Man caught in hail of bullets fired at home


Tribune Staff Reporter

A FATHER of four was shot multiple times and killed while dropping his girlfriend home late on Friday night to become the country’s 26th murder victim this year.

The brother of the victim, 58-year old Theophilous Thompson, described the perpetrators as “cowardly dogs”.

According to police reports, shortly before 11pm, Mr Thompson was sitting in his car with his girlfriend in front of her home on Podoleo Street, when a group of four or five men armed with handguns opened fire on the home.

The suspects then fled on foot in an unknown direction.

Mr Thompson was shot multiple times in the chest, but his girlfriend was unharmed. However a man and a woman who were standing a few feet away from the home were shot — the man in the thigh and the woman in the leg. They required hospital treatment.

Mr Thompson sped off in an attempt to drive himself to the hospital, but crashed a short while later on Montrose Avenue.

He was taken to hospital by ambulance, but died of his injuries around 1am on Saturday.

Fayne Thompson, the brother of the victim, told The Tribune he believes Mr Thompson was in “the wrong place at the wrong time.” He hopes the “animal” that murdered his “best friend is caught and put away forever”.

“My brother, my best friend, was killed on Friday night going to his girlfriend’s house by a cowardly dog. The amount of blood that he lost as a result of these four gunshot wounds, no one could have survived that,” he said.

“This violence is something my brother and I have been talking about and preaching to people for years. Drugs have turned young men into criminals, animals, the lowest form of animals. They are dogs. Dogs who cannot settle their problems without violence and guns.

“They came in the night like cowards and shot up a house. All the politicians want to do is talk and talk, no action, nothing is being done. How many more have to die? He was a father, a loyal son, a family man, an architect, a civil servant, a man who loved his country and this is how he dies? We need to stop breeding these animals who would take another person’s life without a second thought.”

Anyone with information on this homicide is asked to contact police at 911 or 919, the Central Detective Unit at 502-9991 or Crime Stoppers anonymously at 328-TIPS.

Investigations continue.


Sickened says...

If we aren't going to kill these animals then we should AT A VERY MINIMUM give them the cane or whip every day they survive in prison. That sort of pain will deter many of these young punks.

Posted 9 March 2015, 2:05 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

N OT I C E the number of prominent or more affluent Bahamian men that were killed recently. All along the law enforcement/ government was saying the murders were gang members killing other gang members, drug dealers killing each other or criminals killing other criminal who were recently released from jail or who were wearing monitering ankle bracelets. But now a number of murder victims have been upright Bahamians doing normal things that Bahamians do and now the age of murder victims seem to also have increased. Demand the government take a harsher stance against criminals. COLD BLOODED murderers who commit or authorize assisinations especially!

Posted 9 March 2015, 2:18 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

No mention of the wife of the deceased. Did she pre-decease him? Were they divorced? Were the four children of the deceased born out-of-wedlock? Do (Did) the four children of the deceased all have the same mother? Assuming she is still living, is the wife or ex-wife of the deceased being contacted by the police for any relevant info she may have about the killing? If the deceased had both a wife and a girl friend (mistress) concurrently, then the police certainly know where to begin their investigation. Both The Tribune Staff Reporter and the brother of the deceased would have us believe the deceased was killed just for the hell of it in a random shooting involving multiple shots with two bystanders receiving bullet wounds. Highly unlikely!

Posted 9 March 2015, 2:25 p.m. Suggest removal

Drea1 says...

Nice detective work but all irrelevant. Reasoning like that is why we're at this point now - excusing the murders of some people, as if their lives are worth less than others.

Posted 9 March 2015, 4:35 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Individuals suffering from moral decay within an impoverished society are typically afflicted with more than their fair share of violent crime. The history of mankind throughout the ages has shown this to be a simple fact of life. To deny it is to ignore reality.

Posted 9 March 2015, 5:21 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Then the oppressors are still to blame!

Posted 9 March 2015, 11:21 p.m. Suggest removal

Reality_Check says...

Interesting to note that the brother of the deceased believes the deceased was in "the wrong place at the wrong time." This may well be a euphemistic way of saying the deceased was killed while "screwing around".

Posted 9 March 2015, 2:44 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**................ Corruption & Political Stupidity Are Destroying Our Country ....................**

“This violence is something my brother and I have been talking about and preaching to people for years.

Bahamians have been "talking, preaching and praying" for 40 years but "have taken no action" and gotten nowhere.

When are we going to get off our collective ass's, block off the airport, Prince George wharf and hotels, **OCCUPY BAY STREET & PARLIAMENT SQUARE**, shut the country down and **DEMAND** these lousy politicians do what needs to be done or better yet simply get rid of the lot?

For starters legalize personal use marijuana for up to 3 oz's or whatever. Release with full pardon everyone in prison charged with personal use possession, which will make space for the "cowardly dogs" government now allow to run wild out on bail terrorizing us all.

Secondly, **DEMAND** a Freedom Of Information Act with-in 15 days. This will allow us to find, weed out and prosecute corrupt politicians and civil servants.

This will require a national effort. Unions and business must collaborate, and is in everyone's best interest as every employer and employee will benefit in the end.

Enough talk and prayer....Time to kick some butts and get this done! WE HAVE GOT TO DO THIS!

Who hired whom by the election process to look after the countries affairs? Who are the real boss's of the country? Who are civil servants of the people? Who should be giving instructions to whom regarding the running and management of the country?

We've got things "back in front" & need to sort these idiots out once and for all!

Posted 9 March 2015, 4:02 p.m. Suggest removal

TruthHurts says...


Posted 10 March 2015, 7:53 a.m. Suggest removal

Observer says...

The politician is not responsible for the tihs your children do. You should take control of your parental responsibilities. Don't try put it on the rest of us. Stop the slackness and man-up.

Posted 9 March 2015, 4:13 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

** Good For Nothing, Self Serving Politicians Are 100% Responsible **

1) Useless politicians **FAILED** at education which is the root of the crime problem. Parents do not promote failing students to the next grade level.....POLITICIANS DO!

2) Dumb Bastards **FAILED** to keep economic growth in pace with population growth.....Too busy pulling deals for themselves!

3) Jackass's built a stadium and roads instead of a state of the art prison and badly needed hospital and **FAILED** to implement REHABILITATION SYSTEMS at prisons instead of creating these heartless, emotionless ANIMALS they let loose to prey on unsuspecting law abiding citizens.

4) Fools sit idly by talking shyt while Dominicans destroy our fishing resources.

6) Imbeciles fell from # 1 in tourism to # 5 & still falling. So dam stupid they are unable to even copy regional resort destinations in making Bahamas competitive as a resort destination with LOTS TO DO!

7) Corrupt to the core involved with back door shady deals with aragonite, salt, oil and other national resources.

**YOU MAN UP A-HOLE...40 years of this crap is enough...SHUT IT DOWN AND FIX IT!**

Posted 9 March 2015, 4:54 p.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...

Well over the years many "prominent" Bahamians have met an untimely death .......... what is interesting is that everytime someone connected to a "prominent" family is murdered it appears that they are/were squeaky clean ............... is that always true????? Case in point - the Potcake's son.

Posted 9 March 2015, 4:21 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

When you begin to justify murder then you may as well be a killer yourself! Cain, the first murderer, had (in his mind) a reason for killing his brother, Abel. And while Cain cried that the punishment meted out to him was too harsh, there was no record that he ever committed another murder. Today we have a situation where more unpunished murderers are roaming our streets than those who have been brought to justice and received punsihment. Persons who sit on the sidelines and attempt to justify each murder by claiming that the persons own actions caused his own demise, has himself in his thinking committed murder and judged as well.

Posted 9 March 2015, 6:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Stapedius says...

Who says Fayne Thompson is prominent? That aside, crime is too high. It affects us all. The poor, rich and in between.

Posted 9 March 2015, 6:31 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

If he isn't prominent he is well known

Posted 9 March 2015, 11:02 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

And if you want to bring sweet hearting or having a mistress into the picture remember it was was David who was fooling around with a married woman. It was David who caused and innocent married man to lose his life so he could covert that same woman. The married man, Beshedas husband, was innocent. And when David received his punishment he cried out to God and asked for him to restore to him the joy he had before he committed the murder David was punished for his deed and lost his personal relationship with God. and members of his family also.

Posted 9 March 2015, 6:38 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Yes sir mista massa, sir red check

Posted 9 March 2015, 11:19 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

If mudda was 100% correct there would be no "more" to bring to da storey. Racism and bigotry is alive and well in the Bahamas!

Posted 9 March 2015, 10:56 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Maybe you should return to whence you came!

Posted 10 March 2015, 6:01 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Strange that he was shot **four** times **in the chest**, thats awfully accurate for someone who was just "in the way", the girlfriend who was also in the car, "in the way" doesn't have a stratch and the bystanders get I'm assuming what amounts to stray bullets....who knows the real story but the story here doesn't add up

Sad that another person is dead

Posted 9 March 2015, 11:06 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

African American? Racism sure has a way of revealing itself. Now we know from whence you came. Neither "African-American" or "whitey" are terms commonly used by Bahamians. So what's your agenda? To belittle Bahamians under the pretense of being a concerned citizen?

Posted 10 March 2015, 6:08 a.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

I've personally been called whitey by grade school children passing by them in my car...where do they pick that up from...our 'innocent' children.

Posted 10 March 2015, 8:32 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Most Bahamian school children do not know any white person except for the tourists they see downtown. And that's what they call them, 'tourists ". One thing Bahamians are taught at a very early age is the importance of the tourists dollar in this country. Since you lie on innocent Bahamian children your credibility is ways below zero.

Posted 10 March 2015, 3:22 p.m. Suggest removal

Greentea says...

"BTW I Belittle dumb people, white and black." Publicly admitting self- hate? lol. Anyone who uses the term "African-American racist" and "African Americanized" in the Bahamas or elsewhere, must have an IV hooked up to Fox NEWS or is just plain dumb. My guess is u might be both.

Posted 10 March 2015, 2:28 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

I have nevr lived in the US so I am definitely not American. I never had an Afro so I am mos def not "Afro-American ". Do you want to take another try at the"N" word? You were pretty close last time.

Posted 10 March 2015, 3:15 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

There have been numerous persons killed in motor vehicles that was occupied by more than just the victim. And in most instances everyone except the intended victim ends up unharmed. Yet you don't think this crime( (killing of young black men) is organized.

Posted 9 March 2015, 11:30 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

And planned

Posted 9 March 2015, 11:31 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Why do companies spend millions of dollars designing and marketing games that teach young people how to hunt down ambush and kill innocent civilians and law enforcement officers? They now have games that are targeted towards the college student and more affluent preppy kids. And as you can attest the desire to kill is growing among this group. Many are even going as far as to join terrorist organizations. Behavior is mostly learned.

Posted 9 March 2015, 11:41 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Racist writing under different pen names.

Posted 10 March 2015, 5:11 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

No one smokes spliffs any more they smoke joints, just like you no longer light *crackers* on Halloween. You set off fireworks!

Posted 10 March 2015, 5:20 a.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

Mr. *Conspiracy Theorist* is at it again I see!

Posted 10 March 2015, 12:38 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

If you want to talk conspiracy go to google a d find out where 99% of all guns used in crime in the Bahamas are manufactured.

Posted 10 March 2015, 5:50 a.m. Suggest removal

ProfessorTinker says...

What really kills me is that the police never tell the public the connection between the assailants and the victim. For these people just to kill this man like this is not coincidental. There has to be some connection and the police needs to relay these connections to the public because a murder like this can send a lot of fear and panic into society. For someone to think it’s not safe to drop your girlfriend off or your family but besides that, crime is just out of control. Bernard Nottage what the hell is your problem. You are not keeping the illegal immigrants out and crime is out of control. Man step down and let someone else take over.

Posted 10 March 2015, 2:57 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

You are assuming that the police knows the motive for the murder. As was indicated last year by either the commissioner of police or the minister for national security, a number of murders in this country are done by hired killers who have no relations to the victim. So these type murders are difficult to solve and even if the killer is identified the case is a difficult one to prove in court.

Posted 10 March 2015, 5:04 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

While crime is down in the United States race relations over the past two years, even with Obama as president, is at it's tensest level in recent times. Black Americans are still the target of many police precincts and one police commissioner has recently been dismissed for devising a plan to raise funds for the city by targeting and ticketing Black citizens. A fraternity at a University was shut down for chanting a song using the "n" word and swearing to never let a Black person join the fraternity. Unfortunately we have people whe attempt to spew the same type of racial hatred in this country and try to criticize belittle everything thing Bahamian and dishonor and discredit every Bahamian, living or dead. Fortunately most Bahamians don't read the garbage they post.

Posted 10 March 2015, 7:41 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Again you use my name to spew your racist garbage. Did the KKK chase you out the USA?

Posted 10 March 2015, 3:26 p.m. Suggest removal

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