the Eastern Road took to Facebook to ask his friends to “please keep an eye out for my white Dodge truck that was stolen, licence number T 40798.”

Mr Maura said that he had called the “crime scene police at 12:30pm” Wednesday on discovering that his seaside home — which sits on the main Eastern Road— had been broken into “and totally ransacked.” It is “now 7pm still waiting…” he told his Facebook friends.

“Hey everyone,” he wrote, “my house was broken into today (Wednesday) and totally ransacked … TVs, tools, everything…Please keep an eye out for my white Dodge truck that was also stolen, licence number T40798. Called the crime scene police at 12:30, now 7pm still waiting…”


Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Who really cares about the problems of this white wealthy Eastern Roader........our stretched, resource-constrained police have many more important things on their plate like the umpteen break-ins and murders of us poor black folk over-the-hill. You want an investigation and protection Mr. Maura, hire your own private investigator and security/body guard....you rich white folk can afford it but we poor black folk can't, so stop ya whining!

Posted 31 July 2015, 12:31 p.m. Suggest removal

Reality_Check says...

Many of us hope you are being cynical here!

Posted 31 July 2015, 12:40 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

WMTS - Tell me your identity has been hijacked otherwise you have lost a lot of credibility with this post.

Posted 31 July 2015, 2:01 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

Wow! Well_mudda_take_sic.... I used to respect most of your posts as well as some of your points of view that you've expressed in the past.

But this one comes as a total shock to me. Your above post is the epitome of ignorance and stupidity. I'm somewhat disappointed in you. Maybe you're just having a bad day.

BTW.... I live on the Eastern Road. And I'm not wealthy nor white.

Posted 31 July 2015, 6:41 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

@well mudda take sick and hence you are one of the problems of our country. That's the way the gov. thinks now. Stop whining and let us do you any which way but loose. So you also should stop whining about being poor, living over the hill, about being black, your murders and break ins. STOP WHINING THIS IS HOW WE DO THINGS IN THIS COUNTRY!

Posted 31 July 2015, 1:08 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade PKMShack, what the exasperated Bruce Maura really needed was for the Commish of Policeman's, state minister security and security minister to have matched all their press conferences and releases, not with just words of self-praise - but to have responded in a timely manner to the crime scenes of all citizens, residents and tourists.
Granted it was not a call to da poliemnan's that demanded a rapid swat team response, but
in a timely manner, would have left the victim, far less exasperated.
Comrade Bruce, you are not alone cuz many others have shared your kinds pain.

Posted 31 July 2015, 1:40 p.m. Suggest removal

MonkeeDoo says...

Well_Mudda_take_sic: If you poor black folk would just stop your indiscriminate breeding, and get married BEFORE you have children, AND DON'T have more children than you can feed properly and educate, in twenty years we would begin to see a civilized Bahamas. DNA testing is a big business in this country because the women can't even remember which man she slept with nine months ago that could be the child's father. You poor black folk are the main problem in the Bahamas today. Sorry to be so frank !

Posted 31 July 2015, 1:39 p.m. Suggest removal

becks says...

Well mudda take sic....nice racist rant you got going there.

Posted 31 July 2015, 1:50 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

I know.....they are drawn out too easily....like flies to - - - - ! Poor Tal just couldn't resist hoisting the PLP flag ;-)

Posted 31 July 2015, 2:18 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Well, I did wonder why this story showed up in CAPS in the news summary headlines given the numerous robberies, car thefts and home invasions that go on every day. I just heard of someone being tied up and robbed in their southeast home, **on the same day**, but no story on that with caps. Sometimes, what you think is there, is actually there....just saying.

Stands to reason that (in general) you feel a member of your family's pain, more than the pain of a stranger

Posted 1 August 2015, 7:23 a.m. Suggest removal

bman3066 says...

How does the RBPF justify taking over 6 hours to get to a call? That really is pathetic. We as a people should be outraged at the service and protection we are receiving from are police. Furthermore as a Bahamian I am truly disappointed in what my country has become. When someone's first instinct is to play the race card, or use it as a crutch for their own personal failings we are really a doomed society. Why not take issue with the inept leadership in government and the police force. How about taking issue why this is an all to common occurrence. Personal responsibility is a thing of the past. Just my opinion, but go ahead and continue to live in your little prisons you call a home.

Posted 4 August 2015, 2:19 a.m. Suggest removal

bman3066 says...

How does the RBPF justify taking over 6 hours to get to a call? That really is pathetic. We as a people should be outraged at the service and protection we are receiving from are police. Furthermore as a Bahamian I am truly disappointed in what my country has become. When someone's first instinct is to play the race card, or use it as a crutch for their own personal failings we are really a doomed society. Why not take issue with the inept leadership in government and the police force. How about taking issue why this is an all to common occurrence. Personal responsibility is a thing of the past. Just my opinion, but go ahead and continue to live in your little prisons you call a home.

Posted 4 August 2015, 2:22 a.m. Suggest removal

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