Father shot dead as murders continue to rise


Tribune Chief Reporter


HOMICIDES this year have outpaced last year’s count for the same period by more than 20 per cent as police hunt for clues in the killing of a prominent doctor’s son.

Last year, there were 19 killings during January and February. The fatal shooting of 31-year-old Sean Neville near his home in the Culbert’s Hill area off Prince Charles Drive on Friday night raised the homicide count in the equivalent period for 2015 to 24.

Mr Neville’s lifeless body was lying outside a grey, rental vehicle with several gunshot wounds to the upper body in Woodlawn Way when police arrived. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

Officers also found a handgun with several live rounds of ammunition in his possession.

Mr Neville lived with his parents and his father, Dr Mike Neville, a renowned forensic psychologist, told The Tribune he was at home writing when - unwittingly - he heard the gunshots that claimed the life of his son outside a neighbour’s house.

“Sean left the house at 8 o’clock, saying he’d be right back as usual,” Dr Neville said. “He drove out and 100 yards down the road, where it happened. After five or ten minutes we got a phone call. I went out and saw the police cars.”

The murder shocked area residents, among them St Anne’s MP Hubert Chipman. “We live in a very quiet neighbourhood,” Mr Chipman said, “to have this type of thing happen, nobody feels safe at this particular time. I looked at the Neville family to be a pretty decent family. For something tragic like this to happen you wonder: are you safe? Is anyone safe?”

Mr Chipman said he was horrified by the reports, adding that the number of break-ins and armed robberies in the Winton area had increased in recent months.

Yesterday, Superintendent Bernard Bonamy confirmed an earlier incident when four cars were set on fire at Mr Neville’s home in November. However, Supt Bonamy said police were still conducting investigations to determine whether the incident was linked to his fatal shooting on Friday.

Dr Neville and his wife, Sandra, said they were very proud of their son, who they said was “comfortable and well liked by people from all walks of society”. He was further described as a loving and devoted father to his six-year-old daughter Skylah, and a selfless employer who put the needs of his employees first as the CEO and co-founder of Blue Sky Property and Home Management.

“He was always a wonderful son,” said Dr Neville, author of The Tribune’s Life of Crime series. “We are only left with the memories of 31 fantastic years.”

Close friends and family described Mr Neville as being a loyal friend who was “always willing to go the extra mile” for them, and “a beautiful person with a beautiful soul”.

Mr Neville was educated at St Andrew’s School and studied construction management at North Carolina State University. After working at Cavalier Construction for six years he became CEO and co-founder of Blue Sky Property and Home Management, a flourishing company which has just completed the restrooms project at Big Pond Park.

He was a talented and high achieving sportsman. He played soccer for the Bahamas national team and was considered good enough to have been invited to have trials with Bayern Munich, one of the world’s best professional clubs.

As a swimmer he won a gold medal at the national championships and a medal at the Carifta championships, and was the starting guard when St Andrew’s won the prestigious Father Marcian Peters basketball tournament.

He also enjoyed boating, wake boarding and spear fishing with the family.

Anyone with information is asked to contact police at 911 or 919, the Central Detective Unit at 502-9991 or Crime Stoppers anonymously at 328-TIPS.

Photos and tributes to Mr Neville can be sent to tributes2sean@tribunemedia.net


birdiestrachan says...

I am so sorry to hear about this young man, and for his family who has been left behind. The truth is no government, or Police or people can stop this disregard for life. it all has to come from a change of hearts and minds , and most importantly what are these heartless people taught in their homes. Love and the fear of a great God is absent from their lives..

Posted 2 March 2015, 3:26 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnDoes says...

They are now being taught indirectly by the government, social media and their families themselves that, there is no real future for young persons here in the Bahamas. The hope for jobs and a better income is hardly in sight with more and more taxes being added to an already struggling society. Old Cronies are well beyond the retirement age and yet they still sit in high positions without the room for growth for the youth. Simply, there is no real future here for the youths, the Tourism industry is packed and all positions basically taken up and yet it still doesn't budge the unemployment rate. New implementations with millions of dollars spent are surely proving to be a waste, for example BAMSI. This place is just trying to do so much with so little and it is biting the governing body and the people in the a$$.

Posted 2 March 2015, 4:07 p.m. Suggest removal

Economist says...

Well generalcrazy, what would you do to cause crime to drop in a month.? Please enlighten us all.

Posted 2 March 2015, 8:38 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

This just goes to prove that if someone wants you dead in this country, there's little or nothing you can do to stop can do to stop them. The pepertrator will always have the element of surprise and even arming yourself is useless. The only thing that may help is swift justice and harsh sentencing. Murder is becoming engrained in our culture so much so that is now an everyday occurance. Young men are joining gangs not realizing it is near impossible to get out and live. A country cannot prosper when so many young men are being murdered and just as many more are turning into heartless, cold blooded murderers.

Posted 2 March 2015, 11:21 p.m. Suggest removal

javiebenz says...

Too much of our young bahamians are jealous of the other success. Anytime a young man or woman start to do something positive with their life the more attractive they become. More females , nice clothes , cars n home. Meanwhile the haters who don't wanna put in the work to better themselves start to feel some type of way (jealousy). As we all know jealousy is the leading cause of deaths in the Bahamas next to drugs. A bahamian man especially can't picture his ex with a next nigga that is doing better than him. Niggas WEAK

Posted 3 March 2015, 5:30 a.m. Suggest removal

TruthHurts says...


Your statement comes from a place of self-importance and ignorance. Just because a person has a nice car, clothes and home does not make one want to go out and kill them! There are definitely more factors at play to what is happening within our little society. There are many families scraping the bottom (barely getting by) who have little or no opportunities for making their situations better; and it ain't for the lack of trying either! I'm not saying that we don't have a few bad apples there, but they are amongst EVEN those of higher social standing. (Call no name, carry no blame) So before you get on your high horse looking down on us small folk; as so many of these young "paper chasers" think they have all the answers. Please look around.. ITS NOT ALL ABOUT YOU!

BTW.. You are a prime example of where the mindset of our youth are today. Sorry but material things such as clothes don't make the man/woman. It's not what you have, but your perception, moral values and how you treat your fellow man.

Posted 3 March 2015, 12:01 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

This is the fourth or maybe fifth young man who was,"apparently " armed and still lost his life in an ambush. This is at leash the 20th high profile or young man of status to be killed in a year. When will enough be enough?

Posted 3 March 2015, 7:05 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Anytime a person cannot express his opinion without profanity or attacking someone verbally then what he/ she has to say probably has no value

Posted 3 March 2015, 10:46 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Anytime someone decides he is so much more enlightened than everyone else that he feels he can set the standard of moral authority upon anyone else, then you can be sure he is a pompous jackass.

"Freedom Of Expression" was initiated for exactly this type of nonsense that emanates from individuals who sit on their self proclaimed high horse's above the rest of us.

**Have at it "generalcrazy"**......Perhaps if more people stopped speaking in whispers behind closed doors and loudly cussed these lousy, good for nothing, self serving politicians more, they would be more inclined to do whats right!

Posted 4 March 2015, 2:38 p.m. Suggest removal

Economist says...

generalcrazy the number of murders in London out of Seven Million is lower than The Bahamas out of 350,000. See below:
There have been good reductions (around 20% reduction) in the number of London murders in 2012, with under a 100 murders in 2012 compared to about 120 murders in 2011. London is the safest it has been for over 3 decades, this is despite London's population growing bigger and more diverse over the last 30 years."***

Posted 3 March 2015, 11:16 a.m. Suggest removal

TruthHurts says...

Wow! Something to really think about!

Posted 3 March 2015, 12:25 p.m. Suggest removal

willvacainmaybutscared says...

My family has vacationed in Bahamas over the last 35 years and have planned a May week in a house on Eastern Rd. near the end or point. I have never thought about cancelling or not vacationing in Bahamas but am now. Have three grandbabies (under one year to 4 yrs.) going along with hubby and our 3 grown children and their spouses ....I don't want any harm to them. What say you, the residents, should we cancel and find a new place to vacation? Pickpockets I can handle, robbery and murder just plain scares me. Your advise is greatly appreciated. Thanks

Posted 4 March 2015, 1:36 p.m. Suggest removal

dahasamo says...

I hope you do not cancel your trip. Most of your time will be spent on the property and knowing what I know of the area, I believe your family would be safe.

Posted 4 March 2015, 3:25 p.m. Suggest removal

willvacainmaybutscared says...

Thank you for the reply, we will go and enjoy the beautiful Bahamas.

Posted 4 March 2015, 9:56 p.m. Suggest removal

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