Hotel industry wants Cuba ‘National plan’


Tribune Business Editor

The Bahamas Hotel and Tourism Association (BHTA) yesterday called for a National Plan to counter Cuba’s eventual opening to US tourists, warning that this nation’s “stronghold markets” will be endangered by its western neighbour.

Stuart Bowe, the BHTA’s president, told Tribune Business that a “collective” response was needed by the Bahamas to combat the increased tourism competition that Cuba will represent.

Responding to Tribune Business questions, Mr Bowe said it was impossible to predict how successful the Bahamas’ Cuban counter-measures will be, but said the situation presented opportunities as well as challenges.

“The Bahamas’ exposure is greatest in the areas where we have historically enjoyed a position of strength; proximity-led impulse markets in the US, such as Florida; cruise markets, luxury cruise, yachting and fishing industry – all of which have been strong markets for the Bahamas,” Mr Bowe said, when asked which market segments would be most threatened.

“Cuba’s opening will certainly impact the Bahamas and the region as a whole. The Bahamas has benefitted from the closure of Cuba since 1959. In addition, Cuba will undoubtedly target similar markets in the southern US, Midwest, and Northeast states: a present stronghold for the Bahamas.”

The BHTA president’s warning echoes that of the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA), which earlier this week warned that Cuba’s opening will immediately threaten more than 20 per cent of the Bahamas’ stopover visitor market.

A CHTA position paper, said Cuba’s proximity to the US will act as an immediate draw for Florida’s ‘impulse’ traveller market, which currently gravitates to the Bahamas for short-term stopover vacations.

As it relates to the state of Florida as a source market, Cuba’s location will draw the attention of those travellers who have traditionally travelled spontaneously and impulsively to the Bahamas, a country which has relied on Florida for generating over 20 per cent of its arrivals for some time,” the CHTA paper warned.

Mr Bowe yesterday told Tribune Business that “while it is difficult to gauge specific time frames” in terms of when Cuba will fully open to US tourists, he endorsed the CHTA’s sentiments that “the time to act is now”.

“A National Plan is needed to address the potential ramifications of Cuba’s opening,” Mr Bowe said. “The goal is to be proactive and develop internal strategies, and align with the regional bodies such as the CHTA and CTO to capitalise on the strengths of all stakeholders.”

Emphasising that the BHTA wanted to work on this initiative with the Government, and agencies such as the Ministry of Tourism and Ministry of Education, Mr Bowe added: “ A collective effort is required to combat the new competition for our number one industry.”

He revealed that the BHTA’s newly-created Cuba Commission has been tasked “to research, develop and implement new, innovative operating strategies to combat the entrance of Cuba into our tourism markets”.

It will also work with the likes of the CHTA on its proposed Caribbean Basin Tourism Initiative, a strategy that modelled on the existing Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI) that allows the region’s exports to enter the US on preferential terms.

The CHTA’s plan is for the region and US to agree on, and embrace, tourism as a key trade, investment, growth and employment tool. In doing so, the intention is to grow the visitor arrivals market to the Caribbean, thus ensuring that Cuba’s opening does not ‘split the pie’ with other nations and they thus all maintain their respective market shares.

Backing such an approach, Mr Bowe told Tribune Business yesterday: “There are opportunities in the face of competition. By way of example, the creation and promotion of multi-destination/shared experiences for certain long-distance travel markets, such as the European and Asian markets, may provide an opportunity for the Caribbean as a region.

“The Bahamas, with its robust relationship with air carriers and subsequent strong positioning with route allocations, could well be poised for combined Cuba/Bahamian experiences, which would provide travellers with indigenous experiences in both destinations.

“In addition, the BHTA believes Cuba’s ‘opening’ to be an opportunity for the private and public sectors to galvanise existing efforts to re-examine our tourism product, and develop new strategies to strengthen our product offering such as: Attention to customer service; the promotion of Bahamian culture and heritage; and enhancement of product offerings in our Family Islands.”

A full opening of Cuba to US tourists is still likely to be some way off. That is because Congressional approval, always a difficult ask, is required to completely lift the US trade embargo. And then there are the outstanding multi-billion dollar reparations claims by US companies for assets seized by the Castro regime that have to be addressed.

“The Caribbean, the most tourism dependent region in the world, could use a good shaking up,” the CHTA paper said this week. “For decades, with few exceptions, it has relied on its natural advantages of sun, sand, sea, welcoming populations and, more than anything else, its relative proximity to the United States, the largest economy on earth, for much of its success.

“For decades, many Caribbean governments appear to have grudgingly accepted the employment and foreign exchange benefits delivered by their tourism economies but have not provided the kind of attention and support to tourism that could further reduce the crushingly high and debilitating levels of unemployment and national debt which often plague their countries.

“Relatively little effort has been spent on turning the most tourism dependent region in the world into the most tourism competent. The coming Cuban disruption just might be the tonic that the countries need, individually and collectively, to build the kind of strategic approaches to tourism development that will yield sustainable results for its citizens.”


asiseeit says...

YEp, yinna better try make a plan, a plan for much less business.

Posted 25 June 2015, 2:24 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Might I point out the "impulse traveler" and multi-destination tourism are sort-of polar opposites. On impulse, I may want to spend 4 days in Cuba. I don't want 2 days in Nassau and 2 days in Cuba.

Consider this. Why do only 25% of cruise passengers docking in Nassau bother to get off the ship. The word is out. There is nothing for them here.

At one time, John Bull could offer luxury goods at duty free prices. However better luxury goods are available in Miami and you don't have to pay duty on them as you do when you get off the boat back in Miami.

Our beaches are just so-so. The idea of sun, sand and sea is outmoded. There are casinos on the ship.

If we want a plan, it would require a massive overhaul of our infrastructure of what we have to offer, and then a massive marketing campaign. The Ministry of Tourism has had several marketing fiascos (the New York Subway fiasco comes to mind) and they have shown themselves incapable of putting lipstick on a pig and getting interest in the marketplace.

I believe that re-branding the Bahamas can be done, but not with the current crop of broke, mental midgets who are the national stakeholders.

Posted 25 June 2015, 8:30 p.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...

We need a Freeport tourism plan, and a Bahamar tourism plan, and an Andros tourism plan and an Eleuthera tourism plan and a Cat Island tourism plan and a Long Island tourism plan and a MICAL tourism plan ...................... need we say more?????????????????

Posted 25 June 2015, 8:46 p.m. Suggest removal

tylamb says...

Meantime the Bahamas is sending a contingent of over 200 people to a cultural celebration in Cuba. Who makes such stupid, crazy, asinine decisions? I really don't think that the Cubans will be coming here as tourists. What is the cost of this trip to Cuba and the many that have led up to it?

Posted 25 June 2015, 10:01 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Cuba is praying Obie becomes our next that he can go about killing off our entire country as he has done over many years in the case of our tourist product.

Posted 25 June 2015, 10:06 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

It's funny how the best plan that they can come up with, is to piggyback off someone else's success. We have always done that (eg "Financial Services" - we will hide your money for you) and it hasn't served us well. It is crumbs from other people's table.

The government has pissed away millions trying to entice tourists and they have failed miserably. Right from the Hotel Corporation to the Ministry of Tourism.

And yet, I bet you that if it were in the hands of a foreign entrepreneur we would have a smashing tourist attraction -- for example a symphony orchestra playing for Ardastra Gardens Flamingo Ballet. We just haven't seen the opportunities or exploited them because the stakeholders are too timid, too dumb or too secure with their pay cheques.

Posted 26 June 2015, 10:16 a.m. Suggest removal

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