Davis the man to beat for PLP leadership, says Watson


Tribune Staff Reporter


FORMER Deputy Prime Minister Frank Watson said yesterday that Works Minister Philip “Brave” Davis is the “fellow to beat” if Prime Minister Perry Christie steps aside as leader of the PLP, but added that this depends on whether or not Mr Christie “endorses” Tourism Minister Obie Wilchcombe for the party’s leadership.

However, Mr Watson, who served in the first Ingraham administration, added that Mr Christie is the cause of the “confusion” surrounding who would succeed him as leader of the Progressive Liberal Party by not yet declaring a definitive position on his future in politics.

His comments came in response to questions from The Tribune.

Recently, four names have emerged in discussions surrounding the future leadership of the PLP – Mr Davis, Mr Wilchcombe, Foreign Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell and Education Minister Jerome Fitzgerald.

On Sunday Mr Wilchcombe revealed he has interest in leading the PLP and if he had the chance to become prime minister he would take it. Then on Tuesday, Mr Davis said that he was “ready for the job” if there were a vacancy. Both men said their plans depended on whether Mr Christie offered himself for re-election.

Mr Mitchell remained tightlipped on the matter when asked earlier this week and Mr Fitzgerald has not yet offered comment on the issue.

Speaking with The Tribune yesterday, Mr Watson said: “I think Christie is creating the confusion because he (previously) indicated he was going to leave at midterm and he said nothing, so obviously Brave and Obie had determined that they’re going to make preparations in case he leaves.

“I think if (Mr Christie) does go, I do believe that Brave is going to be the fellow to beat. Unless, in going, (Mr Christie) endorses Obie. I don’t know how that will go down.

“So I expect there’s going to be some friction. Even if he stays there’s going to be some friction. That’s good for (the FNM). If this thing is allowed to play out itself, I think Brave is going to get it.”

Mr Christie, who is currently serving his second, non-consecutive term, has not given any clear indication of his political future.

While in opposition, Mr Christie indicated that he would consider stepping down as party leader mid-term and name a successor. However, he later said he intended to serve a full term if elected as prime minister in 2012.

In January, during a televised interview with State of Affairs, Mr Christie, 71, said it would take a “compelling, tangible” reason for him to lead his party into the next general election. He revealed that he told his family in the lead-up to the last general election that the 2012 campaign would be his last. Nonetheless, he said that people across the country continually urge him to remain leader of the party.

Earlier this week, PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts said the party will hold its first convention since 2009 during the last week in October. The party’s leadership and other positions will be contested at the time.

Observers will be paying close attention to whether Mr Christie will seek to remain leader of the party.

Some PLP insiders insist the 71-year-old will step aside as leader, but will delay declaring a definite position on his future for as long as possible in order to ensure party stability ahead of a leadership race that is expected to be robust.

Last month, former PLP Immigration Minister Loftus Roker expressed concern about the party’s future, saying that it lacks a leader who could successfully succeed Mr Christie.

Mr Roker, lamenting on what he saw as a paucity of leadership talent within the ranks of the party, dismissed Mr Davis as a potential successor, saying the deputy prime minister is “indecisive.”


TalRussell says...

"Elementary, my Dear Comrade Watson" cuz one wouldn't have had wonder too far to know what in da hell would have been the fate of a Loretta or Minnis, had they but dared to utter a word about retiring Papa Hubert up to Cooper's Town. They, and you too, can only now talk openly cuz the voters decided send Papa packing but if were up you - not for good. Anyways just idle talk, cuz neither Brave or Obediah will ever have a real shot at the PM's job as long as PM Christie has he say.

Posted 26 June 2015, 1:48 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Watson only wishes the PLP would be so fool hardy as to make this pudgy fella with the short stubby grubby dirty sticky fingers the front runner in the race to be the new leader of the PLP. Ingraham must be laughing so loud and hard that his sides hurt and his big bulging eyes are about to plop out of his head with glee!

Posted 26 June 2015, 1:49 p.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...

Can you imagine the backlash from Uncle Sam if that happens????????????

Posted 26 June 2015, 4:05 p.m. Suggest removal

sansoucireader says...

Christie: who can't stop talking. Davis: who can hardly get a sentence out. Some choice.

Posted 26 June 2015, 4:45 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades an online radio poll places Freddy at more than double the votes of his nearest challenger Brave. Obediah only managed squeak in a way behind the pack with single digit 4 votes but still ahead of Glennys-Hanna's 2 votes and Alfred Sears completes his run with 1 vote. This is by no means going be a no sweat-free run through the park for Brave. Brave needs PM's endorsement win and it just ain't forthcoming. Brave and Brent are alike when it comes to no support from their PM.

Posted 26 June 2015, 7:37 p.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...

Sooooooooooo, why would Perry not endorse Brave???????? Why is Brave Perry's right-hand man now????? .......aka Mr. Fix-it or Mr. Go-to????????

Posted 27 June 2015, 4:40 p.m. Suggest removal

LatoyaRoberts says...

I'm A Strong PLP, But Why Don't We All Just For DNA For The Next Election, This Country Needs A New Type Of Leadership, Not One That Has Been Around For Centuries. I Say Vote DNA To Win This Upcoming Election

Posted 26 June 2015, 8:45 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

Why doesn't Watson shut up already

Posted 26 June 2015, 10:19 p.m. Suggest removal

EasternGate says...

What wrong with Watson? He fall down and buck E' head eh? Perry is a sorry shit, yet Brave and Obie scared to oppose him. Christie as expected ducking the question of retirement...leaving it up to the party. The three of them combined will not make a decent leader

Posted 29 June 2015, 1:30 p.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...

Sooooooooooo, why would Perry not endorse Brave???????? Why is Brave Perry's right-hand man now????? .......aka Mr. Fix-it or Mr. Go-to????????

Posted 29 June 2015, 2:25 p.m. Suggest removal

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