Dale Davis signs for Texas Rangers


Senior Sports Reporter


Dale Davis has signed a contract with the Texas Rangers to become the first player from the Maximum Development Sports Academy (MaxD) programme to sign with a Major League baseball team.

Undrafted after he completed his collegiate eligibility, Davis had returned home, but he never gave up his quest to play professional baseball.

And through his involvement with MaxD, the 23-year-old was able to get a new lease on life.

The historic deal was sealed with Rangers’ representative Gill Kim on Tuesday at the MaxD facilities where Davis was flanked by his family, operators and players of the baseball academy, Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture Dr Daniel Johnson and Senator Greg Burrows.

“This signing today is something that is very special, not only to Dale and his family, but also to the MaxD boys and the Texas Rangers,” Gill said. “This process started a few months ago when the MaxD boys brought it to our attention that there is a kid here who had a successful collegiate career, but was not drafted.

“We came down here and saw some talent and immediately began following his baseball talent and his character. I think today, we sit here very excited to add Dale Davis to our organisation. We are acquiring a very talented athlete, whose best tools are probably his game changing speed, he has a very good arm; he can play on the infield and the outfield; he has a good bat with more strength in his swing than you might think and he knows the game. He can put the ball on the ground and causes havoc.”

Gill added that Davis’s work ethic, his passion, his competitiveness and his drive to be successful can be the difference between him being a minor or major league player.

“We’re like to get Dale to spring training as quickly as we can in Arizona in our complex so that he can begin contesting for one of the jobs in our affiliates,” Gill said. “To Dale and his family, thank you. We are giving you an opportunity to become a major league player and we are getting a talented player in return who we hope will eventually help us to contend for a World Series title.”

Gill, however, said the process would not have been possible without the involvement of MaxD and their co-founders - Jeron Sands, Greg Burrows Jr. Antoan Richardson and Albert Cartwright. He said the programme has really made a difference in getting Davis ready to become a major league baseball player.

When Davis reports to the Rangers training camp in Arizona, he will join Richardson, who in December signed a contract with Texas after playing with the New York Yankees in his second stint in the major league at the end of last season. Also expected to be in Arizona in the minor league pipeline are Cartwright, who is with the Los Angeles Dodgers and Brandon Murray with the Philadelphia Phillies.

“I am very grateful and very humble for this opportunity to become a professional baseball player,” Davis said. “I remember when I went to the Dominican Republic, Larry, one of my old team-mates, asked me if I know I would get another opportunity to try out for major league.

“I told him no, not really. I was just scared that the time would come again and I won’t be ready. So after college, I just kept on working, but it was very hard. Along the way, a lot of people told me that I couldn’t do it, even down to some teachers at school. People who I wouldn’t expect to hear say it, told me that I was too old, some people told me that I didn’t have the talent, but I just transferred that to my motivation.”

The proof for Davis is in the fact that he signed a professional contract.

“It’s just a new start. All that work I did is behind me,” he pointed out. “The real work starts because now I have a job, I have a position to compete for and hopefully I can make it to the big leagues one day.”

Davis told the younger players in the MaxD programme that just like him, they can be “whoever they want,” but they have to work at it.

“Nothing in the world come easy,” he pointed out. “You have to work hard at it.”

He also took the time out to thank his family, including his parents, Burrows Jr and Sands, Greg Burrows Sr and Jeff ‘Sangy’ Francis, who was responsible for introducing him to the sport at the age of seven, as well as Gill for giving him the opportunity to join the Texas organisation.

Both Burrows Jr and Sands had nothing but praise for Davis.

“He is a story of a dream come true because he did not go the normal route that the Bahamian athletes are used to, which is to go away to high school, college and try to find an opportunity to go to pro level,” Burrows Jr said. “But I think this is proof that you can find an opportunity right here at home.

“Dale, as a person, never gave up and this shows that it’s never too late. He is a very hard worker and he can be an example to the other guys coming up behind him. Before he came on with us, he wasn’t sure what he wanted to do or what will happen, but he continued to put in the hard work and it is a testament to him and his family to stand behind him.”

Burrows said because of Davis’ abilities, he could see him trying to win a major league title just like Richardson and he hopes that he will have a very successful career.

Sands said he talks to Davis everyday about what it will take to become a pro player and he exemplified all of those qualities and more.

“I think it’s paying off. He had a great collegiate career, but nothing happened. He never gave up and now he is getting his opportunity to fulfill his dream, a lot of our dreams actually,” Sands said. “So I just want to extend congratulations to him again. He knows we have his back and whatever he needs, he can call us at anytime and we hope to see him in the big leagues very soon.”

Minister Johnson said although there is a lot of noise about young men not doing their duties, he can look at Davis and show people that there are some who are fulfilling their roles. And he thanked the visionaries of MaxD for making it possible for Davis to reach this plateau in his life.

And Burrows Sr said he remembers watching Davis grow up from a young boy. He noted that it was his heart, his passion and his determination that has made the difference in his success today.

“Keep the road open and behave yourself,” Senator Burrows said. “Do things that are good and pleasing in the sight of all of us. You have a responsibility to not just make a name for yourself, but you have an opportunity to do something special in the game. Just keep your hands clean.”

His mother, Flora, said she is elated about her son’s achievement.

“This is something that he wanted to do from a little boy,” she said. “All he wanted to do was play baseball, baseball and baseball. When he graduated from college last year with his degree in civil engineering, I told him to go back and further his education, but he told me that he’s going to try his hand at playing professional baseball and look at him today. He has done it.”

And his proud father, Dale Davis Sr, said this was something his son was grooming himself for, for a very long time.

“He may have been overlooked, but he never gave up,” he said. “That’s the most important thing. He has been very dedicated in his goal. A lot of people discouraged him, but we encouraged him. That’s the most I can say to parents. Try to encourage them to do positive things.”

Davis Sr said his son spent countless hours on and off the baseball field preparing for this and now he has finally secured a job doing what he likes. Davis Jr., after signing his contract, promised to take his family to dinner to celebrate because he can now start to show his appreciation and gratitude to them for all that they’ve done for him.


CuriousAbaconian says...

Congratulations to Mr. Davis and his family! Best wishes and Good Luck!

Posted 5 March 2015, 12:02 p.m. Suggest removal

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